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Week 7 is coming. Pittsburgh.


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Finally, the soft early schedule is complete, and we have emerged at a very solid 5-1. Any of us would have taken that happily when the season began. Now, we are getting into some very tough matchups, and the next one is the most important of all. Considering the inconsistent play of Baltimore and Cleveland, I think it is safe to say that the Steelers are our only worry left in the division. We currently hold a 1.5 game lead over them, and a win next week would extend that to 2.5.

This is the game we have all been waiting for. I am sure the Steelers trolls are already preparing to stampede all Bengals message boards. It is hard to say that a game this early could decide the outcome of the division, so I won't make that claim. Still, there won't be many of them more important that this one.

In all likelyhood, they will have Roethlisberger and Ward back ready to play. Last season, we had pretty good success against Big Ben, sacking him seven times. The difference in that game was a Palmer pick-six, and a Palmer safety. If we avoid similar mistakes (penalties included) and can even have marginal success against their running game, I think it is very logical to expect a win. Big Ben has only lost one regular season game. Let's make it two. :bengal:

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oh hell yeah, I am so pumped. I already set up a topic for steeler fans to come here and whine.

Hell I have waited all of my life for a season like this, I dont remember the last time we were in the playoffs, I was only three years old. Im so fired up. Bring the Fat Bus, get Ward and Roethiliscock off their ass so we can beat their ass w/out any excuses

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Face it guys, we will loose, regardless is Big Ben is active or not. Our defense is just too terrible to contend with that running game of theirs. We had a few lucky plays today and we should have lost today. We made Chris Brown, look really good today. If we dont do something soon, it will be a rough season for us. If we make the playoffs, we will loose first round, because of our defense.


Thorton-really sucks


Landon Johnson-sucks

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Face it guys, we will loose, regardless is Big Ben is active or not. Our defense is just too terrible to contend with that running game of theirs. We had a few lucky plays today and we should have lost today. We made Chris Brown, look really good today. If we dont do something soon, it will be a rough season for us. If we make the playoffs, we will loose first round, because of our defense.


Thorton-really sucks


Landon Johnson-sucks

You opened the season with predictions of a terrible Bax-like season. C'mon now we're 5-1, and a lot of that can be be credited to the play of the defense. Yes, we've struggled against the run, but not all good teams are run stuffing juggernaughts.

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Face it guys, we will loose, regardless is Big Ben is active or not. Our defense is just too terrible to contend with that running game of theirs. We had a few lucky plays today and we should have lost today. We made Chris Brown, look really good today. If we dont do something soon, it will be a rough season for us. If we make the playoffs, we will loose first round, because of our defense.


Thorton-really sucks


Landon Johnson-sucks

You're officially a no-nothing moron.

C'mon all Simmons has done is made plays.

Thorton is doiing fine, the don't get anywhere up the middle.

Landon has been out of place a little,but he's only in his 2nd year.

Geathers he been doing great he's being double teamed consistantly.

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playing 4 of 6 on the road and being 5-1 is unreal. i don't care who you play, winning on the road in the nfl

is no easy task. :)

Thats all that needs to be said!!!! :thumbsup:

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Face it guys, we will loose, regardless is Big Ben is active or not. Our defense is just too terrible to contend with that running game of theirs. We had a few lucky plays today and we should have lost today. We made Chris Brown, look really good today. If we dont do something soon, it will be a rough season for us. If we make the playoffs, we will loose first round, because of our defense.


Thorton-really sucks


Landon Johnson-sucks

Yeah Chirs Brown may have ran well against us just like many other RB's, but I am pretty sure this defense you speak of ended up winning the game for us today. The defense does have some issues still, but they are proving that they can make big plays in big games when it counts.

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The Run D is a big problem. I'm really not sure why Brown didn't get the ball more in the 2nd half. The Steelers game is going to be the biggest game that every homegrown Bengal has played. I'm hoping they step for the challenge. We got out of Nashville with a win, which is no easy task, but I'm sure Marvin is drilling in the fact that we'll need to play better on both sides if we're going to beat Pitt. Pitt. usually responds well when their backs are against the wall. That's why we have to punch them in the mouth and get the crowd into it early. Those that will be in attendence, make it LOUD!!!!

