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Excellent Comments By Lance on 1360 reg Pitt Game


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My observations of the game

Watershed? Statement? Validation? How about welcome to reality?This was about more than a game......it was about an identity, a make-up, a style of play.The statement was simply.......the road to the AFC North title runs thru Pittsburgh and the Bengals have not arrived yet. That is not mean....that is just the truth.

With the eyes of the NFL watching, they again failed to beat a team with a winning record.They lose at home, in the division and have dropped 2 of 3.....and will drop off the national radar til the Colts game. But, they are a playoff team......and that will be the progress from last year. We got ahead of ourselves thinking best in division, best in AFC, homefield for playoffs, power rankings, etc.

A Baker's Dozen observations to consider:

*They may still lead the division, but is there a doubt that Pittsburgh is the better team?

*They get out muscled by a team that forced their will on them.....and then beat them into submission.

*They breakdown in the redzone.......again.

*They failed to stop the run........again.

*They failed to get pressure on the QB. How amazing the pocket looked around Ben compared to Carson. PS I forget, why couldn't Kimo play here?

*They failed to tackle.......this team has got to stop leading with shoulders and start wrapping up before somebody goes for the strip.

*Odell Thurman may be a heat seeking missile.........but it's obvious teams are licking their chops at his over pursuit and aggressive nature that is superseding his NFL instincts.

*Can somebody cover the TE?

*Special teams were embarrassing: Missed FG, kickoff out of bounds, 46 yard returns wiped out by penalty, fair catch at the seven yard line.

*Ben can create more and is more aware in/out pocket than Carson is at this point.

*Dick LeBeau adjusted to Bob B, and Bob B could not adjust back.

*The Bengals simply were not good enough to win

*I'm not sure they can fix their issues this season

*You can't call it the biggest game in 15 years, and then say it's not that big a deal after you lose.


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I agree on the Rudi dump off's - and Palmer played like a deer-in-the-headlights yesterday when the pocket started collapsing - he's much too used to having time to throw...he will learn from it.

Yes, it was just one game, but I think what he's saying, and others, is that it was a measuring stick game - it shows us where this team's at - and it doesn't necessarily reflect their record or power ranking. It was a temporary blow to our hopes of them being better than Pitt.

So, yes, people shouldn't call this a huge game etc.., etc., beforehand, and then act like it didn't mean anything afterwards because they lost - it does mean something.

Now we'll see how the Bengals react I guess - hopefully a defensive confidence builder next week and some good reps for the offense to get back on track before going against a slew of division opponents.

If I'm a Bengal I'm quietly seething to get back on the field and kick somebody's a$$ - ecspecially on defense.

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The bottom line is this: what the Bengals lost yesterday was control of their own destiny. Win yesterday and the postseason is a "win and you're in" proposition. Now, with 9 games left that could obviously change, but the Bengals would have been alone in the driver's seat. Instead, they pretty much share it with Pitt, and the looming game at Heinz Field is -- barring some complete Pitt or Cincy collapse -- essentially the start of the playoffs for the Bengals.

If you believed that yesterday would show where this team stands...think again. Now we find out about the Bengals. Let's see if they can pull their heads out of their a**es and fight. :bengal:

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*Odell Thurman may be a heat seeking missile.........but it's obvious teams are licking their chops at his over pursuit and aggressive nature that is superseding his NFL instincts.

*Can somebody cover the TE?

These two thoughts are the same problem... they'll get worked out.

*They failed to get pressure on the QB. How amazing the pocket looked around Ben compared to Carson. PS I forget, why couldn't Kimo play here?

*Ben can create more and is more aware in/out pocket than Carson is at this point.

These two comments are also the same problem...

*Dick LeBeau adjusted to Bob B, and Bob B could not adjust back.


*I'm not sure they can fix their issues this season

What the hell? The game was bad. I'll be the first to admit it... but if we go up 14-0 like we SHOULD have... we win, and then everyone is still talking about how good this team is.

It was a big loss... he's right about that, but let's not act like the season is over. We are probably not a superbowl team this season, but two years ago when we were 1-4, how many people thought we had a legitmate shot to contend for a playoff spot? The season isn't even to the half-way point yet. Let's not get into a "the sky is falling" complex here. We have a fairly easy schedule, and this team hasn't reached it's potential yet.

We lost our first really big game. Most up and coming teams do. Let's keep growing now, and show we've earned our 5 wins... and finish the season strong like we have the past two years. I'm willing to bet that in 10 weeks no one will be looking forward to facing the Bengals in the playoffs. We've just got to get more consistent... and I believe we will.

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If Lance wasn't so annoying I think he has some good stuff to say sometimes. I underline SOMETIMES.

I think, or I hope, that Nate Webster and Caleb Miller can add something to this defense. When are they due back?

I remember last year the defense did quite a turnaround in the second half of the year, especially against the run. Geathers and Moore stepped it up and gave the defense some pop. Where has Geathers been? I'm a bit disappointed in the run defense that I thought was at least going to be in the middle of the pack this year.

I'm not saying that they won't improve the run defense but.....since we know that the lack of results has not come from the lack of effort, how is the run defense going to improve. I don't see it.

Can we win? Yes. Can we go to the playoffs? Yes. Can we stop strong running teams? No.

You can't really stress about what can't be helped this year. Go with what we have. Win with a high powered offense. As fans, enjoy our best season since 1990.

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