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BN1281 Bengals-Redskins Prediction Thread


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So the Redskins have no passing game, Portis throws the ball better than Brunell does, our secondary is on fire, our O-Line has confidence, Rudi has confidence, our defense played extraordinarily well, and Carson had his first complete game as a pro.

After the beating we gave the Crackboys, I see good things happening in D.C.

Bengals 30, Redskins 20

4-5 on the horizon.


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We scored 23 on the Broncos and 26 on the Cowboys...there is no reason why we can't blow up the 'Skins.


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yes, because I am a raging egomaniac and I need to see my name on the board as much as possible. :D

Actually, for a while there was the "Official" game thread, so I was just putting my name on there to differentiate between the two.

From now on I will just start the thread, since it bothers you so. ;)


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I am really starting to love this team and what ML is putting together.

That said, they are 0-4 on the road, where they would have a hard time stopping me from getting a few yards and where CP has been more prone to mistakes.

That is what you get with a team this young.

Hard to see that changing this week on the road against yet another top 10 back and a stout defense. Washington 20. Cincy 16.

Having said that, I think they have a real shot at going 7-1 at home to finish the year at 7-9. With another good draft, free agency, and a year of experience for CP, they being to crack the road code next year and make the playoffs then.

Did I mention I am starting to love this team? The young guys on D sure do fly to the ball, and the Deltha O'Neal pick-up is starting to look spectacular.

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Lemme start off by saying thank you to the Bengals for working over the Cowboys. Nice.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is seeing how Chad Johnson fares against our secondary after that spanking he put on Bailey.

I know you guys look at that Green Bay game and see that Favre got a few long passes on us. You also have to realize that Sean Taylor was out that week and it was Ryan Clark who got beat on those plays. Besides, this is Brett Favre we're talking about.

Also I noticed that your team is dead last in run defense as far as yardage per game is concerned. You allow a league high 146.9 yards per game. To be captain obvious for a moment, expect a heavy dose of Portis. As long as we don't have to play catch up like we did with the Packers, he should carry a heavy load with decent results. On the flip side of that, Washington allows 84.0 yards a game rushing and has only allowed 4 rushing TD's all season.

Our defense has actually only allowed 10 TD's all season. 6 recieving and 4 rushing. Bengals has allowed 12 passing and 6 rushing.

If our offense or special teams can keep from giving up a TD (which has been a problem for us), then it really is gonna be a close low scoring game due to the strength of our D and the ineptness of our passing game.

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Lemme start off by saying thank you to the Bengals for working over the Cowboys. Nice.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is seeing how Chad Johnson fares against our secondary after that spanking he put on Bailey.

I know you guys look at that Green Bay game and see that Favre got a few long passes on us. You also have to realize that Sean Taylor was out that week and it was Ryan Clark who got beat on those plays. Besides, this is Brett Favre we're talking about.

Also I noticed that your team is dead last in run defense as far as yardage per game is concerned. You allow a league high 146.9 yards per game. To be captain obvious for a moment, expect a heavy dose of Portis. As long as we don't have to play catch up like we did with the Packers, he should carry a heavy load with decent results. On the flip side of that, Washington allows 84.0 yards a game rushing and has only allowed 4 rushing TD's all season.

Our defense has actually only allowed 10 TD's all season. 6 recieving and 4 rushing. Bengals has allowed 12 passing and 6 rushing.

If our offense or special teams can keep from giving up a TD (which has been a problem for us), then it really is gonna be a close low scoring game due to the strength of our D and the ineptness of our passing game.

Like he stated--it's obvious. But very to the point. Nice post there new guy.

It sounds like you're pretty level headed. At least you're not predicting 3,000 passing yards against our Bungles' Defense. At least you realize that Brunell & Co. aren't capable of that.

So again--overall, nice clean analysis.


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The Bengals can't stop the run, The Bengals are very inconsistent, The Bengals haven't won a regular season game in Washington .. - EVER, The Bengals are 0-4 on the road this season.

The Redskins have an awesome running back, The Redskins have home field advantage, the Redskins have won A game at home this season (1-3).

The Bengals average 19 points scored each game, and 21 points conceded.

The Redskins average 14 points per game scored, and 16 points conceded.

My heart says 100 - 0 to the Bengals

My brain says 21 - 14 to the 'Skins (Redskins that is, not foreskins, they're playing Pittsburgh).

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The Jekyll and Hyde season-long journey continues. This week...Hyde makes his triumphant return as we're on the road...and we all know what happens when we're on the road (insert evil laugh here). Portis has big day...Bengals O plays like they were doing pre-game bong hits with Hyde from that '70's show. Brat goes AWOL cuz he can't find a liquor store in D.C. that sells alcohol on Sundays (no, that would be a good thing...nevermind). Bottom line...we lose.

Skins - 17

BONGals - 3

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Ok, the Skins have been in all their games through the first half of the season. The downside to that is they have come out on the wrong side of most of those and to weak teams for the most part. Best defense in the NFL ?? Once again, look at who they have played, this doesn't impress me. Brunell having the year he is "should" not be the issue in this one, Portis should !!! If we balance our Offense and have half an effort from our O-line, we WILL win this game. The Skins remind a lot of the Denver, they could easily be 5-3 even 6-2 against their schedule, but they aren't. This is the road win we need, going into what WILL be our KC of this year and upset Pittsburgh.

Bengals- 27

Skins- 21


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