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Excuses for losing


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Allow me, if I may, to make a short statement regarding the mental aspect of the game. This is coming from my wildly successful career as a therapist and my recent book (sarcasm. though I am a therapist).

Excuses exist. Yes, there are reasons that teams win and lose in any given game. When key players are not playing it has a definite impact on the game. No doubt, no question.

Here's why excuses don't matter even though they exist. Excuses limit you on your potential. Excuses keep you focused on what you THINK are extraneous circumstances that are just bad luck. It's kind of like believing in curses. Your focus is always on what's going on beyond your control. Excuses leave you essentially powerless and defeated.

In the case of excuses concerning a football team dealing with injuries, it's ok to recognize where your energy spent improving where the team should go. Depth, adjustments in game planning, personnel, etc.

Excuses have no part of consistent success, ever. In anything and in any situation. Always keep the focus on what you can control and what you can influence. Focusing on what you perceive as "chance" and "luck" don't help your cause!

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The Colts stomped the Bengals' with Boom Herron, a Bengals' practice squad player and former draft pick. He also was the 2nd leading WR for them.

Yes, you don't hear them making excuses.

It certainly helps to be good in the trenches, something the Bengals' never seemingly are for very long.

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It's like they say in the military:

What's effective range of an excuse ??


I won't present the injuries as an excuse for what happened with this team, but they certainly had an impact that was apparently too much for them to overcome. I don't think they executed very well, weren't able to push the ball downfield on offense, and weren't able to generate a pass rush on defense.

Had the question been asked earlier in the season, what do you think it would look like if they had to play a game without their top two WR's, TE's, and LB's, what would have been the answer ?? While I will readily admit in hating seeing the season end this way, it's why I am not as upset as others might be.

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I hate excuses, but it just proved what everyone know, Dalton needs weapons around him to be good, and a lot of weapons! Also without a running game the offense was not very good. So this offseason they better get Dalton more weapons to go along with the guys that are coming back.

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It's like they say in the military:

What's effective range of an excuse ??


I won't present the injuries as an excuse for what happened with this team, but they certainly had an impact that was apparently too much for them to overcome. I don't think they executed very well, weren't able to push the ball downfield on offense, and weren't able to generate a pass rush on defense.

Had the question been asked earlier in the season, what do you think it would look like if they had to play a game without their top two WR's, TE's, and LB's, what would have been the answer ?? While I will readily admit in hating seeing the season end this way, it's why I am not as upset as others might be.

Agreed. 2 things.

If everyone saw the injuries, why were people picking them to win?

What is the excuse when key injuries happen next season? Pick out 3-4 key starters and I guarantee you they will be IRed or gone for a portion if the season.

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I hate excuses, but it just proved what everyone know, Dalton needs weapons around him to be good, and a lot of weapons! Also without a running game the offense was not very good. So this offseason they better get Dalton more weapons to go along with the guys that are coming back.

Dalton needs everything to go his way.

At the end of a 16 game season it is impossible to have things set up perfectly.

This is why I believe Dalton is effective early in the season but struggles late. Things are no longer perfect for him.

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If everyone saw the injuries, why were people picking them to win?

I thought AJ was going to get back, I had no idea Gresham was going to be out for the game and while I really dislike him he would have helped, and I thought that Hue and Guenther would have had a gameplan that appeared to be more than meh. The offense had nothing and didn't seem to bother with trying to figure out how to involve Gio better, but that's been a problem for a while. The defensive front needed to do more than just engaged the o-linmen and proceed to dance. I can't tell you how many times I saw them simply engage and dance. No appearance of any kind of effort outside of doing the dance. No spin moves, no swims, nothing. Engage and fill space. There was no action and no fire on the defensive front and this isn't the first playoff game that's happened with this team.

Why was anyone else picking the Bengals ?? Probably along the same lines. They figured they would have approached this game differently since the identity seemingly changed since their first meeting. I could be wrong.

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I hate excuses, but it just proved what everyone know, Dalton needs weapons around him to be good, and a lot of weapons! Also without a running game the offense was not very good. So this offseason they better get Dalton more weapons to go along with the guys that are coming back.

Dalton needs everything to go his way.

At the end of a 16 game season it is impossible to have things set up perfectly.

This is why I believe Dalton is effective early in the season but struggles late. Things are no longer perfect for him.

I read an article somewhere this morning that said it nicely in regards to the game yesterday:

"Dalton needs weapons and Luck is a weapon"

The down side is that it's not every day that a team finds itself in a position to add a "weapon" at the QB position.

I'm not defending what are OBVIOUS problems in Dalton's game, but there were a bunch of teams that didn't make the playoffs with their QB.

My point is that it's not as easy to address that position as some think.

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I hate excuses, but it just proved what everyone know, Dalton needs weapons around him to be good, and a lot of weapons! Also without a running game the offense was not very good. So this offseason they better get Dalton more weapons to go along with the guys that are coming back.

Dalton needs everything to go his way.

