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Just say NO to T.O.


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TO? Sure, why not?

Consider this scenario.

If they do something like bring in TO, it would indicate to me that Carson is being given his last chance. Brining in a mercenary like TO means they better win it out, or I think they might blow it up, ML gone, Carson gone, a big overhaul.

If they do something more rational, like go get a younger FA Wr with more upside, draft well again, and build further, then there is more to hope for. If they do this, I don't see how they could bring in TO.

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If they do something like bring in TO, it would indicate to me that Carson is being given his last chance. Brining in a mercenary like TO means they better win it out, or I think they might blow it up, ML gone, Carson gone, a big overhaul.

-Don't see how it would mean it's carsons last chance to me it would be like more Brat & Mike Sheppard are failing to develop Young WR's so we gotta go after older Vet who has produced even though hes known for being a turd...Marvin I could see it being his Death blow simply since final year contract and no word about extension talk (Maybe He doesn't wanna extend and looking to exit after this season anyways)

PS,To me TO Signing would be like Larry Johnson,Talented older player that is a quick Short fix,If he opens his mouth and spews turdness you cut him if he Shuts up and plays football you look like a genius.

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T.O. is not what the Bengals need at that position.

Yeah. All those YAC would suck.

So would all those press conferences with TO and Fredo crying in unison at the media criticizing their quarterback. That would be precious.

Chad has never trashed Palmer. And that's why you give TO a one year contract so you can boot him if he starts trouble. Just the same thing we did with LJ. If he can keep his mouth shut through the season he just endured in Buffalo he can do it here with a competitive team.

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I HATE T.O., but he would be a great #2. Sign him. I'm sick of people acting like the NFL is some kind of good guy club. We need two things next year.

A Defensive Leader/Killer

A 2nd WR

They have to try and get them. I say T.O. for 1 year draft Gilyard in the 2nd rnd, and groom him.






This lineup seems impressive to me.

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Oh yeah, I can see a bad offensive series with Ocho Loco-one and Ocho Loco-two both squawking in Palmer's ears on the sideline about how they were both open on the 3-and-16 screen pass, even though they were both in double coverage.

I might enjoy an Ocho Uno season as a Bengal quite a bit now that you guys have me thinking about this.

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TO to change his name to Ocho Uno if he signs with the Bengals. Wow, what the hell next.......


Are you kidding me?

Chad and TO are wearing matching PLAID shirts.

That's epic gay.

So what's next, matching clown shoes AND feather boas?

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TO to change his name to Ocho Uno if he signs with the Bengals. Wow, what the hell next.......


Are you kidding me?

Chad and TO are wearing matching PLAID shirts.

That's epic gay.

So what's next, matching clown shoes AND feather boas?

Don't forget matching rubberband bracelets that say "BFFs 4ever".

With TO more than willing to join the circus (with the name change BS) that has become the irritating, yet somewhat manageable, OchoFredo, does everybody still think this is a great idea (agiz aside)?

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TO to change his name to Ocho Uno if he signs with the Bengals. Wow, what the hell next.......


Are you kidding me?

Chad and TO are wearing matching PLAID shirts.

That's epic gay.

So what's next, matching clown shoes AND feather boas?

Don't forget matching rubberband bracelets that say "BFFs 4ever".

With TO more than willing to join the circus (with the name change BS) that has become the irritating, yet somewhat manageable, OchoFredo, does everybody still think this is a great idea (agiz aside)?

And yes the obvious redundency in my bracelet suggestion was intentional, as this would no doubt go over the head of someone who intentionally changes his name to '8-5' as opposed to '85'.

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Yes, I think it's worth a try. Give him an LJ contract. If he starts trouble, he's gone. We have to do something to address the WR position and I don't see many alternatives out there.

I don't disagree but it's going to take more than adding a WR to fix this offense/passing game, and Owens likely makes that problem worse, not better, considering everything. He's so big now he's like Keyshawn Johnson in his waning years - slower, inconsistent hands, not of much use, needs to retire.

Chad is right on his heels to be honest, and doesn't have the size to function as an underneath guy.

The Bengals were never good at turning over personnel properly or recognizing what parts needed upgrading before things got too far.

