Just have the backup (whose name I cannot remember due to beer) hand off the ball
Fuck, have the assistant trainer hand off the ball
Bills are advancing little by little. which is fine. Taking tons of time off the clock.
Endzone throw batted away on 4th down.....:-)
Not quite coffin nails, but the hammer and nails are in the room with the coffin :-)
so it was Hilton who knocked it out, who had the ball?
and how is it that I have half the posts that Stripes has? thats just bullshit.
and yes, this IS the beer talking
Ok. I have accused the refs of severe bis.
We have since gotten some critical calls our way.
I withdraw what I said
I'd still rather calls be more even over the course of the entire game
I am on my second 24 ounce beer, and I rarely drink so I am feeling quite pleasant indeed. I am in the mood for a beef and cheddar (or two) and a potato cakes from the Arbys in Heath