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I'm not sure what the Dolphins, Redskins and Bengals were thinking by waiting until June 1 to possibly release certain players. Whatever cap relief these teams would receive from the departures of defensive end David Bowens (Miami), wide receiver Rod Gardner (Washington) or Peter Warrick (Cincinnati) could have been achieved by releasing them earlier in the year because none of the trio has a prorated signing bonus to accelerate.

Just found this here on NFL.com and thought it was interesting. What are your takes on it? I think that the bengals were right in not releasing him. He can still be a good player for this team, even if it is just for one more year.

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I'm not sure what the Dolphins, Redskins and Bengals were thinking by waiting until June 1 to possibly release certain players. Whatever cap relief these teams would receive from the departures of defensive end David Bowens (Miami), wide receiver Rod Gardner (Washington) or Peter Warrick (Cincinnati) could have been achieved by releasing them earlier in the year because none of the trio has a prorated signing bonus to accelerate.

Just found this here on NFL.com and thought it was interesting. What are your takes on it? I think that the bengals were right in not releasing him. He can still be a good player for this team, even if it is just for one more year.

Dear NFL.com:

If the Bengals had wanted to cut Peter Warrick, I promise you Marvin Lewis would have done so and done so at the appropriate time.

Since he is still on the roster, I am guessing they are happy with his progress rehabbing his knee.


People not in a coma

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:lol: at two posts above.

The Bengals aren't so financially strapped that they have to release anybody, let alone Warrick, there's just no reason to make cap room if you don't need to, and lose your 2nd best WR when healthy.

Plus they re-did Webster's deal giving them a little more room as it is.

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Warrick isn't out of the woods yet guys.

He has still not been cleared to practice and should he be cut before the season begins, the Bengals stand to clear 2.5mil in cap space. I hear they are working on some contract extensions (Big Willy) and these usually require money to complete.

I like Warrick as much as the next guy but if his knee isn't 110% I can see Marvin cutting him loose to allow him to keep a youngier, healthier reciever on the roster.

If you put all your new guys on the practice squad, someones gonna nab em.

Build your team through the draft.

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Personally, I hope they keep Warrick. But what I don't understand is why the NFL.com writer thinks he must be cut and why the Bengals screwed up by not doing it as soon as possible. Where are all these dumb 'experts' coming from? First the O-line expert who doesn't notice that Rich Braham is even on the team, then the talking head on NFL Network who blames Bryan Robinson for last year's rushing defense, and now this guy. I never thought I'd ragging on the abundance of media outlets, but maybe there should be some kind of test to see if you get to make a living talking about football.

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-they should keep him and give him a chanse to play with Palmer, if he reclaims his starting role cut TJ if not let him walk.

cut tj? after signing a multi year so many million contract? crazy talk

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-they should keep him and give him a chanse to play with Palmer, if he reclaims his starting role cut TJ if not let him walk.

cut tj? after signing a multi year so many million contract? crazy talk

He ment let P-dub walk or if P-dub reclaims #2 spot TJ can go to #3....

Theirs nothing wrong with using all 3 ;) if we want carson to have 3500+yard season

CJ-1500 yeards



Chris henry-300

Chris Perry-300

tab perry-100


so 4,000 yards ;)

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Spain as usual your posts make no sense. TJ is not gonna be cut. Let Warrick rehab. If he can't play anymore he will be gone after the season. Nobody seriously believes he is done, that is why he is still there.

Andybren I agree there are some terrible so-called experts. Michael Irvin, Shannon Sharpe, and my least favorite Criquitasker. I do not understand how some announcers still have jobs. Al Michaels is terrible. I wish he would just do play by play and shut up. Everytime he opens his mouth to say anything else I cringe. I listen to CBS radio (Boomer)whenever I am home for MNF.

Baseball has Tim McCarver, he is awful. Isn't he about 100 years old now? Basketball has Bill Walton.

Back to football, I like Collinsworth and Boomer, I'd love to see them together doing CBS pregame. They use to do WLW radio together and had great chemistry. Not bad chemistry as QB and WR also.

Just like NFL draft coverage on the internet anybody that can put up a web page thinks they are draft experts now. The advent of cable and 24/7 coverage of sports has given many people "expert credentials" they never earned.

This blog actually is filled with experts. I will never claim that I know that much.

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Warrick isn't out of the woods yet guys.

He has still not been cleared to practice and should he be cut before the season begins, the Bengals stand to clear 2.5mil in cap space. I hear they are working on some contract extensions (Big Willy) and these usually require money to complete.

I like Warrick as much as the next guy but if his knee isn't 110% I can see Marvin cutting him loose to allow him to keep a youngier, healthier reciever on the roster.

If you put all your new guys on the practice squad, someones gonna nab em.