Witness the decline of the o-line since 2005, that is their biggest problem no matter what anyone seems to think. Teams will let Cedric have a few big runs and carry it 35 times a game for 3 yards a pop, and just blitz the hell out of Palmer and trash the passing game (see red zone issues last year) - because his line can't pass protect consistently enough and the rest of the league has Bratkowski and Alexander's tired schemes and offense down pat.

They need new interior lineman, a better RT, a better TE, a new o-coordinator and scheme, and a new o-line coach. They'll probably get a new WR and TE, and maybe a mid-round type guard, but it won't be nearly enough, just watch.

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They need new interior lineman, a better RT, a better TE, a new o-coordinator and scheme, and a new o-line coach. They'll probably get a new WR and TE, and maybe a mid-round type guard, but it won't be nearly enough, just watch.

Have a Better Right Tackle in Andre Smith,As for interior Oline that seems high on everyones board for what we ened in the draft...As for new Oline couch kinda hard when they Just extended Alexander >_<

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I don't disagree but it's going to take more than adding a WR to fix this offense/passing game, and Owens likely makes that problem worse, not better, considering everything. He's so big now he's like Keyshawn Johnson in his waning years - slower, inconsistent hands, not of much use, needs to retire.

I didn't imply that signing him would fix everything, but he's the best alternative in FA that I know of, and a draft pick is not likely to come in and contribute right away. He still made some big plays last year despite being on the Bills offense with Fitzpatrick throwing him the ball.

Chad is right on his heels to be honest, and doesn't have the size to function as an underneath guy.

Chad can still be a productive receiver. He's still got speed and quickness in and out of breaks. Not like he used to have, but he's still got it.

They need new interior lineman, a better RT, a better TE, a new o-coordinator and scheme, and a new o-line coach. They'll probably get a new WR and TE, and maybe a mid-round type guard, but it won't be nearly enough, just watch.

I think they'll get a new guard in the draft. Smith looked promising at RT last year and with a full offseason and training he should be ok there. I think Foschi is fine at TE but if they decide to upgrade that'd be great.

If the only thing they did this offseason was can Bratkowski I'd consider it a good offseason.

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I didn't imply that signing him would fix everything, but he's the best alternative in FA that I know of, and a draft pick is not likely to come in and contribute right away. He still made some big plays last year despite being on the Bills offense with Fitzpatrick throwing him the ball.

Bills with lack of Weapons,So With TO said Double Covers Chad with said double covers Who does that leave on Caldwell or even Coles if we keep him around,Not Saying its the best fix but I'm with you Ron it's a Realistic Fix which would probably overall help our team...As for Drama Queen give me damn Ball Mind set well He would be coming here knowing we already have Chad...He's friends with Chad so I don't see it being that bad "shrug"

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I didn't imply that signing him would fix everything, but he's the best alternative in FA that I know of, and a draft pick is not likely to come in and contribute right away. He still made some big plays last year despite being on the Bills offense with Fitzpatrick throwing him the ball.

Bills with lack of Weapons,So With TO said Double Covers Chad with said double covers Who does that leave on Caldwell or even Coles if we keep him around,Not Saying its the best fix but I'm with you Ron it's a Realistic Fix which would probably overall help our team...As for Drama Queen give me damn Ball Mind set well He would be coming here knowing we already have Chad...He's friends with Chad so I don't see it being that bad "shrug"

Owens is also at the point in his career where he'd like to win a championship. I think as long as we win games he'll be fine. I don't see how this can hurt us if they do it right.

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OH boy -- the whining in this thread is almost delicious enough to eat. It's been said several times, but a few things to consider. First, WINNING cures bad attitudes -- especially in guys that have plenty of stats and individual accomplishments. Playing with a solid QB and one of his closest friends would be great for both chad and T.O. Our locker room was too strong last year and T.O.'s contract would be too small and too short to tolerate any cancerous activity. This is a great idea. What's the worst that could happen? He pitches a fit after we beat cleveland? OK . . . enjoy the bench mr. owens. Does it again? Enjoy the street. The upside, however, is glorious.

