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I think it's only a matter of time before teams start interviewing Bratowski for head coaching jobs. The one constant, even before Marvin came in and cleaned house, is Bratowski. Marvin was smart enough to realize that Brat had the offense taken care of. Their was no need for him to bring in a new offensive coordinator. I know Brat likes the sauce, but would that be enough to deter someone from hiring him as a head coach? Brat was the one that really pushed for the drafting of Chad and look how that's worked out. Let me hear your thoughts on the subject.

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Isn't it "Brat"?

Anyways, I like the personnel decisions Brat has made in his Bengals tenure, it is hard to argue him there. The questions come in his playcalling. So far this year, I think he has done a good job, but in season's past, he has been known to be pretty predictable. He throws too much on third and short, and get's a little trigger happy going downfield early in games.

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How many people were complaining about his playcalling the last few seasons ?? A HELL OF A LOT of us, to include me. I like what the O is doing, but how much goes to the coaches / coordinators and how much is it the playmakers we have on the O making it happen every week ?? I say he's not going anywhere...


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It wouldn't surprise me to see the Raiders at least interview Brat in the offseason. Al Davis loves pass heavy offenses and goes after coaches with that style. It just seems like Brat would be a perfect match for Davis and if that happens I wouldn't be surprised if he brought in Leslie Frazier to coach his defense. Though, I think Gregg Williams will be the most sought after head coaching prospect in the offseason.

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I dont think bratkowski has the temperment to oversee the team as a whole.. he's pretty laid back and not much of a motivator..

I think his niche is doing what he's doing now..Beiong an aggressive play calling up in the booth..

Breshnahan on the othe hand seems like the type of guy that could lead and inspire a whole team.. Id say he has as better chance of getting a call the Brat....

For anyone's info---Brats's dad was Zeke Bratkowski, former backup QB to Bart Starr in their super bowl years and a starter for awhile with the Bears... He coached in the NFL as well so Brat comes naturally at calling offensive plays....

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

Ken Zampese, the Bengals QB coach, will probably the first to go. I see him going to be an offensive coordinator at some level. He has groomed Carson and even made Kitna play well. He deserves a lot of the credit for this offense, and he is known and respected throughout the league.

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

Ken Zampese, the Bengals QB coach, will probably the first to go. I see him going to be an offensive coordinator at some level. He has groomed Carson and even made Kitna play well. He deserves a lot of the credit for this offense, and he is known and respected throughout the league.

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Ken Zampese, the Bengals QB coach, will probably the first to go. I see him going to be an offensive coordinator at some level. He has groomed Carson and even made Kitna play well. He deserves a lot of the credit for this offense, and he is known and respected throughout the league.

Yeah, Ken's name has been mentioned before, I can see him heading out.

I can also see QB coach Jon Kitna...

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Brat wasn't the consensus for the job here. His hiring here was blasted by the local media as well as the sports shows / communists ( sic ). Bresnahan was kind of bouncing around as well, which is why he latched onto the assistant / consultant slot here.

I think we're going to have to go deep into the playoffs ( AFC win maybe ) for either of them to beging to generate a lot of interest. We may very well have a situation here with these guys like they do in Pittsburgh with Dick LeBeau. He does well there with Cowher, and doesn't do squat anywhere else. ???? could be true with Brat and Tommy here ????

I hope we don't lose Zampese. And If anyone was paying attention to what Gregg Williaims did in Buffalo I doubt he gets an interview.

Off topic I know ..... But how many of you are glad that Katy got her way on hiring Lewis and Mikey gave up on hiring Mularkey ???? Great decisions on his part in Buffalo .... Many more of those and he wont' have a team left.

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

You also forgot to mention that when Bresnahan's defenses have sucked, it's because of massive injuries. In 2003, the Raiders lost 4 starters and 4 key backups to injury by week 5. Kinda hard to build a solid defense missing that many quality players. Smoke, mirrors and gimmicks ain't gonna cut it.

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

You also forgot to mention that when Bresnahan's defenses have sucked, it's because of massive injuries. In 2003, the Raiders lost 4 starters and 4 key backups to injury by week 5. Kinda hard to build a solid defense missing that many quality players. Smoke, mirrors and gimmicks ain't gonna cut it.

The only point i was trying to make that Bresnehan is going to have to have more than one solid year to find a job elsewhere. In fact, four games don't even constitute a year. Even if the Bengals win the super bowl, which i hope but don't think will happen this year, i really don't see any teams showing interest in hiring Bresnehan.