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The Run D is a big problem. I'm really not sure why Brown didn't get the ball more in the 2nd half. The Steelers game is going to be the biggest game that every homegrown Bengal has played. I'm hoping they step for the challenge. We got out of Nashville with a win, which is no easy task, but I'm sure Marvin is drilling in the fact that we'll need to play better on both sides if we're going to beat Pitt. Pitt. usually responds well when their backs are against the wall. That's why we have to punch them in the mouth and get the crowd into it early. Those that will be in attendence, make it LOUD!!!!

Don't worry, I will :bengal: I just hope that the scalpers sold more tickets to our fans than those stupid Sqeelers fans; they are obnoxious, to say the least. I'll be dancing in the streets if we stop broad butt Bettis and blitz Big Ben.

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The Steelers' game is a BIG game, definitely NOT part of the easy schedule. Pittsburgh, like it or not is one of the top teams in the NFL now, not just the AFC!!! To beat them, in our house or theirs, the Bengals will have to play much better than they did the last 2 weeks.

Big Ben and Ward will be out there barring physical restraints on the sidelines keep them out of the game. Playing the division leaders on the road means that you bring your A game, and after todays performance by Maddox I think that it will be unlikely that he'll get the call, I wouldn't be too shocked if Cower didn't let him on the bus.

The Steelers have a better defense than the one the Bengals faced in Jacksonville. At least in that game the Bengals knew where the pressure was coming from with those huge DTs, and the occasional DB....with the Steelers it can come from just about anywhere at any time. The offense is a run first, then short, quick passes kind of an offense. The Bengals should be able to put pressure on Ben, and hopefully his bum knee will keep him from being able to get out of the pocket too quickly, but the LB's and safeties have to be in position to stop the running game. Bettis just loves running against the Bengals...and from what I saw in the Jacksonville game they will have success if the Bengals don't pay particualr attention to those issues in practice this week. No way should Parker, or Bettis be able to cut back to a wide open field if the middle is plugged. It was sick watching Dominick Davis find that out, and then watchng Fred Taylor exploit it the very next week. If Landon Johnson can't be counted on to protect against the cutback then I'm sorry to say that he should be taken out. Maybe Pollack or someone like Abdullah of Nieves can get in there and do it the right way.

I'm not saying that this is not well within the Bengals' ability to correct, and I really look forward to seeing the Bengals get back home and play this game on their own field. That and the 12th man will figure heavily in the outcome. I think that the Bengals will be able to win this one, not based on what happened between the 2 teams last year, but because of the potential I see from the Bengals this year.

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Win we have the north, lose no playoffs, looking for a bengals blowout myself!

Put down the crackpipe jackass.

Win: We continue to stay in first in the AFC North.

Lose: We STILL stay in first place in the AFC North and we are 1-1 in the division and they are 1-0

A blowout ain't gonna happen unless you're driving the short bus.

The Run D is a big problem. I'm really not sure why Brown didn't get the ball more in the 2nd half. The Steelers game is going to be the biggest game that every homegrown Bengal has played. I'm hoping they step for the challenge. We got out of Nashville with a win, which is no easy task, but I'm sure Marvin is drilling in the fact that we'll need to play better on both sides if we're going to beat Pitt. Pitt. usually responds well when their backs are against the wall. That's why we have to punch them in the mouth and get the crowd into it early. Those that will be in attendence, make it LOUD!!!!

Brown didn't get the ball as much because we pulled Thornton and put the big hoss in instead.

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Win and the Bengals are 6-1. Lose and the Bengals are 5-2. How in any way does 5-2 show that the Bengals are going to miss the playoffs??? What the hell is wrong with you people? Why are you so ignorant and pessimistic?

Also, I hope that Big Ben is NOT healthy next week. He's much better than Maddox, and who cares about excuses? A win is a win.

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The Bengals will make the playoffs, but they have to show they can beat the Steelers. Just to know they can. You don't want a stigma that creeps into the subconscience like the Colts experience with the Pats. Watchout! This is the biggest Bengals regular season game since the Bills came to the jungle in 88!

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