Too many people forget what they were saying when we brought in Cedric (among others). We should do this.

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What's the worst that could happen?

Here's one possible scenario.

Prior to the Bengals game against defending champion New Orleans Chad and TO go shopping for matching shirts again. An argument breaks out about which player will sacrifice style for function by wearing a shirt with pockets.

"Somebody's got to carry the condoms!" says Chad.

"I did it last time!" countered TO.

A slap fight ensues.

Feelings are hurt.

Chad immediately goes into a shell. After making a list of the ways TO has hurt him...(sniff)...he laminates the list and hangs it in his locker.

TO counters by admitting he and Chad are lovers, thereby starting a media firestorm in conservative Cincy that eventually engulfs the Bengals playoff hopes.

So yeah, a season lost just because two drama gueens couldn't agree who had to wear the plaid shirt with pockets that week.

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What's the worst that could happen?

Here's one possible scenario.

Prior to the Bengals game against defending champion New Orleans Chad and TO go shopping for matching shirts again. An argument breaks out about which player will sacrifice style for function by wearing a shirt with pockets.

"Somebody's got to carry the condoms!" says Chad.

"I did it last time!" countered TO.

A slap fight ensues.

Feelings are hurt.

Chad immediately goes into a shell. After making a list of the ways TO has hurt him...(sniff)...he laminates the list and hangs it in his locker.

TO counters by admitting he and Chad are lovers, thereby starting a media firestorm in conservative Cincy that eventually engulfs the Bengals playoff hopes.

So yeah, a season lost just because two drama gueens couldn't agree who had to wear the plaid shirt with pockets that week.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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PFT Today

Chad says T.O. is coming to Cincy, Boomer says Chad should leave

Posted by Mike Florio on February 4, 2010 12:29 PM ET

As NFL observers try to figure out the next stop in the Terrell Owens tour, receiver Chad Ochocinco thinks that T.O. will land in Cincinnati.

Ochocinco offered his prediction during an appearance on The Jay Glazer Pre-Party on FSN.

Per Glazer, Ochocinco said that he's "sure of it."

If it happens, it won't be a surprise. The Bengals thrive on giving guys with bad reputations second (or fifth) chances.

But a separate question could be whether T.O. would be complementing Ochocinco, or replacing him.

Former Bengals quarterback Boomer Esiason said during the Westwood One Pro Bowl broadcast with Larry Kahn and Dan Fouts that the Bengals should cut Chad loose.

Every place that this guy (T.O.)has been, he has hurt team chemistry more than he has helped on the field.

The last thing the Bengals need is to have a guy like T.O. in the locker room and the thought of him and Chad playing off each other makes me sick.

The only reason Chad didnt mind having the team run so much is that he was the go to WR so he still got to keep his numbers up.

T.O. and Chad togather will tear the team apart.

Don't be such a drama queen.

This team will be fine with him.

The only drama queen is T.O. he will not change he has hurt every team he has gone to we already have a drama queen Chad no offense to Chad I like him but T.O. is just a punk who cries about his quarterback not throwing the ball to him I'm tired of this talk it annoys me and I can't wait till it passes because we aren't going to sign him even if Brown wanted him to. Here is why hopefully some people can open there eyes up.

Owens no matter how close he is with Chad wants certain things he wants to be the number one guy no matter what and he wants the money niether one he will get from the Bengals just think about it some other team with no recievers take our rivals the Ravens for example who will put up more money for him because they have no big threat targets. And for all you delusional Owens fans what happened when he was going to be the next Jerry Rice of the 49ers or lead the Dallas Cowboys to a superbowl or rebuild Buffalo he has ruined all of that and he isn't going to ruin the Bengals I don't care how good you claim he is he is washed up his best days were at the Eagles and somehow he ruined that. Screw Owens and be happy with who we got Coles who was a #1 reciever for Jets, Matt Jones also a #1/#2 reciever for Jags, and Caldwell and Jerome who could be a #2 or #3 reciever for certain teams and Quan who if you don't think will get better then you are stupid just be happy with what we got oh and I forgot to mention our #1 reciever Chad so stop talking about it cause its just some stupid fantasy yall have.

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