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Just wondering, but when was the last time an offensive coordinator got a head coaching job in the NFL? Andy Reid? Seems offensive-minded coaches need to come up from the college level.


Okay, Google says Mike Mularky and Norv Turner were OC's. But still the recent trend seems to be to promote DC's. And Mularky and Turner are hardly supporting the cause. And please...Mike Martz is the poster boy for OC's that can't hack it on the next level.

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Just wondering, but when was the last time an offensive coordinator got a head coaching job in the NFL? Andy Reid? Seems offensive-minded coaches need to come up from the college level.


Okay, Google says Mike Mularky and Norv Turner were OC's. But still the recent trend seems to be to promote DC's. And Mularky and Turner are hardly supporting the cause. And please...Mike Martz is the poster boy for OC's that can't hack it on the next level.

Agreed, in recent seasons, defensive coordinators or defensive minded coaches have been predominantly chosen, and they have been successful. Nolan, Saban, and Crennel have all impressed people so far this season. Of the offensive coordinators, the only one having any success that I would credit to him is Norv Turner. Mularkey had a good team last year because of defense, and we all know about Brian Billick and Mike Martz. :lol:

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

You also forgot to mention that when Bresnahan's defenses have sucked, it's because of massive injuries. In 2003, the Raiders lost 4 starters and 4 key backups to injury by week 5. Kinda hard to build a solid defense missing that many quality players. Smoke, mirrors and gimmicks ain't gonna cut it.

The only point i was trying to make that Bresnehan is going to have to have more than one solid year to find a job elsewhere. In fact, four games don't even constitute a year. Even if the Bengals win the super bowl, which i hope but don't think will happen this year, i really don't see any teams showing interest in hiring Bresnehan.

The Raiders defense did pretty well in 2000, when they lost to the Ravens in the AFC championship game, but didn't give up an offensive touchdown. I think that would count as another solid year from a Bresnahan defense. Marvin thought so at the time.

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I have to disagree with you on Bresnehan. He didn't exactly run a top tier defense in Oakland and will need multiple solid seasons to ever see a chance of being the head coach.

Ken Zampese, the Bengals QB coach, will probably the first to go. I see him going to be an offensive coordinator at some level. He has groomed Carson and even made Kitna play well. He deserves a lot of the credit for this offense, and he is known and respected throughout the league.

bresnehan had some good and mediocre defenses in Oakland... he had allot of older players and had to get the most out of them.. he succeeded but they wore down... i think he's a top flight DC and has the charisma to make a good nfl coach....

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I think Marv is planning on Zampese taking the job. I believe he refused to grant permission for another team to bring him in for an interview. Zampese and Palmer have a good working relationship. If you were in Zampese's shoes wouldn't you want to stick with Palmer? What's he going to do? Go to Detroit and work with Joey Harrington?

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I would be happy if Bratkowski left without a toe in his behind. I've tried to be open minded, but his play calling will hurt this team eventually. First down incomplete pass, second down run up the middle for a neglegible gain, third down incomplete pass, fourth down punt. It's a scenario that happens too often :angry:

If this team didn't have the talent they have, Brat wouldn't be calling the plays :bengal:

It would be nice to see an unusual play once in awhile. <_<

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It would be nice to see an unusual play once in awhile. <_<

I feel like he's done a good job keeping the offense off-balance actually. It doesn't do justice to say he calls pass, run, pass. He does a good job of mixing up deep routes with intermediate ones, along with passes to the FB and RB. He he has also been using reverses with his WRs very effectively thus far. I think the diversity has been good.

The one time I felt his play calling was a little bland was against Chicago, but I don't think that was entirely his doing. All week the team planned to take care of the ball against an opportunistic defense. I think that was a decision by the organization as a whole, and not a move by Brat alone.

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I have begun liking Brat a little more this year, but I really believe that Zampese Chad, TJ, Rudi, Carson, and our line can make anybody look good. We've got about 4 really good coaches...D-backs, O-line, QB, and Head...the others are just there for the ride...they are okay, but not great


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I've been thinking that if the offense performs spectacularly we will probably lose Brat to an NFL HC position of a college HC position. In that case I think Zampeze would make an excellent OC and Kitna would make an excellent player/QB coach. I also think we'll lose Hunley sooner than later he was already a finalist for the Arizona job and he'll get a D-1A HC position eventually or possibly an NFL DC position.

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