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Rudi Johnson/Shaun Alexander


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Hello fellow fans. Im from finheaven.com and i heard a rumor. Is it true that Rudi is looking to play for miami? What do you guys think about the him as a RB?

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Edge would like to go to Miami and Shaun has said that he would Love to return Home to Play in Cincinnati.

But no, there has not been a single word about Rudi wanting to play Anywhere other than Cincinnati.

Not that it would really matter even if he did.

I can't believe that there is a 11 Page thread of this over on your boards.

This is not going to happen...

Unless of course the Fins are willing to pay the price for him.

Ok so what if we sign Rudi, what do we do in the draft? Take a LT or trade down?

If you do sign Rudi, I can tell you exactly what you do in the draft.

You Sit and Watch the Bengals use your Pick...

The Bengals have the Right to Tag Rudi.

And if they can't sign him long term they WILL TAG him...

They can handle the 5 Million that it would cost.

What they can't afford is to lose the starting RB with nothing in return.

No way that they just let him walk...

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First of all why would Rudi want to run behind that putrid o-line down there? Yikes.

I have a hard time believing the Bengals' won't tag him if they have to, or that he's cleaned out his locker already. If his agent really wants "Edge/Alexander/Portis" type $, he's gonna have a hard time getting it from anyone with the other's that'll be on the market. Only so many teams have that kind of money available in any given year and Rudi might be viewed as a slight risk even for that amount given his lack of experience.

Rudi's only had one full season as a starter under his belt and he needs to sign a 1 year deal here at least, for a reasonable amount, and show the league he's the real deal like LT, Portis, Alexander and other's have for multiple seasons.

I am sure the Bengals will play hard ball with him - because they have to and have all the leverage. I just hope that hasn't made Rudi bitter enough to want to leave. From everything he's said he likes it here and wants to stay here long term.

Now let me post for JDitty and save him the trouble:

"Rudi sucks and I hope Miami takes him and I don't care if we get anything in return!"


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BTW this guy made a good post on the Fins board about Rudi's speed:

Rudi's got some speed on him, trust me I had him on my fantasy team this year and paid close attention he does bust off the big runs, seriously. He busted 7 runs of 20+ yards this year. To compare, thats more than LaDainian Tomlinson, more than Edgerrin James, more than Clinton Portis, more than Domanick Davis, as many as Curtis Martin, and only one away from Corey Dillon (8).

Tiki Barber and Shaun Alexander were the kings of the 20+ yard run though.

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First of all why would Rudi want to run behind that putrid o-line down there? Yikes.

I have a hard time believing the Bengals' won't tag him if they have to, or that he's cleaned out his locker already. If his agent really wants "Edge/Alexander/Portis" type $, he's gonna have a hard time getting it from anyone with the other's that'll be on the market. Only so many teams have that kind of money available in any given year and Rudi might be viewed as a slight risk even for that amount given his lack of experience.

Rudi's only had one full season as a starter under his belt and he needs to sign a 1 year deal here at least, for a reasonable amount, and show the league he's the real deal like LT, Portis, Alexander and other's have for multiple seasons.

I am sure the Bengals will play hard ball with him - because they have to and have all the leverage. I just hope that hasn't made Rudi bitter enough to want to leave. From everything he's said he likes it here and wants to stay here long term.

Now let me post for JDitty and save him the trouble:

"Rudi sucks and I hope Miami takes him and I don't care if we get anything in return!"


thx shula :)

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jeezus, rudi is garner a hell of a lot of talk the damn thread there is over 5 pages long.

I never thought he was though of so highly. Anyways Miami can have him, I really want alexander.

I would like to have either Rudi or Alexander.

BUT Alexander didn`t look good at all against the 28TH

RANKED RUN DEFENSE yesterday !!! (Worse than

the Bengals ...26th)

15 carries for 40 yards...2.6 yards per carry and 0 TD`s.

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I would like to have either Rudi or Alexander.

BUT Alexander didn`t look good at all against the 28TH

RANKED RUN DEFENSE yesterday !!! (Worse than

the Bengals ...26th)

15 carries for 40 yards...2.6 yards per carry and 0 TD`s.

I don't know if you watched the game yesterday but after he was injured he was not the same after that. If he wasn't injured most of the game I'm sure he would have torched the Rams sorry run D.

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its the playoffs season rankings go out the window imo players want it more and play better

Well if that`s the case then Alexander (and the Seahawks)

should have been wanting it more too.

I would like to have either Rudi or Alexander.

