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What constitute someone to be known as a Die Hard Bengal fan? I’ve been a fan since I was a kid, have cheered for them through to good and bad days, displayed their logos while in Iraq during OIF 1, painted my basement orange and hung up Bengal memorable all over, got a motorcycle painted orange with black strips, I display a huge Who Dey flag every Sunday, the truck has Bengals logo’s all over it, etc. Does that make me a diehard fan?

Does having season tickets year after year make someone a diehard fan?

While driving home from last week’s game, I saw a couple in a big diesel truck with a custom paint job. It was orange with Bengal stripes and the Bengals tiger head on the hood. Does that make them a diehard fan? I think so!

What about the fans who tailgate week after week?

What about the people that fly or drive across the country to see a game?

What about the people that has Bengal tattoos?

What about the people on this message board that defend our team day after day?

So what makes someone a diehard Bengal fan? What makes each one of you a diehard fan?


What constitute someone to be known as a Die Hard Bengal fan? I’ve been a fan since I was a kid, have cheered for them through to good and bad days, displayed their logos while in Iraq during OIF 1, painted my basement orange and hung up Bengal memorable all over, got a motorcycle painted orange with black strips, I display a huge Who Dey flag every Sunday, the truck has Bengals logo’s all over it, etc. Does that make me a diehard fan?

Does having season tickets year after year make someone a diehard fan?

While driving home from last week’s game, I saw a couple in a big diesel truck with a custom paint job. It was orange with Bengal stripes and the Bengals tiger head on the hood. Does that make them a diehard fan? I think so!

What about the fans who tailgate week after week?

What about the people that fly or drive across the country to see a game?

What about the people that has Bengal tattoos?

What about the people on this message board that defend our team day after day?

So what makes someone a diehard Bengal fan? What makes each one of you a diehard fan?

All of the above. Anything involving following the Bengals that makes you deviate from your "normal activities".

For me it's my season tickets and scheduling EVERYTHING around those home games. For any game I am not at the stadium I will try and clear my entire Sunday for the game on TV, the following celebration, or the depression afterwards...


For me it's simply being a fan. The Bengals have been "THE" team that I follow above all others ever since I could remember.

My football season never ends.

You have the season, watching college players that could help us the following season, the combine, the draft, free agency, OTA's, mini-camp, camp, the preseason, then the next season. It simply never ends. On top of that, I come here and talk about all of that after spending a least a part of my day talking about football with the people I work with.

Sure there are jerseys, logos, going to the games, attending camps, paying for the Sunday Ticket to watch when out of market.

Tailgating and all of the above are all part of it, but again, bottomline it's about being a fan all the time.

I don't care how good or bad they are, the Bengals will always be the team I follow.

What makes someone a diehard Bengal fan?

Rooting for them as I have from their birth in '68. B)

That certainly qualifies but I won't even go that far. I think if you've stuck with 'em since Paul Brown left us then yeah, you're a diehard


That's easy, anybody that stuck with the team during the 1990's is a diehard fan. There were alot of fairweather fans that ducked out during that time frame.

I have to say that during some of the 90's, it was very hard to be a Bengals fan.


So what makes someone a diehard Bengal fan?


No way.

I'm guessing that was tongue in cheek, because you've obviously been spoiled rotten as a football fan if you think Bengals football = masochism.


So what makes someone a diehard Bengal fan?


No way.

I'm guessing that was tongue in cheek, because you've obviously been spoiled rotten as a football fan if you think Bengals football = masochism.


Your team went to 4 SB's in a row. Mine has made it to just 2, and until 2003 had been the laughing stock of the NFL for nearly a solid decade. Buffalo is having some tough times, but you have about 5 more years of this crap before you can claim the lost 1990's of the Bengals to be nothing compared to the current Bills disaster. I have empathy for your situation and wish you better times for you team, but dont belittle the pain that true Bengals fans endured, during the decade of shame.

There is no way in hell that any fan, that stayed true to the Bengals during the 1990's can be called spoiled. Only when the Bengals can actually hold up a conference or SB trophy, will the suffering be over completely.


Being a Bengals fan is about never giving up.

At the times when the Bengals are less than their best, being in a division with Cleveland, Pitt and Baltimore (or even Houston if you go back) makes it easy to be a Bengals fan.

I truly hate those teams.


For me it's picking your team and sticking with them through thick and thin. It's easy to follow the current champs or teams with a somewhat prolonged success rate but still cheering on your team, looking for their results first, being happy when they win and pissed off when they lose.

That and spending a s**tload of £ and using lots of your leave to go see them - whilst leaving the mrs at home to look after the kids!


Insanity and a deep affinity for all things hopeless....We all spend our free time recueing downed baby birds and tilting at windmills, it is really quite sad but we persevere.


Until then, there's alcohol and porn...

But not in the same hand at the same time !


If when you watch a Bengals game you are experiencing the gut twisting mix of hope, excitement and agonizing fear all at the same time as you watch every excruciating minute. You are a true Bengals fan.

A true Bengals fan does not enjoy a Bengals game in a relaxed social way, he, or she, endures every second, agonizing over every failure and exulting in every success, never comfortable.


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