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Is Moss worth it?


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didn't the bengals have the opportunity to pick this guy i the draft, but passed due to his potential problems - eg drugs, attitude, or something? I stand to be wholly corrected if this is not the case, just thought there was some memory in the back of my mind.

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didn't the bengals have the opportunity to pick this guy i the draft, but passed due to his potential problems - eg drugs, attitude, or something? I stand to be wholly corrected if this is not the case, just thought there was some memory in the back of my mind.

That was the year where they had TWO first round picks, and passed on him tweece.

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He would be a negative, not a positive for the team. We got rid of the cancer, why would we want to have him cause problems for us?

lol he may have a negative attitude, but I think Chad and him would get a long really well, and I know Marvin could do a great job with him....

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didn't the bengals have the opportunity to pick this guy i the draft, but passed due to his potential problems - eg drugs, attitude, or something? I stand to be wholly corrected if this is not the case, just thought there was some memory in the back of my mind.

That was the year where they had TWO first round picks, and passed on him tweece.

yeah but we did draft 2 great LB's in Spikes and Simmons. Spikes is a beast despite being on another team.....

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You guys are really underestimating what the Vikings want for Moss. It's not like they have to trade the guy. They'll only give him up if they feel the compensation is enough, and they're looking for Lawrence Welk type compensation. I'm too young to know who Lawrence Welk is, but I'm guessing that whatever team traded for him gave up a lot. ESPN listed a possible trade in which the Redskins give the Vikings LaVar Arrington, the #9, and the Redskins #2 pick, and the Vikings might find this a little more appealing than Peter Warrick and #17. Basically, whether Moss would be good in Cincy or not, it's not worth it to give up multiple picks and one of our best players (Brian Simmons most likely) when we could easily get a very productive #2 WR in the draft or FA.

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I can just imagine Randy telling Marvin, "I'll play hard when and where I feel like it and if you don't like it, that's not MY problem. If I don't get at least 25 plays a game run just for me, I'll just tweak my ankle and sit out the season! I don't block, and I don't play decoy for anyone! The owner is paying ME the big bucks and that means I'm bigger and better than you or any other coach in this league, and don't you forget it! I do it MY way or you're out of here!"

And if Marvin can win Randy over to being a team player after that, he should be unanimously voted Coach of the Year, no arguement from anyone else!

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didn't the bengals have the opportunity to pick this guy i the draft, but passed due to his potential problems - eg drugs, attitude, or something? I stand to be wholly corrected if this is not the case, just thought there was some memory in the back of my mind.

That was the year where they had TWO first round picks, and passed on him tweece.

yeah but we did draft 2 great LB's in Spikes and Simmons. Spikes is a beast despite being on another team.....

I hope you are right!

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