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lol - Have you seen Miamis WR's. Parcells would love to have Chad.

Yea yea, on a good BP team, he would not put up with that crap. We saw how it all ended up the last time he did this stuff. I just think it is over the top. It gets in the press, everyone has their fun with it and before you know it's "what chad ganna say or do next" and not "why isn't he getting more TD's or tackling the dude that just intercepted him and ran it back for X amount of yards". All that happened when he was in full swing with that stuff the the wheels fell off the bengal bus.

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Look at the Colts. They have a good team over the last years and was much of that crap happening there? NOPE. They were winning, not looking for the next PRESS SPOT on TV and Radio. Look at T.O great player but he is bouncing around like a pin ball anymore. Wonder why? BECAUSE OF HIS ANITICS. They think it is all about them, not the team!

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Chad is the leading all time receiver for the Bengals. List or no list I am glad he is here. He is eccentric. He has the mentality of a child but you know what? - minus last year - he is generally a good guy looking to have fun. He is in awesome shape and runs the best routes of almost any WR out there. His head IS in the game this year and he isnt complaining about getting the ball. He wants to win. I think he is playing good football so far this year.

His lists are harmless IMO. I couldn't really care less what he tweets about or what he u-streams or if the mariachi band will be playing this sunday at the stadium when he scores.

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I completely disagree!!! Chad is the kinda guy that gets amped up by challenging other players, that in turn challenges himself. That's when he's at his best. It doesn't show that Marvin doesn't have any control, what Chad is doing only makes him better. I hate everyone ripping Chad for whatever he does, give him a break! I'll take Chad's "antics", if that's what you call his Lambeau Leap, if it means 90 yards and a touchdown every week!

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I've had my issues with Chad in the past, but this isn't one of them. He's just having fun...I really do believe that he performs better when he's like this. It's his way of getting pumped for a game.

You can want him to be a Marvin Harrison or Reggie Wayne type all you want, but it's just not going to happen. That's not who he is. Lists aside, he's saying and doing all the right things, so I've got no complaints. When, in a million years, would we have expected to hear him say in an interview that he loves the Bengals' new dedication to the running game? That's just crazy talk...

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Wards hit was legal for what? YEARS beofre they changed the rules on it. I think it was a dirty play but legal with in the rules of the time. He was just playing ball hard and making an impact on the field with his play. I just would like to see that out of Chad BEFORE he starts his games off field. He has not proven much yet. One Lambo leap does not make a season.

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Wards hit was legal for what? YEARS beofre they changed the rules on it. I think it was a dirty play but legal with in the rules of the time. He was just playing ball hard and making an impact on the field with his play. I just would like to see that out of Chad BEFORE he starts his games off field. He has not proven much yet. One Lambo leap does not make a season.

Whether it was legal under the previous rules doesn't make it clean! I don't get that argument, they changed it to an illegal hit now b/c it was so dirty and unneccessary!!!

I agree with bwillcuse, now is not the time for this kinda talk, every topic should be about hating the Squeelers or something productive about the Bengals!

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Wards hit was legal for what? YEARS beofre they changed the rules on it. I think it was a dirty play but legal with in the rules of the time. He was just playing ball hard and making an impact on the field with his play. I just would like to see that out of Chad BEFORE he starts his games off field. He has not proven much yet. One Lambo leap does not make a season.

and this is when you lost me. Chad hasn't proven much? Go look at some stats for the league after 2 games and tell me how ocho is looking. Take a look at active wide receivers' numbers since 2001 and tell me he hasn't proven anything. Crimanitely man.

We beat a broncos team in the season opener on a stellar 91 yard drive.

We beat GB in lambeau with a dominant performance on both sides of the ball.

We head into steeler's week with a head full of steam about to beat them in PBS for the first time in a long time.

People think we should cut carson and chad.

Some bengals' fans are just beyond me.

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I've always defended Chad, even when so many others bashed him....Chad is pure entertainment, and funny as hell. The dude's one of the best receivers in the league, and many had written him off after last season's decline in numbers. Forget the fact that he didnt have Carson most of the year, forget the fact that he played hurt, with a bum shoulder. Forget that he is a deep-threat who was playing with noodle-arm Fitzpatrick, who by the way couldnt throw more than 15 yds downfield if his life depended on it.

