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Bengals will sweep the Rats this year!


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They have lost another piece in their defense. Marques Douglass, who was fourth in the NFL for D-linemen in tackles and had 5.5 sacks signed with the 49ers.

Ed Hartwell, Ray Lewis' backup and rotated at the other ILB position, earlier signed with the Falcons.

They just lost 2 key people who were 27 and 28 years old. They cannot replace them that quickly. Their 2nd round draft pick, DL Dwan Edwards had 1 tackle last year. He is worthless.

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Yes, watch for the vaunted Boller passing attack. :D:D:D

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Not to sell my own team short, but sweeping the Ravens is a tall order. Beat 'em the first time you play them and it fires them up for the second one. Their secondary & Ray Lewis make their defense legit .... throw in Heap and that other Lewis on offense and that's the makin's of a pretty good team.

Now ... can it be done ??????? Sure. On the other hand I wouldn't bet the mortgage money on it either.

Win our home games .... split with these guys and beat the teams outside our division, and we'll do just fine.

Said before and still believe .... we get right around 10 wins this year .... Maybe 9 maybe 11 depending on injuries and lucky bounces .... play offs as a wild card, and after the last lifetime or so that's doing pretty good.

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It's not impossible, but highly unlikely. A team doesn't feel the loss of a player like Douglas when you still have Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Boulware, McAlister, Rolle, Primetime.

Our offense was scary last year, scary for us. It just needs to get to average. Add Mason, a healthy Heap and Lewis, and I think we'll be okay.

But as has been said, that is why they play the games.

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Our offense was scary last year, scary for us. It just needs to get to average. Add Mason, a healthy Heap and Lewis, and I think we'll be okay.

But as has been said, that is why they play the games.


No offense Arizona, but please STFU.

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Sorry guys, I have to agree with Zona on this... As stated earlier, a sweep of the Ratbirds is a "tall order". It's possible, but you have to look at the fact of their injury situation last year as well. Heap, Ogden, just to name a couple and God knows JL has ran all over our D's butt. I like to think our D is going to be much improved, but only time will tell what Robinsons addition will mean and where we stand with our LB corps. If we end up with Sharper, I have little worry. I love Landon as well, but injuries, injuries, injuries. God, I can't wait for the season. :D

Oh yeah, Boller still SUCKS !!!


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Realistically, considering the Talent Value of each, Bengals,Steelers,and Ravens, whomever goes 5- 1 in the division will win it.

* I know Genius right, but here's how I look at, Each year I hope Cincy' can go 4-2 in the division. Split with the Ravens and Steelers, and kill the Turds twice, the two games that kept us out of the playoffs last year were the defeats in Cleveland and Pittsburgh ( Round 2 ).

Pittsburgh will sweep Cleveland, The Ravens will probably split with Cleveland like they do every year! But Cincy', The Steelers, and Ravens could all have the same 4-2 record in the division because Cleveland will probably not win another division game for atleast 3 years ! :lol:

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It's not impossible, but highly unlikely. A team doesn't feel the loss of a player like Douglas when you still have Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Boulware, McAlister, Rolle, Primetime.

Our offense was scary last year, scary for us. It just needs to get to average. Add Mason, a healthy Heap and Lewis, and I think we'll be okay.

But as has been said, that is why they play the games.

Yeah, nice to see Prime takin' his time on deciding if he's even going to play. No great loss for the Rats anyway. He hardly played last year. :lol:

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They have a pretty sick secondary, and Mason will only help their offense.

Although, the Bengals look to be a pretty solid team, and should be for a few years. Steelers and Ravens should both be pretty solid as well, and the Browns are well...who knows. Either way, the AFC North should be a tough division this year.

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Ill tell you why I like this board...Posters hear are REALISTIC....Yes, Id love to see the Bengals win the division..beat the Ravens twice and have a great year.

In all honestly, I dont know..Im still not completely sold on our run defense..Robinson will help but the runners in our division love to run north and south and Thornton and Robinson dont exactly scare opponents alot.. Landon Johnson at MLB is another issue..225lbs?? He'll take his share of limps from massive linemen.. Hope his shoulder holds out in the middle...

Alfred Fincher or Marcus Lawrence would be a good draft pick to me in the later rounds..

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Ill tell you why I like this board...Posters hear are REALISTIC....Yes, Id love to see the Bengals win the division..beat the Ravens twice and have a great year.

In all honestly, I dont know..Im still not completely sold on our run defense..Robinson will help but the runners in our division love to run north and south and Thornton and Robinson dont exactly scare opponents alot.. Landon Johnson at MLB is another issue..225lbs?? He'll take his share of limps from massive linemen.. Hope his shoulder holds out in the middle...

Alfred Fincher or Marcus Lawrence would be a good draft pick to me in the later rounds..

