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Ced is irate/Cedric vrs Da Bears (merged)


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Ced contemplates the twisted wreckage that was his stint with the Bears. In all this, one thing sticks out to me: The incumbent running back was a jackass to the new guy and not a good teammate.


LAKE FOREST, Ill. -- Cedric Benson thinks the Chicago Bears did all they could to prevent him from signing with another team.

Released in June 2008 after two alcohol-related arrests, Benson will come face to face with his former team when the Cincinnati Bengals host the Bears on Sunday. Although he insisted he's not out for revenge and won't try to send a message, Benson clearly has some bad feelings for the Bears.

"I heard all the rumors that were said coming out of Chicago," Benson said. "Even the Bengals told me all the things, that they would call and inquire about me and get nothing but negative things. Just that I didn't work hard, that I was I guess a prima donna or I didn't work hard on the field, just wasn't focused, just anything negative that they could say, it was said. I'm sure that contributed largely to me not getting picked up right away."

Bears coach Lovie Smith insisted, "He was not blackballed by anyone in our organization."

Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said Smith gave a good review of the running back, although Benson said he was in the minority. He appreciated Smith's endorsement, but said most of the coaches did not support him. He wasn't particularly popular with his teammates, either, and he insisted the Bears launched a smear campaign after he was released.

Benson thinks that's why he remained unemployed until the Bengals signed him on Sept. 30, 2008.

Now, he's one of the league's leading rushers, quite a turnaround for someone who fizzled in Chicago after being drafted fourth overall in 2005. Instead of taking his place alongside Walter Payton and Gale Sayers, Benson rubbed teammates the wrong way and never fit in with the Bears.


"Some questions that you all ask are very interesting because I don't have the answers," Benson said. "I think there was, once upon a time, where I would like to have known the answer. But now it kind of doesn't really matter anymore. But I couldn't pinpoint it.

"I remember there being a lot of talk about the holdout and things like that, but that's quite ridiculous in this business because there are holdouts involved. It's not just football, there's the business of contracts involved. I'm sure there was once upon a time where many players on that team had a holdout or something along those lines."

Benson was the last first-round pick to sign in 2005 after a standout career at Texas and missed training camp that year, setting a bad tone for his three seasons in Chicago. Complicating matters: incumbent Thomas Jones was a popular figure in the locker room and the two never really meshed.

He once told the Chicago Sun-Times that Jones, who eventually was traded to the Jets, punched him in the face during a practice drill, and Benson wondered why the Bears drafted him.

"You know how in drafts teams always want you to agree to something before they pick you or they're probably not going to go with you?" he asked. "There was a bit of that before I was picked. I never agreed to anything but still managed to get picked there."

He said a "small group of people" in the organization believed in him, but most were against him. While Smith might have been in his corner, Benson said "no" after a lengthy pause when someone asked if the offensive coaches had his back.

The tension with Jones and issues with the coaches weren't the only problems.

He annoyed teammates with blunt comments, was frequently injured and didn't produce enough when healthy. The Bears still were reeling from Tank Johnson's numerous run-ins with the law when Benson got arrested twice in a month on alcohol charges in and near Austin, Texas. He eventually was cleared, but Chicago already had let him go.

"There were a few times where I was kind of down on myself," Benson said. "But I knew that would get me nowhere. All I wanted to do from that point on was to move forward. So I accepted the situation and found a way to learn from it, found a way to be somewhat thankful that it happened, and move forward."

In Cincinnati, playing alongside Carson Palmer and Chad Ochocinco, Benson seems to be a good fit. Palmer was skeptical at first, but now has him over for dinner.

"None of the stuff I read was true. I don't know exactly what happened," Palmer said.

Maybe Benson changed. Maybe the perception and reality didn't quite mesh. Or maybe it just helped that he joined a team needing a running back.

"Dreams are coming true," he said. "It's a wonderful feeling and I will promise you that I will take full advantage of it all the time."

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Who knows what to think.

He does concede he would have done things differently. Probably enough blame to go around.

I am glad he is a Bengal. Not since Corey was hitting on all cylinders have we had a RB who runs as hard and angry.