At the end of a 16 game season it is impossible to have things set up perfectly.

This is why I believe Dalton is effective early in the season but struggles late. Things are no longer perfect for him.

I read an article somewhere this morning that said it nicely in regards to the game yesterday:

"Dalton needs weapons and Luck is a weapon"

The down side is that it's not every day that a team finds itself in a position to add a "weapon" at the QB position.

I'm not defending what are OBVIOUS problems in Dalton's game, but there were a bunch of teams that didn't make the playoffs with their QB.

My point is that it's not as easy to address that position as some think.

Regardless, a problem will come up and reveal itself as long as it's a problem. Only a matter of time.

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I hate excuses, but it just proved what everyone know, Dalton needs weapons around him to be good, and a lot of weapons! Also without a running game the offense was not very good. So this offseason they better get Dalton more weapons to go along with the guys that are coming back.

Dalton needs everything to go his way.

At the end of a 16 game season it is impossible to have things set up perfectly.

This is why I believe Dalton is effective early in the season but struggles late. Things are no longer perfect for him.

I read an article somewhere this morning that said it nicely in regards to the game yesterday:

"Dalton needs weapons and Luck is a weapon"

The down side is that it's not every day that a team finds itself in a position to add a "weapon" at the QB position.

I'm not defending what are OBVIOUS problems in Dalton's game, but there were a bunch of teams that didn't make the playoffs with their QB.

My point is that it's not as easy to address that position as some think.

Exactly, Dalton is going no where and we know that, we all want him to be better, he needs guys around him, a lot of guys.

Sure we have players here, but are they good enough weapons? Gio he can be if they would actually use him right.

Sanu? He is best used as a slot guy, a good number 3 who can take advantage of LB coverage, he can't beat 1on1 coverage.

Marvin Jones, do we even know enough yet? We hope so?

Eifert, the same as Jones we hope so?

Gresham we don't even know if he will be back, but it gave him a weapon at times, but not great!

AJ really Dalton's only big weapon and it showed because Dalton would throw to him no matter if he was double covered. He threw a lot of picks going to him!

Hill, yes he is a great weapon for Dalton with that running game.

So once again they need guys for Dalton to succeed next year, if they don't it will all be the same. Dalton needs to find other guys to throw it to besides a double covered AJ! They need to find a way to push the ball downfield that will open up screens and underneath passes more, and maybe Gio will find more success. Just a thought?

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I'm all for moving on from Dalton if truth be known. I don't care if it's this offseason either.

My point is, it's not always as easy as it might seem.

If they cut him now, they have what ?? McCarron ?? Hardly inspiring at this point in time.

What are the options after that ?? Any free agent quarterbacks that look good to anyone here ?? That is a scary list.

Draft someone high ?? No chance at the top 2 without mortgaging the farm, which I don't want them to do.

After those two, you could hope someone like Hundley is there, but he carries a risk as well. He worked out of the shotgun, but has great mobility.

Then you get into everyone else. Guys rated as 3rd round talent at best. You happen across those guys here and there, but it's a risk.

I still don't know what a shiny new QB gets us when the defense can't generate even a speck of pass rush.

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I'm not saying move on from Dalton this offseason, but I want to see them give him as many weapons they can. It proved to me without AJ non of these WR can beat 1on1 coverage. So I'm hoping they use free agency this year to bring in a WR to go with AJ, and Marvin in case one goes down again, and a TE to go with Eifert and a rookie if they draft one. Give Dalton all he needs to succed and see how he does.

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I still don't know what a shiny new QB gets us when the defense can't generate even a speck of pass rush.

Ding! For all the shit (and some of it deservedly so) being shoveled onto Dalton, the fact remains that when you look at the team's top players, every single one of them except Andrew Whitworth either got hurt or underperformed this year.

Atkins and Dunlap combined for something like $18 million against the cap, twice Andy's hit. They couldn't find the QB if he was painted day-glo yellow with "QB" on his chest in big black letters.

(And let's not even talk about Peko...)

Burfict got a big extension before the season and proceeded to miss 12 games.

As willy reminds us endlessly, Hall made $8 million this year. He had one (1) pick.

Our $5 million RT missed half the season. Of course, that's nothing new, in six years here he's managed a full 16 games twice.

AJ, Jones, Gresham and Eifert: $13 million sitting on the bench yesterday.

Bottom line, based on this year, them barely having anyone under contract beyond 2015 looks like a feature, not a bug.

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Assuming Marvin AND Dalton ARE staying beyond 2015 so we can't change those 2 factors, let's do apples to apples. In order to make it more relevant, let's use the two most recent scenarios.

What missing ingredients, beyond HC and QB, did the 2000 Ravens (Dilfer QB), and the 2002 Buccaneers (Johnson) have that the Bengals don't?

Seriously? It seems that's the only shot they have with the hand dealt.

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I would say there are two main missing ingredients.