Sometimes being "realistic" is just being "pessimistic"

but calling it a different name. ;)

Anyway the Bengals played 5 of the top 10 RB`s last season.

The last 10 games (starting with the Titans) the Bengals gave up

1137 yards rushing.

That is a average of 113.7 yards a game.

That would have put them at 12th in rushing defense right behind the Jags.


not to bad when you consider all of the rookies and 2nd year players

that were forced to play key roles because of injuries...plus our "small",

"unathletic" DT`s...

But really it doesn`t matter if we sweep the Ratbirds.

We went 5-3 at home and 3-5 on the road last year.

All we need is to win 6-7 home games and be at least a .500 road

team to make the playoffs...The friggin Steelers are the team to beat !


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As long as Jamal "Bengal Killer" Lewis is out of jail by game time...

This a scenario that I think is somewhat realistic: Bengals, Steelers and Ravens all split with each other. Which means the division title will largely be determined by non-division games and who loses to the Browns.

By the way, the differences in the Bengals, Steelers and Ravens' non-division schedules:

Bengals play Bills at home and Chiefs on the road;

Ravens play Jets at home and Broncos on the road; and

Steelers play Patriots at home and Chargers on the road.

I like our chances.

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Ill tell you why I like this board...Posters hear are REALISTIC....

Well, not having a winning season in over a decade will do that to ya!

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We couldn't even sweep the Browns last season.

It's rediculous to start talking about sweeping division rivals when the season hasn't even started.

It's almost far fetched to talk about sweeping division rivals period, because these are always the toughest games.

It's silly to make predictions in April, but is also not inconceivable that the Bengals are finally ready to do some division sweeping.

I guess my memory of Carson moving the Bengals up and down Baltimore's field for 24 4th quarter points is still fresh enough in my mind to believe that the old psychological hold that the felons had over Cincy is dead.

Really, with the Bengals offense next season, sweeps of any division foe is not far-fetched. If the Bengals can go ahead and put up the 24-30 points a game we all think they have in them, then they are going to win, and win a lot. All the defense has to do is get marginally better again.

Which is will.


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We couldn't even sweep the Browns last season.

It's rediculous to start talking about sweeping division rivals when the season hasn't even started.

It's almost far fetched to talk about sweeping division rivals period, because these are always the toughest games.

It's silly to make predictions in April, but is also not inconceivable that the Bengals are finally ready to do some division sweeping.

I guess my memory of Carson moving the Bengals up and down Baltimore's field for 24 4th quarter points is still fresh enough in my mind to believe that the old psychological hold that the felons had over Cincy is dead.

Really, with the Bengals offense next season, sweeps of any division foe is not far-fetched. If the Bengals can go ahead and put up the 24-30 points a game we all think they have in them, then they are going to win, and win a lot. All the defense has to do is get marginally better again.

Which is will.


You mean the same offense we had last year when we got our asses kicked by the Browns?

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We couldn't even sweep the Browns last season.

It's rediculous to start talking about sweeping division rivals when the season hasn't even started.

It's almost far fetched to talk about sweeping division rivals period, because these are always the toughest games.

It's silly to make predictions in April, but is also not inconceivable that the Bengals are finally ready to do some division sweeping.

I guess my memory of Carson moving the Bengals up and down Baltimore's field for 24 4th quarter points is still fresh enough in my mind to believe that the old psychological hold that the felons had over Cincy is dead.

Really, with the Bengals offense next season, sweeps of any division foe is not far-fetched. If the Bengals can go ahead and put up the 24-30 points a game we all think they have in them, then they are going to win, and win a lot. All the defense has to do is get marginally better again.

Which is will.


You mean the same offense we had last year when we got our asses kicked by the Browns?

My, you are a bitter little fan.

No, I mean the offense that the team grew into as the year went on. To compare the offense that was still struggling to find itself in the loss at Cleveland with the one that put up 58 points on Cleveland late in the season or had the comeback win in Baltimore is silly. The team is not static. The offense is not static.

It is my perception that the offense will not regress. Not bringing back who they brought back. It is my expectation that the offense will pick up and hit the ground frickin' flying in 2005.

Sorry to upset you and any longtime Bengals fans who enjoy feeling like crud about the team, but they are going to be damn good in 2005. So, well talk about sweeping any particular team next season is premature, it also isn't ridiculous. Not with this team. Not with who they have coming back.

You are welcome to join the Bengals fans who have moved into the 21st century...

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We couldn't even sweep the Browns last season.

It's rediculous to start talking about sweeping division rivals when the season hasn't even started.

It's almost far fetched to talk about sweeping division rivals period, because these are always the toughest games.

It's silly to make predictions in April, but is also not inconceivable that the Bengals are finally ready to do some division sweeping.

I guess my memory of Carson moving the Bengals up and down Baltimore's field for 24 4th quarter points is still fresh enough in my mind to believe that the old psychological hold that the felons had over Cincy is dead.