I am not sure what more he can give this Sunday, he always seems to give 100%. My hope is that Brat has him down for at least 25 carries (ML is 24-1 when an RB carries 25+ times).

I do like how Palmer goes above and beyond in supporting Benson.

Benson is the perfect back to grind in the AFC North. He is what Jamal Lewis used to be in Baltimore.

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I'm hoping Benson actually WANTS to exact revenge on the Bears and WANTS to prove something, regardless of what he says.

I like him doing this as well. It will play on the anger of the Bears, make them want to shut him down even more, and hopefully open things up for the passing game. All of this is making me think this game should be very fun to watch for a few reasons !!!


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Palmer was on the Dan Patrick show this morning and when specifically asked about Benson used the same "blackballed" wording. Patrick responded by laughingly and blatantly attempting to bait Palmer into saying something controversial by asking him what that word meant. Palmer ignored the bait without missing a beat and attempted to put a more positive spin on the relationship between the Bears and Benson by pointing out how motivated Benson is this week.

Finally, while Palmer wouldn't guarantee a win against the Bears he did predict the Bengals would play much better this week, and as the interview closed guaranteed the Bengals would make the playoffs.

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Maybe it's because I'm a pie in the sky optimist type, but I love a guy that can face his demons and come back stronger. I think we have a lot of those types on this team, Chris Henry is a sure example. I'm a big believer that character built off the field will translate to success on the field, and think Ced has shown that (look at what the team was saying about the guy's prep during the off season and preseason). As a RB, you no doubt have game if you can rush for over 100 yrds against the Ravens, and spin-move your way to a TD! Benson is legit, but there are very few RB in the league that are going to bust for over 100 yrds if you only get 4 carries in a half ( a la Houston game last week). I know it's been a while since we've had a legit RB in the backfield, but Brat has to commit to the run more. It helps the entire offense 1000 %. I'd expect big things from Benson this week considering who we are playing, that is if Brat calls the right plays.

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I read recently where Ced talked about how guys like Uhrlacher and Briggs would cheap shot him in practice. Nice.

I think selecting Benson was a mistake by the Bears and created a rift within the organization. Guys that were loyal to Thomas Jones and the faction that drafted Benson. His holdout didn't help either so it seems like he was almost destined to fail from the beginning there. I am glad things have worked out so nicely here. I truly hope they will be able to keep him around for a few years. He seems to "get it" now and has the potential to be a productive back for a number of years.

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First of all... I'm not sure how possible it is to blackball a player. There are 31 other teams with owners like Jerry Jones and Mike Brown. If there is a guy out there who seems like he can play, there's no amount of 'bad talk' that will keep him unsigned.

Benson was a punk in Chicago. He started a fight with Thomas Jones, had a couple arrests, was given the starting job after a Super Bowl run... and stunk. He showed relatively weak work ethic and entitlement mentality.

Honestly, him being let go by the Bears was probably the best thing that could have happened to him. I think it woke him up. His list of problem behavior and poor production is what made it hard for him to find a job.

That said, he seems to have turned it around now. While I don't agree with his take on the situation, I'm certainly happy he feels that way... and I hope he makes the bastard blackballing Bears pay dearly! :lol:

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Wow Benson should be so fired up for this game and Cincy should give him lots of carries so he can show Da Bears that they really screwed up letting him go!!

I look for him to have a super game today of 100+ yds.

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I think we'll see 26 carries for about 95 yards. All grinder yards in his return to soldier field. Bengals win. 23-16. That is how I feel this morning.

It's at PBS. But yes, I'll settle for Benson carrying the ball 25+ times. It usually means we're ahead in the game and chewing up clock.

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I hope CedBen has a huge game, but our D scares me and if Carson can stop throwing pick 6's, I think CedBen should control this game!

As far as I know, he's only thrown one and that was a great play by Ed Reed.

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Indeed, the offense plays much better yesterday, the O-line really really stepped and protected Carson and look what he does. Give a QB of his calibre time and you'll see the fear in opposing teams' eyes.

