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Peter king is a pansy


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AND INDIANAPOLIS HAS? THe only teams they beat with winning records are the jags and pats and they bareley beat the jags. Peter king, YAAFM.

You do know that there is no such thing as barely? A win is a win! A loss is a loss! The fact is... they have won those games.

I would disagree with the fact that the Bengals have not won against anyone because they won against the Bears. Even though no one knew in week two that they would be this good... the Bengals still won. A win is a win!

What you have to understand is this... you are a fan of a team that is having its best year in 15 years. The media is going to take shots at them because they have not proven themselves yet as an elite team. You may take that as an insult... but, it is the truth. Do you think the Colts just stepped out and became an elite team after years and years of bad seasons? Heck no! It took them about 2 winning seasons to be known as an elite team. Being an elite team is showing consistency. The Bengals have not shown a lot of consistency yet. But, they will.... it takes time.

Don't take it so personal.

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I think the "Bengals haven't beaten anyone" meme (an apt term applied by the football outsiders guys a couple weeks back) irks Bengals fans for a couple of reasons. For one, as noted, the schedule argument is selectively applied. It isn't Colts-specific; if you look at the top teams a strong case can be made that the only team which has consistently "beaten someone" is Denver, which has something like a 6-1 record vs. teams with a winning record.

A second reason is that in the last two years, the Bengals have played two of the most difficult schedules in the NFL. They went 8-8 two years ago versus a difficult schedule, then last year drew something like the 3rd hardest sked...and held their own, going 8-8 again. Yet for the past two years, few writers have noted that fact...yet now that they rack up a few wins, suddenly the schedule is all the rage.

Myself, I don't take it personally. But it's annoying, nonetheless.

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I think the "Bengals haven't beaten anyone" meme (an apt term applied by the football outsiders guys a couple weeks back) irks Bengals fans for a couple of reasons. For one, as noted, the schedule argument is selectively applied. It isn't Colts-specific; if you look at the top teams a strong case can be made that the only team which has consistently "beaten someone" is Denver, which has something like a 6-1 record vs. teams with a winning record.

A second reason is that in the last two years, the Bengals have played two of the most difficult schedules in the NFL. They went 8-8 two years ago versus a difficult schedule, then last year drew something like the 3rd hardest sked...and held their own, going 8-8 again. Yet for the past two years, few writers have noted that fact...yet now that they rack up a few wins, suddenly the schedule is all the rage.

Myself, I don't take it personally. But it's annoying, nonetheless.

Of course it is annoying. The Colts have the same thing said about them and their schedule. The reason the Colts do not get that "The Colts have not proven themselves" title is because they have proven they can beat teams with winning records consistently through the years and have winning records to match it.

Bill Polian (Colts President) answered a great question that falls into what we are talking about in this thread.

Q: Why was everyone so “player-hating” on the Colts before Indianapolis played New England? Did you notice this, and why does it happen?

A: I have no idea. (Laughing) To be truthful, Scarlett . . . Honestly, if you listen to those people, you would drive yourself crazy. I’ve always said this to players and players’ families, particularly young players when they first come into the National Football League because they’re not used to being criticized at the collegiate level the way they are here, ‘It’s often times more about the criticizer than the person who is being criticized.’ It’s easy to make a name by making ignorant, outrageous statements. It’s easy to make a name for yourself by being loud and brash and controversial, particularly on television. The best advice I give young athletes and the best advice I can give fans is, ‘Don’t pay attention to it.’ As Chris Berman says, ‘That’s why they play the games.’

The best thing to do... as fans... "Don't pay attention to it." Why give these writers the satisfaction of allowing them to define our teams on their own terms?

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Billy Boy Polian hits it right on the head. We wouldn't be wasting internet space on Peter King unless he writes something to get us riled up. It's his job people(looks like he's doing it to me). Plus, most of these guys are still fans of the game, and just like us, they have their biases. Imagine if you yoruself were commentating a Bengasl game. We would all scream and yell just like Lapham does

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edge i am with you on this topic. the one thing the media does need to point out under marvin this team has improved throughout the season. the best teams get better at the end and do not peak in week 10. Im sure the colts would rather lose this game but be improving and win in the playoffs. the past 2 seasons the bengals have started slow but by the end were able to compete with anyone. maybe not win as in new england but play with those teams. Im just hoping this keeps the same and the bengals can win another 6 games and get into the playoffs because at that point everyone is 0-0 and if the bengals can catch fire i dont care what the media says they can beat anyone in the league and get to the big game. all in time though.

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The Bengals have no control of their schedule. In the preseason the Bengals had one of the hardest schedules cuz everyone thought Viknigs, Packers, and Ravens would dominate. They had no idea that they would have as bad a season as they are. All the Bengals can do is beat them, and thats what they are doing!


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I just totally ignore anyone who says we havent proven anything...or give 'em the finger and leave 'em saying"HEY! F*** YOU BUDDY!" Peter King (along with everyone else) has a major problem with the Bengals being a team that's to be reckoned with. I guess its Peter King's way of lashing out at the world cuz of his three nipples and a boob that formed out of his fat.

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I understand it. The Bengals have played sub-par teams, and the two teams that are contenders, the Jaguars and Steelers, have beat the Bengals. Thus, I'll take all the criticism. Who cares? Peter King doesn't say who the Bengals play in the playoffs, or if they get to the Super Bowl. So why should we care?

Who Dey.

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