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How Big Is Sunday's Game?


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Considering all of the injuries that are piling up with the Bengals division opponents, this weeks game is huge. It is possible with a rookie in Pittsburgh and all of the injuries in Cleveland, that we could start 4-1. That's looking too far ahead though. Sundays game against the Ravens will be the perfect litmus test. If they can slow down Jamal and can move the ball on this defense then the Bengals have something going here. If we lose a home division game it will make things tougher down the stretch, and this will be one of those games we look back and kick ourselves in the ass. Like the Cards, Raiders, and Bills last year. I'll be coming up from Michigan Sunday to watch the Bengal's stomp ass!!!!!!!!!!!

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Considering all of the injuries that are piling up with the Bengals division opponents, this weeks game is huge.

It is possible with a rookie in Pittsburgh and all of the injuries in Cleveland, that we could start 4-1.......

I'll be coming up from Michigan Sunday to watch the Bengal's stomp ass!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree this is a Big Game.

And you are right, if we can Win this one we have a real chance of going 4-1 .....

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This game is huge! It's a division game those are always big and the Bengals really need to show the rest of the league something. The AFC North is there for the taking. No team has really stepped up yet as far as being dominant. I know it's only the third game but this is the Bengals chance rise up and send a message.

Tampa made a great point here--and I read this thread expecting to see what Tampa wrote about ALL DIVISION GAMES--THEY ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!

Like you guys said--this isn't a "must win"--however YOU NEED TO WIN AS MANY DIVISIONAL GAMES AS YOU CAN!!!

This game is very important.


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This game is big, Ravens are the division champs until we beat them. We have to win our home games. Plus the Ravens are coming in limping, and we have to take advantage. The Ravens are already 1-1 in the division, and it would be really hard on them if we can make them 1-2. But really, I'd say that this game isn't really any bigger than the Steelers game the week after because we have a real chanc to get a leg up on them cause we are playing them when they aren't at 100%. Remember, when you kick'a man when he's down your foot is that much closer to his face.

The team has to go at 5-1 in the North, at worst 4-2, so if that means getting a break by playing a less than full strength side then take it.

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man i cant wait to f**k up the ravens on sunday. their oline is banged up and boller is shaky so far, and think of this, hes gonna be watching tape of feeley gettin bumrushed, u knows hes worried about that happening. Once we stop jamall its over. CJ will find the endzone, and i gaurantee it. who dey b*tches!!! :player:

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id say the ravens D is better than the dolphins D. i think their O is better than miami also. we might of stopped lamar gordon but i dont see us doin much against Jamal Lewis so this win will be very hard to come by.

If the Ravens D is better than Miami's It's only by a touch. The Ravens O-line is better than the Dolphins but at WR the Dolphins are head and shoulders better than the Ravens, and considering that the Ravens are coming in without Heap that means that that the dolphins had a better TE against us.

Teams haven't been having a problem shutting down Lewis this year. People are complaining about Rudi's stats, Rudi has had a better season than Lewis.

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Both teams have some serious questions with injuries and such coming into this weekends game. Whichever team deals with these issues better will walk away the winner!

Last weekend we dealt with the problem at center with Fontenot. Marvin found a way! B) This weeks game versus the Ravens will be a little tougher though.

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Teams haven't been having a problem shutting down Lewis this year. People are complaining about Rudi's stats, Rudi has had a better season than Lewis.

Rudi has had a better season so far than Jamal.

Billick knows he's got trouble, which is why Taylor and Boller ran the ball as much as they did vs. Pitt.

The Bengals D have the most identifiable key they will have in a gameplan this year -- contain Jamal.

Rush with 8 and 9 all game long, and make Boller throw or run or force Ravens to try to move ball w/ Taylor. No Heap helps simplify things for the D.

What will win this game for Bengals is the play calling and its execution. Brat has to come up w/ a couple big plays to get into scoring position and a few wrinkles to move the ball beyond 3 and outs vs. this Ravens D.

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This game is not about x's and o's. It usually isn't when the Ravens are involved. The post that it will come down to who wants it more is correct. The Ravens win through intimidation and physicality, not finesse. You know exactly what the game plan is. The question is, can you stop it. Those of you who are so sure you are going to stop Jamal, I don't know what you base that on?

Is this a huge game? Yes, absolutely. This game is worth as much as the one at the end of the season, we just don't have context for it yet.

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Those of you who are so sure you are going to stop Jamal, I don't know what you base that on?

2.7 Yards a carry for a grand total of 119 yards.

now I'm not saying that he's gonna get shut down, but I think Marvin is gonna play him the way he played him the first game of last year. Just contain him don't give him big runs, just don't let the convert 3rd downs on the ground. Make Boeller do it. Without Heap do you think Kyle Boeller can beat any team passing? Truthfully now.

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Without Heap do you think Kyle Boeller can beat any team passing? Truthfully now.

NO !

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Why the Bengals will beat the Crapbirds: (1) O'Neal got his timing back last week, will be stronger; Madieu getting better all the time at Safety; (2) Palmer got some good experience under fire last week against an awesome defense, he will do better. Just remember his poise and confidence as he led the boys down the field to set up the winning field goal Sunday nite. Oh, unlike a lot of posts I have read, I don't think Miami's D is inferior to Baltimore's; (3) Center position will be stronger, weather Braham or Fountenot starts; (4) If the Bengals hold Cocaine Jamal to under 100 yards, we win.

The only way I see the Bengals losing is if they give up the football more than two times.

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