BUT Alexander didn`t look good at all against the 28TH

RANKED RUN DEFENSE yesterday !!! (Worse than

the Bengals ...26th)

15 carries for 40 yards...2.6 yards per carry and 0 TD`s.

I don't know if you watched the game yesterday but after he was injured he was not the same after that. If he wasn't injured most of the game I'm sure he would have torched the Rams sorry run D.

Yes I did watch the game. I think if the trainers and

said player declares himself healthy enough to be in the game then

there is no excuse.

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I don't think Rudi wants to go, and Marvin has made it clear that he wants to keep him. Besides, why would Rudi settle for hamburger when he can have steak in Cincy?

Screw Shaun Alexander. Screw him right in the ear. I am so sick of that "I'm not getting my props, the world is against me" crap. I don't think he and Marvin would get along, since the first time that Alexander opened that fat wasteland of a mouth and accused Marvin of not giving him his props, Marvin would probably break him in half.


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First of all why would Rudi want to run behind that putrid o-line down there? Yikes.

I have a hard time believing the Bengals' won't tag him if they have to, or that he's cleaned out his locker already. If his agent really wants "Edge/Alexander/Portis" type $, he's gonna have a hard time getting it from anyone with the other's that'll be on the market. Only so many teams have that kind of money available in any given year and Rudi might be viewed as a slight risk even for that amount given his lack of experience.

Rudi's only had one full season as a starter under his belt and he needs to sign a 1 year deal here at least, for a reasonable amount, and show the league he's the real deal like LT, Portis, Alexander and other's have for multiple seasons.

I am sure the Bengals will play hard ball with him - because they have to and have all the leverage. I just hope that hasn't made Rudi bitter enough to want to leave. From everything he's said he likes it here and wants to stay here long term.

Now let me post for JDitty and save him the trouble:

"Rudi sucks and I hope Miami takes him and I don't care if we get anything in return!"


OMG how can you not want a running back that ran for 1454 yards??? And this was a passing offense :wacko:

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Screw Shaun Alexander. Screw him right in the ear. I am so sick of that "I'm not getting my props, the world is against me" crap. I don't think he and Marvin would get along, since the first time that Alexander opened that fat wasteland of a mouth and accused Marvin of not giving him his props, Marvin would probably break him in half.

Here's a dollar to buy a clue. The fact is Shaun has made one bad statement in his football career. If you knew anything about Shaun, and you don't, you would know what a stand up, classy guy he is. So go back to watching ESPN and let them think for you because it's apparent to me that you are unable to do so on your own. :rolleyes:

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Screw Shaun Alexander. Screw him right in the ear. I am so sick of that "I'm not getting my props, the world is against me" crap. I don't think he and Marvin would get along, since the first time that Alexander opened that fat wasteland of a mouth and accused Marvin of not giving him his props, Marvin would probably break him in half.

Here's a dollar to buy a clue. The fact is Shaun has made one bad statement in his football career. If you knew anything about Shaun, and you don't, you would know what a stand up, classy guy he is. So go back to watching ESPN and let them think for you because it's apparent to me that you are unable to do so on your own. :rolleyes:

haha agreed x2

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Shaun made a mistake. Shaun apologized. Shaun doesn't have an ongoing history of such things. His classy reputation is only backed up by the list of off the field things he does for kids. The Bengals would be lucky to have him. Will it ever happen? IMO, I doubt it, but it will have nothing to do with this isolated incident. Most likely it'll be about $$$.

You see, there's this guy in the Cincinnati organization named Mike. It's told you could shove a piece of coal up his butt, and in two days you'll have yourself a diamond! Cha-ching baby! I heard this condition is being treated though... :rolleyes::lol:

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Shaun Alexander will never be a Bengal

Rudi Johnson will be at least through 05

Nothing else worht arguing except alexander's media comments of late. Even if this is his first "such"incident he still comes off looking like an absolute moron to me. For some reason it reminds me of Winslow Jr. screaming "I'm a f**kin solier" after his team lost. Who the hell wins a division title, runs for almost 1700 yards and says "I got stabbed in the back"

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Who Dey Again and CTBengal:

I am sure that Shaun Alexander is a great guy, but to come out of a game that your team won to clinch the NFC West and say that your coach stabbed you in the back because you lost the rushing title by 1 yard shows that there is a definite selfish streak. Maybe it was only one incident, but it was one too many. There are far too many players who deal with disappointment without mouthing off and blaming their coach that get overshadowed by the players who are negative when things do not go their way.

That was a fairly strong response to my post. I'm sorry that you feel that my opinion is so wrong, but trust me, it has nothing to do with ESPN. I don't have cable :) .


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