Clinical display from him yesterday but so many good performances from individuals and units yesterday. I'm so smugly satisfied right now. I wish we could have done the same to those a**h***s from Houston last week but nevermind.

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Benson Bears stats:

421 carries 1593 yards 3.78 avg. 10tds

Benson Bengals stats:

341 carries 1278 yards 3.74 avg. 6tds

Interesting stuff. Blows the theory he was cut for production out of the water. He got cut because of the charges, which were subsequently dropped. Maybe some players didn't like Thomas Jones being given the elbow (after he threatened to hold out) and skipped a minicamp but then, players are quite often so stupid that sharp objects should be placed out of their reach.

Major f**k up by da bears. I wonder how long it will be until they start trying to hurt Forte in practice or the fans start giving little Matt s**t for not being able to bust out 100 yd game after 100 yd game behind an O-line that has resembled our O-line of last yr for about 3 yrs now?

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"@CedBenson -- If you thought the Bears roughed you up in practice as a teammate, how do you think they'll treat you in a game as an opponent? LOL."

The last line from the attached link in yesterday's Chicago Tribune. I'm sorry...you were saying??? :rolleyes:


That guy is a jackass... Benson doesn't even have a twitter account!

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Benson Bears stats:

421 carries 1593 yards 3.78 avg. 10tds

Benson Bengals stats:

341 carries 1278 yards 3.74 avg. 6tds

Interesting stuff. Blows the theory he was cut for production out of the water. He got cut because of the charges, which were subsequently dropped. Maybe some players didn't like Thomas Jones being given the elbow (after he threatened to hold out) and skipped a minicamp but then, players are quite often so stupid that sharp objects should be placed out of their reach.

Major f**k up by da bears. I wonder how long it will be until they start trying to hurt Forte in practice or the fans start giving little Matt s**t for not being able to bust out 100 yd game after 100 yd game behind an O-line that has resembled our O-line of last yr for about 3 yrs now?

It should be noted that the stats you posted do not include his stellar day yesterday. His up to date Bengals stats are

378 carries

1467 yards

3.9 ypc

He is a better player now than he was in Chicago. Just look at him. He is much more muscular and fit than pictures from his Bear days. I doubt he ever led the league in rushing after 7 weeks as a Bear either.

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Benson Bears stats:

421 carries 1593 yards 3.78 avg. 10tds

Benson Bengals stats:

341 carries 1278 yards 3.74 avg. 6tds

Interesting stuff. Blows the theory he was cut for production out of the water. He got cut because of the charges, which were subsequently dropped. Maybe some players didn't like Thomas Jones being given the elbow (after he threatened to hold out) and skipped a minicamp but then, players are quite often so stupid that sharp objects should be placed out of their reach.

Major f**k up by da bears. I wonder how long it will be until they start trying to hurt Forte in practice or the fans start giving little Matt s**t for not being able to bust out 100 yd game after 100 yd game behind an O-line that has resembled our O-line of last yr for about 3 yrs now?

It should be noted that the stats you posted do not include his stellar day yesterday. His up to date Bengals stats are

378 carries

1467 yards

3.9 ypc

He is a better player now than he was in Chicago. Just look at him. He is much more muscular and fit than pictures from his Bear days. I doubt he ever led the league in rushing after 7 weeks as a Bear either.

That's very true. He dropped something like 20 lbs one offseason for the Bears though just before he was cut I think. I completely agree that he's a better player and his attitude in general seems much better but even before yesterday's performance, were any of us thinking, man he just isn't producing enough? Nup, cuz we're not idiots. Considering the line he had to run behind for his games last season and for the majority of his time in Chicago it's remarkable production frankly.

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I just see that as something for Benson. I hate hearing the disgruntled Bears fans go off about him, but I get it. They should have been looking at their o-line as opposed to Benson though and remember those charges were dropped. I really think they cut bait to soon, but it's neither here not there and we have a great RB we haven't had in a while. They have Forte, who while isn't doing much right now, is a good RB and they should just be happy with that.

Oh yeah, the reason Forte isn't doing well right now ?? Yeah, the same reason Benson didn't flourish there, the o-line...

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