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Bengals Rant


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Ok, I just got home from watching the game at my sisters and i have a few notes on why we are losing games:

We'll start with the offense:

1) Carson needs to throw the ball downfield more and stop settlin for the dump off to the RB. He checks down way too fast and doesnt let anything develop.

2) Houzmanzadeh or whatever sucks balls. He stops moving once his route is complete and doesnt do s**t for the running game.

3) Drop balls, way too many week in week out, and its not just CJ even though he was the guilty one today.

4) Our tight ends suck f**kin balls. all 3 of them especially stewart. WHY THE f**k IS HE ON THE TEAM?? all he does is drop balls or gets blown up on in the running game. If we spend a 1-3 round pick on a TE this next draft i will be happy as hell.

5) Rudy will not be resigned after this year and ill be happy. He hasnt broken a run all year and gets hit in the backfield wayyyyy too much. and its not the O-Lines fault is the sad part. Its all him. Hes dancing for a fat ass running back way too much.

6) Perry is still not playing.

7) we need warrick desperately.

Special Teams

8) Larson is way too inconsistent with his punts. He'll boom one then shank one out of bounds.

9) Graham still is kickin it too short on kickoffs.


10) Inconsistent as f**k. They take plays off. They give up. Every single drive the browns had we had a great play and then a horrible play on defense. I am really sick of the lackluster play by our defense.

11) DT's again gettin blown up all game long. We need bigger ones badly.

12) Miller and Landon both played too tentative in the middle giving up more yards than they should have on alot of plays, pass or run.

13) Hardy all game long did nothing. He has a couple tackles, but got blocked out of plays or got out ran on alot of plays. Simmons is our only good linebacker, and thats sad.

14) Our secondary consistently getting beat by the long ball cuz of our woeful problems vs the run. O'neal got beat on a double move, kaesviharn got beat long, had wide open receivers left open on blitzes etc etc.

Besides all of those problems, we played good....ya right. s**tty performance by the offense this time, coming off a bye week that was pathetic. Defense played good at times but wayyyyyy too inconsistent to win the game.

I dont think it had anything to do with playcalling this time, all personnel and confidence. we have none, we better get soem fast.

Great way to go into the monday night game to showcase our new team.

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I just wish you'd tell us how you really feel jditty! :rolleyes:

I kind of agree on some points, but I mostly blame the defense, or lack thereof. The offense is ALWAYS playing from behind, which leads to them trying to "force" the ball downfield and results in turnovers and other mistakes.

Also Mr. "Five Minute Fix" Frazier can relax on being such a hardass by making his unit stay that extra time on the practice field. I think it would be better spent jerking off in the shower than for all the good it did today, which was just a bunch of jerkoffs making a s**tty Browns offense look like the Patriots! <_<

I'll start the chant now...Fi-re Fraz-ier!! Fi-re Fraz-ier!! Fi-re Fraz-ier!! This guy has taken over a #24th rated defense and moved them solidly into #32!! Leslie...you da' man. <_<

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I don't understand why KK starting instead of Williams? He is leading the team in tackles and has played well. I agree the Bengals need to stop dropping passes, and they need Warrick in there because TJ is nonexistent. Palmer was clearly not the problem. Dropped passes and bad playing calling was the story for the offense. CJ dropped 4 passes. Does Chris Perry only play in the first half? D line needs some improvement, but I did enjoy watching Justin Smith pick up and throw Garcia on the ground. I hope Marvin takes control of the D soon because LF is #$#king up!

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I don't understand why KK starting instead of Williams? He is leading the team in tackles and has played well. I agree the Bengals need to stop dropping passes, and they need Warrick in there because TJ is nonexistent. Palmer was clearly not the problem. Dropped passes and bad playing calling was the story for the offense. CJ dropped 4 passes. Does Chris Perry only play in the first half? D line needs some improvement, but I did enjoy watching Justin Smith pick up and throw Garcia on the ground. I hope Marvin takes control of the D soon because LF is #$#king up!

what game were you watching? The playcalling was fine. Dropped passes played a major toll i agree, but palmer's lack of confidence and Rudy's inability to break a tackle and get moving N-S and not E-W is killing us offensively. The OLine blocking was fine.

