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Who do you want to see the Bengals play in the first round?



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  1. 1. Who would you rather see the Bengals play?

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I picked the Jets just because I think the Bengals have the opportunity to be at an advantage playing them back to back weeks.

I don't think that they are actually the best matchup for Cincy though. They have the best defense in the NFL and are the only team that runs the ball more than Cincy. If Sanchez for sone reason doesn't throw a lot of interceptions, that game could easily go either way.

I actually like the Houston and Denver matchups better than the Jets... but because the Bengals have an opprturnity to see their best game in back to back weeks, Cincy would have a very unique advantage.

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I chose the Steelers....reason why.....This team can't finish! Yes in the past two weeks they have won close games but they don't have momentum nor do they have a running game. This teams defense is tired. When you pass the ball as much as they do it leaves your defense on the field to play it out and hopefully you try to stop the other team. Over a 16 game season a team can get worn down.

Ravens are always tough and unpredictable. Are they going to be the team that S*&^ the bed in Pittsburgh or the team that has played well enough to make the playoffs. I have a feeling that Flacco is about to go nuts and that one game could be in the first round of the playoffs.

Houston----I don't want any piece of them. Yes they are missing Daniels and Slaton but what has happened since? ONE PLAYER----ANDRE JOHNSON! This team really is bothersome. Schuab and Johnson are really starting to click on all cylinders and could do damage in the playoffs this year. As a matter of fact before the season started I picked this team to win the AFC South. I was one who felt that Indy was done and personally I still feel that way.

Jets---I don't know much about this team. All I know is that they have won some games when I thought they were going to lose. They did beat the Patriots earlier this year but that was early. I will better understand this team after Sunday.

Broncos match up well against the Bengals. I hate to say it but they are very much like each other ground and pound with outlets to their WR.

Here is the stupid question of the day....if you were to ask any of these teams the same question I wonder how many would say the Bengals. I think you would have at least 3 teams say that.....Pittsburgh, Houston, and the Steelers....I don't think the Broncos want another game against them and after Sunday I don't think the Jets will be in...

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I don't want to see Pittsburgh or Baltimore again. I guess that makes me a fraidy-cat but the prospect of beating either of those team 3 times in a season seems to be pretty bleak, I am also not incredibly thrilled about the prospects of playing Houston again since they were the one team to really handle us (we matchup particularly bad against big physical WRs like Andre Johnson). The Jets, and the Broncos would be my choice, since we see the Jets the last week of the season, I guess I would prefer the Broncos, besides we owe them.

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I don't want to see Pittsburgh or Baltimore again. I guess that makes me a fraidy-cat but the prospect of beating either of those team 3 times in a season seems to be pretty bleak, I am also not incredibly thrilled about the prospects of playing Houston again since they were the one team to really handle us (we matchup particularly bad against big physical WRs like Andre Johnson). The Jets, and the Broncos would be my choice, since we see the Jets the last week of the season, I guess I would prefer the Broncos, besides we owe them.

I don't think it's about being a "fraidy-cat" as much as it is a "been there, done that" kind of thing.

Seriously... nothing but bad can come from that. If the Bengals win, what have they proven? Nothing that they haven't already proven. If they lose, it undoes the 6-0 domination in the AFC North. I'll pass if I have the option to.

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I don't want to see Pittsburgh or Baltimore again. I guess that makes me a fraidy-cat but the prospect of beating either of those team 3 times in a season seems to be pretty bleak, I am also not incredibly thrilled about the prospects of playing Houston again since they were the one team to really handle us (we matchup particularly bad against big physical WRs like Andre Johnson). The Jets, and the Broncos would be my choice, since we see the Jets the last week of the season, I guess I would prefer the Broncos, besides we owe them.

I don't think it's about being a "fraidy-cat" as much as it is a "been there, done that" kind of thing.

Seriously... nothing but bad can come from that. If the Bengals win, what have they proven? Nothing that they haven't already proven. If they lose, it undoes the 6-0 domination in the AFC North. I'll pass if I have the option to.

Good point. Still with the Bengals having a losing record vs. the rest of the AFC, playing the Ravens doesn't sound that bad.

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Hey everyone I was just sitting here thinking. Hey "Semi" (I talk to myself a lot") if you had to pick to teams left out of the 8-7 teams who would you like to pick?

Wow what a good question. Well first off I wouldn't want the Ravens. We have beaten them twice and I think 3 times would be hard to do. The Texans kicked are ass so I don't want them again. And as for the Steelers I freaking hate them no way I want them in but I would love to knock there tails out.

So I guess I would like to play Denver to show them they got lucky the first time and the Jets even though they have a great running game and defense.

Every team left is good so there is no easy teams left as I see it.

So there you go Jets an Broncos. Who do you want?

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Personally I would love another shot to face Denver at home. I think every player on the team would like the same thing. At the same time I would not mind resting the starters this week to allow them to watch how the Jets play and than bring the Jets back to Paul Brown a week later. I would rather see Baltimore again than Pittsburgh, I just feel Palmer has the Ravens number and their offense is not to scary.

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Isn't there already a thread for this?

Well RM there is a post for the How AFC playoffs are shaping up.

Oh, I must be smokin'.

That's called double vision I think.

My mistake again.

No you are correct.

Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I wish there was an easy way to convey sarcasm on IM's and message boards.

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Personally I would love another shot to face Denver at home. I think every player on the team would like the same thing. At the same time I would not mind resting the starters this week to allow them to watch how the Jets play and than bring the Jets back to Paul Brown a week later. I would rather see Baltimore again than Pittsburgh, I just feel Palmer has the Ravens number and their offense is not to scary.

First, I think NE loses and we need to win at NYJ.

Then, I think we see Denver and stomp them out. As the 3, we go to SD, and I think it is another stomping.

NE will beat Baltimore, then beat Indy, setting up NE travelling to us for the Championship.

Then, it is a toss-up.

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Personally I would love another shot to face Denver at home. I think every player on the team would like the same thing. At the same time I would not mind resting the starters this week to allow them to watch how the Jets play and than bring the Jets back to Paul Brown a week later. I would rather see Baltimore again than Pittsburgh, I just feel Palmer has the Ravens number and their offense is not to scary.

First, I think NE loses and we need to win at NYJ.

Then, I think we see Denver and stomp them out. As the 3, we go to SD, and I think it is another stomping.

NE will beat Baltimore, then beat Indy, setting up NE travelling to us for the Championship.

Then, it is a toss-up.

That's a very realistic scenario, at least the playing Denver part. I really think the Dolphins will beat the Steelers. All the Broncos have to do is beat the Chiefs. They do that with us beating the Jets and the Pats losing and there you go.

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