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Does anyone think Askew is NOT a bust?


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Hard to call any Day 2 pick a bust really. Plus Askew came out a year early and was pretty much considered a project from the start (But then again the same applies for Jumpy Jr.)

It is hard to tell about a player's drive to play when they're injured, especially a rook or 2nd year player who has yet to show himself on Sundays. Until Askew gets on the field, though, I'll keeping weighing his desire to play against his paycheck.

And the same goes for Perry :wacko:

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I do not think he is a bust. Crikey, he has not even played yet. Perhaps a little chilling would be in order.

Plus, how many interior D-lineman make huge impacts in their first few years in the NFL? What was Tony Siragusa's first few years like? Or Sam Adams? Or Pat Williams? I don't remember hearing much about those kind of guys until years had passed. It seems to me playing the interior of the D-line well takes some time and experience to go with toughness.

I think any grading of Askew before he sees the field for a few years is way premature.

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He is a bust, this guys riding IR all he can so he can get his check as long as posible. Ive heard some several posters on different sites about him. Normally that means nothing but if all you here is I saw Askew at pick up basket ball game and he is oughta shape. I saw Askew at the races man is he fat. etc. You start to wonder if the guy is mature enough to train so he doesnt get hurt. This guy could be cut this year Marvin hates imjured playasIMHO

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He is a bust, this guys riding IR all he can so he can get his check as long as posible. Ive heard some several posters on different sites about him. Normally that means nothing but if all you here is I saw Askew at pick up basket ball game and he is oughta shape. I saw Askew at the races man is he fat. etc. You start  to wonder if the guy is mature enough to train so he doesnt get hurt. This guy could  be cut this year  Marvin hates imjured playasIMHO

You saw him at the races all the way from Spain where you don't speak f**king English? Give me a break. Linemen are fat, or at least they look it. Often what you perceive as fat is muscle on a big body shape.

Askew is not a bust. He's had injury problems. He'll get to work and get healthy.

Marvin hates injured players huh? Where's your evidence? You are full of crap. He kept TJ Houshmanzadeh a full year on the IR and made him his #2 receiver when Warrick went down. He's behind Chris Perry who was injured all of last year. You don't know s**t about the Bengals. Go root for the Browns.

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Looking at Askew next to Willie Anderson leads me to believe they're BOTH fat..

Aside from that it is true about linemen having fat over muscle....

I still think Askew can be a productive lineman in the future.. He's young and needs more time to develope.. some guys mature quicker than others and that's the case with Geathers.....

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He is a bust, this guys riding IR all he can so he can get his check as long as posible. Ive heard some several posters on different sites about him. Normally that means nothing but if all you here is I saw Askew at pick up basket ball game and he is oughta shape. I saw Askew at the races man is he fat. etc. You start  to wonder if the guy is mature enough to train so he doesnt get hurt. This guy could  be cut this year  Marvin hates imjured playasIMHO

You saw him at the races all the way from Spain where you don't speak f**king English? Give me a break. Linemen are fat, or at least they look it. Often what you perceive as fat is muscle on a big body shape.

Askew is not a bust. He's had injury problems. He'll get to work and get healthy.

Marvin hates injured players huh? Where's your evidence? You are full of crap. He kept TJ Houshmanzadeh a full year on the IR and made him his #2 receiver when Warrick went down. He's behind Chris Perry who was injured all of last year. You don't know s**t about the Bengals. Go root for the Browns.

did you read his post? he didnt say that he saw him at a race, he said he has seen people post saying they saw that...

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He can NOT be a bust until he plays -- he was drafted as a "developmental project".

I've been an Askew critic because of some attitude /motivation things I noticed -- but I would NOT call him a bust until he shows he can't play.

Marvin and his scouts saw something they liked in Askew -- IF they cut him then I'd say he was a bust.

Give him time.

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Let's keep it friendly, folks. Yes, there have been various rumors about Askew being "soft" and unmotivated, and IMHO these should be taken with the same Gibralter-sized piece of salt as any other internet football rumor. I do think that the bengals' interest in Wright does not bode well for Matthais. I don't see the team chewing up two defensive line roster spots on projects. I also think they're unlikely to get Wright (if they even choose to bid) and that Askew will be expected to show something in 2005-06.

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He is a bust, this guys riding IR all he can so he can get his check as long as posible. Ive heard some several posters on different sites about him. Normally that means nothing but if all you here is I saw Askew at pick up basket ball game and he is oughta shape. I saw Askew at the races man is he fat. etc. You start  to wonder if the guy is mature enough to train so he doesnt get hurt. This guy could  be cut this year  Marvin hates imjured playasIMHO

You saw him at the races all the way from Spain where you don't speak f**king English? Give me a break. Linemen are fat, or at least they look it. Often what you perceive as fat is muscle on a big body shape.

Askew is not a bust. He's had injury problems. He'll get to work and get healthy.

Marvin hates injured players huh? Where's your evidence? You are full of crap. He kept TJ Houshmanzadeh a full year on the IR and made him his #2 receiver when Warrick went down. He's behind Chris Perry who was injured all of last year. You don't know s**t about the Bengals. Go root for the Browns.

did you read his post? he didnt say that he saw him at a race, he said he has seen people post saying they saw that...

Well, without using QUOTES, or proper sentences, I didn't see that in his post. He wrote that he heard others say they saw him at a pickup basketball game and he was fat and that HE saw him at the races.

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Well, without using QUOTES, or proper sentences, I didn't see that in his post. He wrote that he heard others say they saw him at a pickup basketball game and he was fat and that HE saw him at the races.

Are these the same "people" that reported P-Dub was limping in a pickup basketball game and knocking over cones in practice? :)

There are some European spies out there apparently watching injured Bengals players in their spare time.

If Mathias is out of shape or soft it probably has something to do with the fact he hasn't been able to walk normally much for the last year and a half.

For the same reasons it's why I don't expect much out of Chris Perry this year.

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knocking over cones in practice? :)

I am the one who posted about Warrick knocking over the cones at practice. I was sitting at the 50 yard line. 5th row back. He was less than 30 feet from me. It happened at the Saturday open house. I'm guessing some of the other 11,000 plus people that were there might have noticed it as well.

If you don't believe me, fine. I will not be losing any sleep over it.

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He is a bust, this guys riding IR all he can so he can get his check as long as posible. Ive heard some several posters on different sites about him. Normally that means nothing but if all you here is I saw Askew at pick up basket ball game and he is oughta shape. I saw Askew at the races man is he fat. etc. You start  to wonder if the guy is mature enough to train so he doesnt get hurt. This guy could  be cut this year  Marvin hates imjured playasIMHO

You saw him at the races all the way from Spain where you don't speak f**king English? Give me a break. Linemen are fat, or at least they look it. Often what you perceive as fat is muscle on a big body shape.

Askew is not a bust. He's had injury problems. He'll get to work and get healthy.

Marvin hates injured players huh? Where's your evidence? You are full of crap. He kept TJ Houshmanzadeh a full year on the IR and made him his #2 receiver when Warrick went down. He's behind Chris Perry who was injured all of last year. You don't know s**t about the Bengals. Go root for the Browns.

Dude, relax...

You sound like you would be a perfect fit over at the Insiders board. Quick to fire a few rounds into other posters. English is not this guys native tongue. I'd like to see you do better if you were to post on a foreign message board.

Not trying to start a pissing match either, I get my fill of those over at the aforementioned website.

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