On defense, it's a pass rush. The last few years, the defensive line was the strength of the team, generating regular pressure even just rushing four, thanks to the talent of Atkins, Dunlap and MJ. That talent up front let them get by with skimping on the back end (though they did spend a couple high picks on corners), especially at linebacker.

But with Atkins reduced by injury and MJ gone in FA, the pass rush went away and the weakness behind the line got exposed. IMHO they either rebuild on the dline with an eye toward refreshing the pass rush, or add some serious pass-rushing talent to the linebacking group. I would go dline but that's just me.

On offense, I actually think all the ingredients are there, but injuries keep screwing them up. That points to a deeper problem involving a lack of depth and the lackadasical, plodding way they often address injuries. For instance, the Marvin Jones foot issue was well-known all offseason. It was quite clear in workouts and in camp. Yet their "strategy" for dealing with it boiled down to the usual "wishin-hopin-prayin" approach, and by the time they finally threw in the towel it was too late to find a quality replacement. Same deal with Eifert, who they basically made no real effort to replace. (And when Alex Smith went down as well they continued to do jack divided by shit.)

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I would say there are two main missing ingredients.

On defense, it's a pass rush. The last few years, the defensive line was the strength of the team, generating regular pressure even just rushing four, thanks to the talent of Atkins, Dunlap and MJ. That talent up front let them get by with skimping on the back end (though they did spend a couple high picks on corners), especially at linebacker.

But with Atkins reduced by injury and MJ gone in FA, the pass rush went away and the weakness behind the line got exposed. IMHO they either rebuild on the dline with an eye toward refreshing the pass rush, or add some serious pass-rushing talent to the linebacking group. I would go dline but that's just me.

On offense, I actually think all the ingredients are there, but injuries keep screwing them up. That points to a deeper problem involving a lack of depth and the lackadasical, plodding way they often address injuries. For instance, the Marvin Jones foot issue was well-known all offseason. It was quite clear in workouts and in camp. Yet their "strategy" for dealing with it boiled down to the usual "wishin-hopin-prayin" approach, and by the time they finally threw in the towel it was too late to find a quality replacement. Same deal with Eifert, who they basically made no real effort to replace. (And when Alex Smith went down as well they continued to do jack divided by shit.)


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I would say there are two main missing ingredients.

On defense, it's a pass rush. The last few years, the defensive line was the strength of the team, generating regular pressure even just rushing four, thanks to the talent of Atkins, Dunlap and MJ. That talent up front let them get by with skimping on the back end (though they did spend a couple high picks on corners), especially at linebacker.

But with Atkins reduced by injury and MJ gone in FA, the pass rush went away and the weakness behind the line got exposed. IMHO they either rebuild on the dline with an eye toward refreshing the pass rush, or add some serious pass-rushing talent to the linebacking group. I would go dline but that's just me.

On offense, I actually think all the ingredients are there, but injuries keep screwing them up. That points to a deeper problem involving a lack of depth and the lackadasical, plodding way they often address injuries. For instance, the Marvin Jones foot issue was well-known all offseason. It was quite clear in workouts and in camp. Yet their "strategy" for dealing with it boiled down to the usual "wishin-hopin-prayin" approach, and by the time they finally threw in the towel it was too late to find a quality replacement. Same deal with Eifert, who they basically made no real effort to replace. (And when Alex Smith went down as well they continued to do jack divided by shit.)

WR was dumb not to at least have a backup plan, but Eifert went down in preseason, hard to go get someone at that time.

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I have just now started looking at the free agents out there, but still am reluctant in thinking the Bengals are very active in that area.

They really are a "build through the draft" team and while that isn't a bad thing, I think they come up short in what they could add in free agency.

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I have just now started looking at the free agents out there, but still am reluctant in thinking the Bengals are very active in that area.

They really are a "build through the draft" team and while that isn't a bad thing, I think they come up short in what they could add in free agency.

You build a roster with the draft. You perfect it and get over humps with FA.

To me, this is where the Bengals FO has fallen short.

YES, they have built a solid roster! BUT, there's more to it than that. You need to constantly evaluate and re-evaluate. Don't like where your team is despite drafting? Despite injuries? Despite unforeseen circumstances? You have to play FA smartly.

The Bengals, well, they basically don't play it at all. That has to change.

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WR was dumb not to at least have a backup plan, but Eifert went down in preseason, hard to go get someone at that time.

I would have re-signed Orson Charles and put him back at TE. But I'm not the personnel guy for the Bengals, so...

The Orson Charles to FB exeriment was really dumb. When they needed a FB, you get a FB. Charles was an excellent TE in college. Just a massive misguided waste.

He'd been on New Orleans practice squad, so he could have been easily plucked. Considering they had Eifert as the IR eligible, sounds again like a bit of bad medical work thinking hed be able to come back when it was clear he'd be done, furhter handcuffing the team at TE, with only Gresham and Brock as TEs since Game 2.

Again, they've got McCarron as the 3rd QB taking up a valuable spot they sould have used for folks who can help Dalton make plays.

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