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Walter Stepped up big time we have some comp at this position. .He took some big hits and came up strong! They wanted to double chad he filled the whole! Respect! :)

He did a great job today..Made good catches and made the on-side kick at the end..goood hands!!! :bengal:

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yeah but he's a special teams ace, and i think will be there for a while.

Henry has by far more talent speed and athleticisism.

It is very nice too know we havce a another TJ type player out there though.

Sure handed, willing to go over the middle and make leaping catches.

I still think Kelley is ahead of walter on the depth chart also.

The 1 catch i saw kelley make today on a 3rd and 2, saved our drive.

It was a tip toe catch on the sideline, was executed beautifully. All the wr's stepped up, Henry almost had another huge catch today also.

Hope Tj get's back into the line up next week.

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people are not noticing, this guy is on his way up

this guy is on his way up !!! TJ doesnt want to sit to long! His job is on the line! His and Rudis!


TJ and Rudi wont be losing their jobs anytime soon.

Rudi ran the ball great today, Perry may look great but Rudi isn't a flashy bakc he just run's it for 8 yds a time. consistancy is needed, he's also a bruiser.

TJ is our 2nd most talented wr, the guy can catch get open, and beat defense's.

People are forgetting his 100yd game that pretty much was the reason we beat the texans.

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people are not noticing, this guy is on his way up

this guy is on his way up !!! TJ doesnt want to sit to long! His job is on the line! His and Rudis!

1. Walter is no Pootie. He will never be a Pootie. He isn't that skilled.

2. Rudi's job is not on the line. He and Henry are different types of backs. Are you complaining about Rudis up the gut against strong Dlines for 4 yards a carry all game long for a guy who is a change of pace back that gets about the same? Rudi is a banger. He's a back in the frame of a mack truck. Perry is a Fiero. He's fast and quick, but he isn't an every down guy.

3. Do you really think these guys will move up on the depth chart without wanting starters money? Probably since you have 3 brain cells left and they are high on dope.

4. David Pollack owns you.

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Im not overly impressed with Rudi! He is adequite at best. Hey wheres Pushy!

Rudi is not overly impressed with you either, and neither are most of us.

How can you be unimpressed with a guy gaining over 4 yards a carry and on track for a 1500+ yard season who has started catching balls out of the backfield?

You sir, are an idiot.

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Every one is forgetting that Washington is a free agent after this season and if he does not start to produce he is not going to cost much to resign. Tab Perry may just make Walter expendable after what he has been doing on ST and the potential he has on Offense. Washington knows the scheme and will be cheap and a solid #3 or #4, Walter is still just a special teams player that has good hands but is slow, a Warrick type player that ML does not really like to have on the team.

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We can't think of things in terms of "losing jobs" or any of that. I think Marvin has instilled the attitude that it's not Rudi or Perry, it's Rudi and Perry....It's all about team, not who starts....that makes players give 200% when their time comes....

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Th only person "Expendable" in this discussion is K-Wash.

Walter redeemed himself for his penalties last week by being the go-to guy on the 2:00 drill. Nice hands, tough but controlled.

Henry had the ball in his hands down the sideline on the long pass, but got jammed by the DB. Hard to fault him as the ball was underthrown a bit. More reps with Plamer to get the timing down will take care of that. He also looks good on YAC, has some moves and covers ground quickly.

K-Wash is trying. He has dropped the immature "First-Down" crap and now does his job. He is catching what is thrown and what more can you ask. Downfall is that we have another guy JUST LIKE HIM who also returns kicks, Tab Perry.

We need TJ back. His routes, quickness and ability to find the gaps in zones are what he does best. A 3 WR set with CJ, TJ and Henry is downright ruthless.

As a side note, saying CPerry is not an everydown back is innane. The plays I saw where he spelled Rudi and got his number, he was effective. He had beter burst through the line and his timing is very good. Once through the line, they are both about even. Rudi has great balance once hit and Perry is evasive on the 2nd level. A plus to Perry is he has a better cut back and can leg it to the corner. Look, Perry is not some dainty flower that can only catch a screen pass or take a pitch and run out of bounds. I think the misconception here is based on style rather than reality. The style difference is obvious. Rudi=Bash, Perry=Flash. The reality is that effectiveness would probably even out and is more a function of how the D is alinged and what the playcall is.

Having both is a LUXURY. We should only be so lucky as to have both healthy and happy for as long as we can!

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Well, he is going across the midlle and taking the pounding TJ couldnt. Marvin wants that type of guy. Remember one thing TJ a low rounder took Warriks Job. If I was TJ Id be wacthing my back next year in training camp! Now if Walter cant take the pounding its a modd point!

On Rudi we are way better off if Perry suplaints him. Rudi has a damn good line and cant kill the clock. He simple is not the Deal sealer like an Alstot or Bettis. I would much prefer a bigger back for those third qaurter yards. Perry is a threat if he can take full time give him the job. Trade Rudi for a bruiser. To tell you the truth I want 5 yards a carry!

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To tell you the truth I want 5 yards a carry!

Keep wanting then. The only running back in the LEAGUE with more than 20 carries per game with a 5 yard average is Shaun Alexander. Chris Perry isn't doing it. Tomlinson isn't doing it.

By the way, Rudi Johnson is 5th in the league in rushing yardage. He is 8th in the league in average yards per game, and have been averaging over 90 yards per game. That's splitting a lot of time with someone else. He's no slouch.

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Props to Walter for not looking like a total piece of crap this week. It was a very welcome change. In fact, if he can do what he did in the 1st half 2 minute drill against the Steelers I'll show him some major man love.

As for Perry, the point was made after the Jag game that in regards to power flashed within the running game he may be playing his way into football shape. I think I'll agree as he's starting to break tackles and shows better balance after first contact. Thus, props.

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TNBT it is pointless to try and rationalize w/ spain. The f'r just doesn't get it, and he's to f'd up all the time to try. At any rate, I love the fact both these guys are gamers, and hope that they both stay around a while. Give me a better pair of backs that compliment like these two?

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WTF, Spain? You always start a topic called "The real ?" and you never actually post a question. Secondly, you make unrealistic comments like how Rudi can't run out the clock? That's some pretty strong chronic you guys have in Spain. I know you love football, but come on, think about what you say before you say it, because you certainly can't spell it.

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Im not overly impressed with Rudi! He is adequite at best. Hey wheres Pushy!

Agreed, Rudi has looked slow a lot this year, and his "patience" (his excuse for being slow) is what has cost us a couple 4th and inches. Perry in the past couple weeks is showing the people who said hes a scat back or 3rd down back are way off. The O-line needs to learn how to handle his style of running better though, it seems that we get a lot of holding penalties when he cuts outside.

As for where i am, mostly on the huddles, thats always been my main forum, and with football games to help fill my fix on football I'm not scanning forums quite as much. Ill still be by at least once a week though to let you guys know why perry rocks so much though, dont worry ;)

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Ill still be by at least once a week though to let you guys know why perry rocks so much though, dont worry ;)

I just was listening to a talk show where they were discussing the "new" type of RB in the NFL today (specifically Ladanian Thomlinson <sp?> was the model). These new backs could do both the bruising run and the outside runs and catch passes in the flat. It seems to me that Chris Perry may be a budding RB of this type. Of course I'm prejudiced. Anyone agree or disagree?

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