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Geezus Make It Stop


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Pollack appeared to do a pretty good job filling in for Zeitler. At least I didn't hear his name, except when Lap mentioned he hadn't heard his name and that was good.

I see Robinson also got into the game at center. That was good to see. And they didn't seem to miss a beat when Boling went down, just slid Whit over and brought Collins in.

Per Marvin today everyone is expected back after the bye. That's a relief, it seemed like the were dropping like flies yesterday.

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My nine-year-old watched the game with me. Looking at a play, he said, "That one guy's name is Boiling, and the other guy's name is Cook."

That's better than watching with my 7 year old who has already mastered what it means to be a Bengals fan.

Son: "Daddy, why did Dalton throw it to the wrong guy ??"

Me: "He didn't mean to buddy, the other guy just made a good play."

Son: "Dalton sucks."

I really have to watch what I say when I don't think he's paying attention.

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Robinson was in the game at some point in the second half. I think he was spelling Cook later in the game. Didn't notice anything bad. Thought he did OK last year when Cook was out. Nice to have a little flexibility and real game experience with some of these backups.

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