Build your team through the draft.


A few pre-season games should give a better idea of where P-Dub is at physically.

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Spain has built his reputation as a moron over the years with comments like this, as well as his classic "Let's trade Palmer for the rights to draft Eli Manning" take.

The bad spelling, inability to differentiate between the words "or" "are" and "our", along with his terrible takes are the reasons why I was sad to see him find this board to pollute along with every other Bengals board on the 'net.

TJ's 2004 season, specifically the game at Baltimore, proved that he is every bit as valuable, if not more, than a healthy Warrick. A gimpy Warrick doesn't stand a chance at taking his starting job.

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Thank you boomer...my sentiments exactly...cutting down spain is the sloppiest and most uncreative form of message leaving on this board. All of us read mispelled, uninformed, and unintelligent things on this board every day...that's the risk you take letting anyone post...I called Tony Williams, Mike Willaims the other day. After I read it I laughed at myself for being such an idiot.

I'm the worst kind of fan there is...I'm from Cincy...ignored the Bengals for a decade while they were lousy and then jumped on the bandwagon when they showed signs of hope in 2003. Since then I've been obsessed and eveyday I try to fool people into believing I know what the snot I'm talking about.

But even as lousy and incorrect as I am as a fan, there is room for me at the Bengals fan table. That's the differense between us (hopefully) and other teams...lots of room on the bandwagon...even if you're not the most gramatically or information conditioned fan.

The Big Orange...founder, president, and only member of the SPAIN fan club. Welcome my little spaniard friend.

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i didnt know u were a bandwagon fan orange...u just got dropped 3 knoches on the ladder. :unsure:

and like ive been saying, making fun of someone on the internet for spelling etc when u know they are from another language just shows u how smart u really are.

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I know it ditty, I hate that about myself. I'm trying to make up for the bandwagon thing by reading everything I can get my hands on from what's going on right now to historical stuff, but alas, I am what I am.

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The guys a bengasl fan, let him post, and if you don't like it, don't friggen reply. It a free country

Yeah, It's a free country, which is why I'm allowed to post my opinions too. It works both ways.

Nothing wrong with having Spain around, but when he talks nonsense, like how TJ should be cut, I will be sure to call him on it, as I would expect others would do the same for me.

The bad spelling is not that big of an issue compare to the bad takes. :player:

Oh, and BigO, I wouldn't exactly call it bandwagon jumping after two 8-8 seasons. Even so, there's still plenty of room on the bandwagon!

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I agree with you about calling people on their crap, and I agree in saying that talk of cutting TJ is pretty silly.

Thanks for the bandwagon comment. I got a little scared after I wrote that since I love this forum so much. When I go to other forums they are so filled with hyperhomers that they make me a little nauseous. It's a total waste of time talking about the Bengals in totally unrealistic and complete love-blindness. Talking with fans who have honest opinions and even optimistic views on our past, present, and future is proving to be a lot of fun.

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I'm the worst kind of fan there is...I'm from Cincy...ignored the Bengals for a decade while they were lousy and then jumped on the bandwagon when they showed signs of hope in 2003. Since then I've been obsessed and eveyday I try to fool people into believing I know what the snot I'm talking about.

Don't sweat it Big Orange. 99% of the fans, for any team, become fans after some type of success. The important thing is to now stick with them. I actually grew up a Cardinals fan (insert joke here) and fell in love with the Bengals at the beginning of 1987, due to Boomer and James Brooks. Well, shortly after that they went into the tank, but I am still here. I guess I went from being a bandwagon fan to people telling me I'm crazy for still caring. Marvin is building this team the right way and barring any major set backs (injuries) we should be in for some good times. Geeeeez I hope!

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I'm the worst kind of fan there is...I'm from Cincy...ignored the Bengals for a decade while they were lousy and then jumped on the bandwagon when they showed signs of hope in 2003.

We should start a topic on who has performed the worst Bengal blasphemy. I doubt too many people here became Browns fans when the Bengals had a decade of mediocrity and weakness, but I pulled a pretty bad one.

When I was 13 and 14, ('93 and '94) I had relatives in Kansas City, and decided to pull for a team that could win every once in a while with the Chiefs. This might not seem so bad, except the cursed Joe Montana was their QB at the time. This means I was pulling for the one man who spoiled our Super Bowl in '88 (the first year I cared about the Bengals at the innocent age of 8.)

Luckily I came back to the Bengals at 15 and have been diehard for the last 10 years. I don't know if this makes up for those 2 years of irrational stupidity on my part... but I was young and naive.

I can still say that I was a Bengal fan through a decade of futility, because I've been a fan through all but 2 years of their 14 year playoff drought (that will be coming to an end this year if there really is a God).

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