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Fight back the Marvin Lewis way


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Rex Ryan also didn't inheirit a dull unpolished turd...

I'm not saying Marvin is coach of the century here, but with all of the bullsh*t this team has been through, I'm not sure another coach would have fared much better. Then again maybe they would have done things completely different and we would have won 3 Super Bowls by now. Things we just never will know...

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I don't know why everybody is acting like Marvin is awesome now, b/c "he finally has his team"

Marvin is an okay coach and the players seem to still wanna go to war for him but it shouldn't have taken this long to build a team

Rex Ryan has it in his first year

Dude, the Jets were one of the best teams last year with a horrible coach. That is a little different than the atmosphere of suckitude that Marvin inherited. He built a pretty strong team in 2005, that couldnt handle the success and dramatic failure in the playoffs. I'm fine if he can build a team every couple of years that fights for the playoffs and he has had them close numerous times.

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I don't know why everybody is acting like Marvin is awesome now, b/c "he finally has his team"

Marvin is an okay coach and the players seem to still wanna go to war for him but it shouldn't have taken this long to build a team

Rex Ryan has it in his first year

Rex Ryan is playing for a owner willing take extra step,as for all suddenly acting like marvin is awesome I've always supported him :P thought the problems came else where...now he actually has a real DC

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I don't know why everybody is acting like Marvin is awesome now, b/c "he finally has his team"

Marvin is an okay coach and the players seem to still wanna go to war for him but it shouldn't have taken this long to build a team

Rex Ryan has it in his first year

Dude, the Jets were one of the best teams last year with a horrible coach. That is a little different than the atmosphere of suckitude that Marvin inherited. He built a pretty strong team in 2005, that couldnt handle the success and dramatic failure in the playoffs. I'm fine if he can build a team every couple of years that fights for the playoffs and he has had them close numerous times.

I hate playing the what if game, but in 2005, if Carson doesn't get hurt, I've read numerous pundits (do they matter?) who say the superbowl was the the bengals' to win. We were probably 4 plays away (and 1 roughing the passer call) away from the playoffs in 06 and 07. You think about the number of high draft picks we've lost (due to injury or idiocy), the obvious issues from the front office (we practice under the free way, to name one) not to mention what was inherited by Marvin, to see a team right now that BELIEVES in him, says they would run through walls for him, and is blowing everyone's expectations, I think we should be really happy with marvin as our coach. We just get really bad breaks so often and, for whatever reason, couldn't "fight back" seemingly until this year.

It is what it is, but I don't think our record is an accurate reflection of this team during Marvin's tenure (i know the response to that, no one freak out). I just don't know who else in the league would have come to cincinnati and, given the circumstances, would have done better.

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I don't know why everybody is acting like Marvin is awesome now, b/c "he finally has his team"

Marvin is an okay coach and the players seem to still wanna go to war for him but it shouldn't have taken this long to build a team

Rex Ryan has it in his first year

Dude, the Jets were one of the best teams last year with a horrible coach. That is a little different than the atmosphere of suckitude that Marvin inherited. He built a pretty strong team in 2005, that couldnt handle the success and dramatic failure in the playoffs. I'm fine if he can build a team every couple of years that fights for the playoffs and he has had them close numerous times.

So your fine if he can build a team that every couple of years fights for the playoffs? And I was called a troll on here? I have seen my team go to the playoffs, heck ive seen them 34 seconds from a SB title. All I want is for one time in my life is to see my team win the Super Bowl. JUST ONCE!!! So im not fine with challenging for the playoffs every couple of years.I want the best for my team, I know the owner sucks but I dont care I want to win. I want a coach who will say the Goal is to WIN a Super bowl, when have we had that? I will never stop cheering for my team but after the last 20 years I will probably always be waiting for something bad to happen, Sorry if that makes me a troll.

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Marvin built much of the 2005/2006 team that looked like a Superbowl contender. Sure, some of the core offensive players came from the 2001 draft, but Marvin still was heavily influential in that. This is the second time he's built what appears to be a good Bengals football team.

The first time his long-term defensive plans went to hell with David Pollack and Odell Thurman. Rivers and Rey are his new babies.

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The first time his long-term defensive plans went to hell with David Pollack and Odell Thurman. Rivers and Rey are his new babies.

Extremely, incredibly, rindonkulously great point. Now that is one hell of a what if right there. What if Odell wasn't an alcoholic and David Pollack's neck hadn't been busted. Subsequent FA pickups, draft choices, defensive schemes and as a side issue possibly offensive schemes might all change. Not to mention potential coords and coaching changes.

He rolled the dice and got burned and had a really brutal injury hurt his plans. They say one bad draft (either by poor design or bad luck - so both in this case) can set you back yrs. And oh look, it has.

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I have not been on Marvins bandwagon for awhile now, nobody seemed to want to play for him, they ran all over him, and he always seemed to not even care. As a coach this year things have seemed to change, it feels like for the first time the team beilieves in Marvin. My only concern though its only been 4 games, and im not sure what this team is yet, we all know they fight very hard in each game and never give up, but are they really good im just not sure yet. I guess after this week we will see where this team is, and hopefully Marvin and the gang will get them prepared and ready to go! Its hard to beilieve in a coach that has only 1 winning seasons since he has been here, but if this team is a winner, and they prove it and keep improving then maybe i will change my mind.

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My honest opinion on this team, based on nothing but intuition and guesswork. We're a yr off absolutely walking this division. Maybe getting a bye in the post season with it. We're close and who knows what might happen over the next 3 months but I'm still thinking it's a no cigar ending.

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What's with all the love for Rex Ryan? He's only coached 4 games. Marvin deserves to be evaluated in the context of the job he took, not the job Rex Ryan took. And by any measure, Marvin has done a great job considering how his predecessors fared.

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I don't know why everybody is acting like Marvin is awesome now, b/c "he finally has his team"

Marvin is an okay coach and the players seem to still wanna go to war for him but it shouldn't have taken this long to build a team

Rex Ryan has it in his first year

Dude, the Jets were one of the best teams last year with a horrible coach. That is a little different than the atmosphere of suckitude that Marvin inherited. He built a pretty strong team in 2005, that couldnt handle the success and dramatic failure in the playoffs. I'm fine if he can build a team every couple of years that fights for the playoffs and he has had them close numerous times.

So your fine if he can build a team that every couple of years fights for the playoffs? And I was called a troll on here? I have seen my team go to the playoffs, heck ive seen them 34 seconds from a SB title. All I want is for one time in my life is to see my team win the Super Bowl. JUST ONCE!!! So im not fine with challenging for the playoffs every couple of years.I want the best for my team, I know the owner sucks but I dont care I want to win. I want a coach who will say the Goal is to WIN a Super bowl, when have we had that? I will never stop cheering for my team but after the last 20 years I will probably always be waiting for something bad to happen, Sorry if that makes me a troll.

I dont think I have ever called yoju a troll, but you are a tool!

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