Really, with the Bengals offense next season, sweeps of any division foe is not far-fetched. If the Bengals can go ahead and put up the 24-30 points a game we all think they have in them, then they are going to win, and win a lot. All the defense has to do is get marginally better again.

Which is will.


You mean the same offense we had last year when we got our asses kicked by the Browns?

My, you are a bitter little fan.

No, I mean the offense that the team grew into as the year went on. To compare the offense that was still struggling to find itself in the loss at Cleveland with the one that put up 58 points on Cleveland late in the season or had the comeback win in Baltimore is silly. The team is not static. The offense is not static.

It is my perception that the offense will not regress. Not bringing back who they brought back. It is my expectation that the offense will pick up and hit the ground frickin' flying in 2005.

Sorry to upset you and any longtime Bengals fans who enjoy feeling like crud about the team, but they are going to be damn good in 2005. So, well talk about sweeping any particular team next season is premature, it also isn't ridiculous. Not with this team. Not with who they have coming back.

You are welcome to join the Bengals fans who have moved into the 21st century...


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It's not impossible, but highly unlikely.  A team doesn't feel the loss of a player like Douglas when you still have Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Boulware, McAlister, Rolle, Primetime.

Our offense was scary last year, scary for us.  It just needs to get to average.  Add Mason, a healthy Heap and Lewis, and I think we'll be okay.

But as has been said, that is why they play the games.

Yeah, nice to see Prime takin' his time on deciding if he's even going to play. No great loss for the Rats anyway. He hardly played last year. :lol:

;) Mixed feelings about this. I like Sanders. In his day he was the best cover corner playing. He was also a superior athlete to his contemporary Bo Jackson. I've taken a lot of heat for that one in the past, but I still believe it.

Having said all that, there was just no way that he was going to stand the physical pressure of an entire football season given his age and the chronic injury that ended his baseball career. Caught a lot of heat from our resident Ravens fans for that one too, but because they are overall good sports ..... I won't say " I told " etc.

Hate seeing him go out hurt, but the best way to avoid that is to quit when it's time and not attempt these comebacks. Really glad that we were spared seeing that with Larkin.

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Ill tell you why I like this board...Posters hear are REALISTIC....Yes, Id love to see the Bengals win the division..beat the Ravens twice and have a great year.

In all honestly, I dont know..Im still not completely sold on our run defense..Robinson will help but the runners in our division love to run north and south and Thornton and Robinson dont exactly scare opponents alot.. Landon Johnson at MLB is another issue..225lbs?? He'll take his share of limps from massive linemen.. Hope his shoulder holds out in the middle...

Alfred Fincher or Marcus Lawrence would be a good draft pick to me in the later rounds..

Sometimes being "realistic" is just being "pessimistic"

but calling it a different name. ;)

Anyway the Bengals played 5 of the top 10 RB`s last season.

The last 10 games (starting with the Titans) the Bengals gave up

1137 yards rushing.

That is a average of 113.7 yards a game.

That would have put them at 12th in rushing defense right behind the Jags.


not to bad when you consider all of the rookies and 2nd year players

that were forced to play key roles because of injuries...plus our "small",

"unathletic" DT`s...

But really it doesn`t matter if we sweep the Ratbirds.

We went 5-3 at home and 3-5 on the road last year.

All we need is to win 6-7 home games and be at least a .500 road

team to make the playoffs...The friggin Steelers are the team to beat !


B) I think the real trick is to find that middle ground where you're being realistic without either being pessimistic or placing unrealistic expectations on a team that was ( a ) almost totally rebuilt in year one of Lewis' reign ..... and ( b ) went through the growing pains of last year ....... pretty darn well I might add. Most of the " experts " didn't think we'd go .500 again last year due to the schedule. Well, we did .... and we were in a position to win a couple of those other ones as well that would have put us over .500. That's improvement, and we have every realistic right to expect that the improvement will continue in this coming season.

I'm just wary ( and weary ) of the fans that will unrealistically expect us to win every game and then hang their head .... beat their breast and wail " same ol B_ngles " when they don't.

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All the defense has to do is get marginally better again.


The defense is going to have to improve beyond marginally to get anything close to 11-5. Another marginal improvement will get the Bengals another marginal 8-8 seasons. Eff that!

Also with the Bengals division rivals throwing running backs like Lewis, Bettis, and Droughn at only a marginally better Bengals defense, and you can forget winning this division no matter how hot the offense is. You gotta have the ball for that offense to score remember? A marginal defense just won't be able to get it to them enough.

Why is it sooo difficult to get people to understand that a balanced team is the only path to success in the NFL today! And what I mean by success is winning the Super Bowl. Everything else is just another spot on the losers list! I don't know about everyone else here, but I'm tired of being on that list! :angry:

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