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Sam Wyche did it best.   Rooming offense and defense; black and white players together.   You still hear these players reference that.

Burrow has that leadership trait. 


I don't think players should shut and dribble.  I question their tatics.   Aligning your message with an organization that does not control it's overall image automatically lessens the effectiveness. 

It's like the Civil War history dude that swears his flying of the Stars and Bars is about history and yada, yada, yada.  Well, dude some racist high jacked that imagery AND used to intimidate/kill people.  So to bad.

Player messages aligned with a hyper political organization like BLM is going to cut it's effectiveness.   People like Jason Whitlock can see that and he's correct:


The NBA Bubble is toxic. It was bound to burst, bound to foment racial animus. The Bubble is a museum dedicated to defining America as inherently racist and demonizing anyone who questions the sanity of analyzing a nation through the lens of police engagement with resisting suspects.

This is the consequence of injecting politics into sports. Politics is inherently partisan, divisive, dishonest, racially exploitive and destructive. Politics blinds. The fight for political power erases the humanity of the opposition. Politics uses fear to inspire voters. 


Chris Webber and other athletes need to engage with people who don’t share their worldview, people who reject the Just Do It mantra. 

If there’s no plan, there’s no progress. If there’s no strategy, there’s no progress. 

Rather than a pointless gesture designed to “garner attention” or organizing protests designed to seek “justice” for a resisting criminal suspect, why can’t we encourage black professional athletes to pool their economic resources and invest in black communities?

Jobs combat racism far more than destroying sports leagues that employ and compensate black men. Black professional athletes could start banks and businesses that dramatically improve black communities. 

  This targets opportunity zones in which a black republican has had success.   However this reality is lost because everytime he speaks people that are content on their side winning an elections dismiss him as a token.   It's a shame really.

The same model is in place and operating.   Use black leaders to spread fear to sway a voting demographic towards the same ole party.    If this voting demographic ever realized to hold their votes "up for sale" they would have receive better policy solutions years ago.   





Opportunity Zones came about in the 2017 Tax Cut package that received 0 democrat votes. 

Black Enterprise now estimates 75 Billion of investments and has garnered support from public personalities like TI, Charlamane, and Nipsey.

There's just a better way these players can effect change.   However,  when they flip sides they'll be treated poorly like Tim Scott (the politician) largely responsible for this language being included.







29-year-old Jacob Blake was legally forbidden from being on the property where he was ultimately shot. The police were called to the scene because he was breaking a restraining order, not because he was innocently breaking up a fight.

Blake was on said restraining order after he was accused in a criminal complaint, that was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home and sexually assaulting the female resident. It detailed that he used his finger to digitally penetrate her body after which he sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men.”


IMO, painting these as purely race driven like Lebron James and other athletes do harms the communities they claim to be concerned about. 




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