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Chin up guys !


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Your guys played well. Were it not for a couple of miscues you could ave easily pulled this one out.

Your D-Line ran out of gas in the third quarter and that's when Curtis started racking up the big yards.

All in all the pieces to put together a contending team are all there. Stick with Marvin.

I'm off to the Lightening Bolts Site.

Good Luck with your season.

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Disturbing stat of the day from Hobson:

"But for the third time in the last five games dating back to last season, the Bengals allowed more than 200 yards rushing, and Jets quarterback Chad Pennington hit 20 of 27 passes for 224 yards."

Something has to change on defense, they cannot keep accepting these performances, I thought Marvin had pride in his defense.

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Your guys played well.

Good Luck with your season.

Now Moley, I appreciate you trying to be nice, but you don't have to tell us lies to make us feel better. Only SOME of our guys played well. I wouldn't even call what the Bengals defense did as playing.

It looked more like a scene from a bad horror flick where the undead slowly plod along, both arms extended straight out in front of them in stiff legged persuit of the living! <_<

Anyway watch out for San Diego, they looked far better in their game than I thought they'd be!

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The Bengals have a lot of work to do on defense.

s**t, you ain't never lie Terry....ugh....It got so ugly, I was at the sports bar looking at the Browns game when the Bengals D came on for a while.

Haha, the bar I was at was saturated with Browns and Steelers fans (don't ask me how they co-existed) and all the projection screens had their games on. One of us Bengals asked why we weren't on the big screen, and honestly, I'm glad we weren't. I was truly embarassed to watch our Defense. I'm not so mad they picked on Madieu, he's a rookie, it's inevitable....but just watching Curtis Martin and co. do whatever they wanted with us....ugh....

Let's get this game out of our memory. Hopefully Coach Lewis cursed them out, and then promptly gave them a pep talk. LOL :player:

I mean, we're a little used to this: at least we didn't get slaughtered like last year's opening day, right? Let's go out next week and fix some tuna! :)

Who Dey!

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Despite the loss and the terrible D, this is the first time in a long time when I've actually felt optimistic about the season. It was so wonderful to think that after all the QB failures, we finally have a stud back there. Sure, mistakes will be made, but how many QBs can claim 248 yds, 2 TDs in their first professional game? Now, we need Marvin to slap the D into shape. And go barbeque some Tuna next Sunday. :D

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