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I don't understand why KK starting instead of Williams?  He is leading the team in tackles and has played well.  I agree the Bengals need to stop dropping passes, and they need Warrick in there because TJ is nonexistent.    Palmer was clearly not the problem.  Dropped passes and bad playing calling was the story for the offense.  CJ dropped 4 passes. Does Chris Perry only play in the first half?  D line needs some improvement, but I did enjoy watching Justin Smith pick up and throw Garcia on the ground.  I hope Marvin takes control of the D soon because LF is #$#king up!

what game were you watching? The playcalling was fine. Dropped passes played a major toll i agree, but palmer's lack of confidence and Rudy's inability to break a tackle and get moving N-S and not E-W is killing us offensively. The OLine blocking was fine.

I would ask you the same question, what game where you watching? When you are 1-13 on 3rd down conversions I wouldn't say the play calling was the best. How many times did they have a 3rd and long and either run or throw a little dump off pass to a back or TE? Face it Brat. is a bad OC. Doesn't take a genious to figure that one out. Palmer had one Int. that wasn't his fault, but CJ got out played for it. I wouldn't blame Palmer that much.

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I highly doubt on any of the dump off passes, that the RB was the #1 option. If u watched it, on all of them, his first option was covered and he immediately moved out of the pocket or moved in the pocket and rushed it to the RB. Playcalling had little to nothing to do with it.

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Uh, Ditty? I watched this game too (the Bengals made it on to the TV here in England) and the problem was both our O and D-lines sucked enormous quantities of ass all game long. Levi Jones has been playing poorly for 3 or 4 weeks (is he fully fit?) and the run blocking was generally poor. I don't think it's fair to judge Rudi's running when the O-line couldn't open up a whore's a$$hole. As for the D-line - both DT's were shoved back on every single play the entire game. We need D-Line help badly and I hope we draft D-line both #1 and #2 this coming year. That DE from LSU, (Marcus Spears?) and the biggest nastiest DT available. I don't think we can blame Frazier, I think it's the personnel are simply not performing.

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I don't think it's fair to judge Rudi's running when the O-line couldn't open up a whore's a$$hole.

Man, if that colorful use of the vanacular isn't descriptive of the lines play, I don't know what is! Because I'm very well aware of how easy it is to open up a ... uh ... um ... er ... well never mind what I'm very well aware of! Let's just say there wasn't many holes and leave it at that. :rolleyes:

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I was watching the game at Jack Astor's. After watching several 3 and outs along with a 14-0 browns lead....I paid my bill and left. I had others things to do with my time than sit and watch that. I got home to see they had rallied for a 17-14 lead. I thought, perhaps, Coach Lewis had kicked Brat and Fraz out of the stadium. We all know the rest.

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Rudy will not be resigned after this year and ill be happy. He hasnt broken a run all year and gets hit in the backfield wayyyyy too much. and its not the O-Lines fault is the sad part. Its all him. Hes dancing for a fat ass running back way too much.

I completely disagree. Yet Rudi will be retained along with Perry I'm guessing, and I think they can be successful with Rudi. He needs a better line in front of him and close games/leads to get more opp's. They are consistently throwing the ball on 3rd down and not using him on 3rd down - thus they were 1 for 13 today in those situations, and Rudi had no room to run most of the time. He looks completely out of synch with the offense and the 0-line this year.

At the same time maybe he's best used as in a tandem situation like he was last year. Perry doesn't look much better behind that line though running the ball. Levi is a joke and even Steinbach looked bad today. Braham is done and Bobbie Williams is very average. Willie Anderson is not having a great year either.

The complete lack of confidence and enthusiasm is what worries me most, they look lost, and are bumbling simple things consistently.

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I thought, perhaps, Coach Lewis had kicked Brat and Fraz out of the stadium. We all know the rest.

Yeah. Those two losers snuck back into the stadium right after halftime and insured our loss! We need better security dammit!! :lol:

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