Chad is who he is, and I respect that. There will always be people who bash him. Whether its for his antics, celebrations, twittering, or heaven forbid he gets injured, his stats.

Chad is exciting, and fun to watch. He is also a competitor, he works harder on and off the field than damn near anyone. He is in phenomenal shape, and will have a HUGE year.

IF YOU DONT LIKE HIM............DONT WATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you could Chad, please score this week at Pittsburgh, and for your celebration...............wipe your bottom with their terrible towel !

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I have been one of the bigger F*CK YOU CHAD fan club members recently with a few others and with all of that being the case, I don't currently have issue with Chad. He has done exactly, what those of us that have bitched about him, wanted to see from him. He's focused and in watching him to this point, is obviously in shape. He's once again one of the guys that HAS to be accounted for and once again, makes the others WR's better.

Am I ready to simply forget all the douchery of 2008 and before that caused problems for this team ?? NO WAY IN HELL. However, that's not the feel I'm getting from Chad at this point and you can look no further than the players comments about changes in the locker room and other aspects of how things go with the team.

Until Chad shows he's no longer the WR we think he should be, color me unconcerned. Heck, it's actually amusing me again to be quite honest.

If he reverts back to his bad habits, then so will the fan base. Until then, I say role with it and be happy. Just me...

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I have been one of the bigger F*CK YOU CHAD fan club members recently with a few others and with all of that being the case, I don't currently have issue with Chad. He has done exactly, what those of us that have bitched about him, wanted to see from him. He's focused and in watching him to this point, is obviously in shape. He's once again one of the guys that HAS to be accounted for and once again, makes the others WR's better.

Am I ready to simply forget all the douchery of 2008 and before that caused problems for this team ?? NO WAY IN HELL. However, that's not the feel I'm getting from Chad at this point and you can look no further than the players comments about changes in the locker room and other aspects of how things go with the team.

Until Chad shows he's no longer the WR we think he should be, color me unconcerned. Heck, it's actually amusing me again to be quite honest.

If he reverts back to his bad habits, then so will the fan base. Until then, I say role with it and be happy. Just me...

I'm with Army, I just ran out of hatred for Chad. He wore me down. I now see that his maturity level will never change, he can't change even if he wants to. Just play football and if he keeps the other stuff down to a low roar, I'll take it.

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This ranks fairly low on my list of stuff to hate Chad about.

What I don't like about this is that he is still the same douchebag who tanked last season. He's still the same douchebag who got into a fight at halftime in a playoff game. He's still the same douchebag that has continually been willing to take a 15 yard penalty to "entertain" the fans.

But I'm not going to get worked up about his antics. My opinion on Chad has been amazingly clear. I'll gladly accept the production he gives the Bengals - but still wish the Bengals would have accepted that trade from Washington a couple years back.

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I have been one of the bigger F*CK YOU CHAD fan club members recently with a few others and with all of that being the case, I don't currently have issue with Chad. He has done exactly, what those of us that have bitched about him, wanted to see from him. He's focused and in watching him to this point, is obviously in shape. He's once again one of the guys that HAS to be accounted for and once again, makes the others WR's better.

Am I ready to simply forget all the douchery of 2008 and before that caused problems for this team ?? NO WAY IN HELL. However, that's not the feel I'm getting from Chad at this point and you can look no further than the players comments about changes in the locker room and other aspects of how things go with the team.

Until Chad shows he's no longer the WR we think he should be, color me unconcerned. Heck, it's actually amusing me again to be quite honest.

If he reverts back to his bad habits, then so will the fan base. Until then, I say role with it and be happy. Just me...

I'm with Army, I just ran out of hatred for Chad. He wore me down. I now see that his maturity level will never change, he can't change even if he wants to. Just play football and if he keeps the other stuff down to a low roar, I'll take it.

I'm the other third of the 'anti-Chad' tribune on this forum. He's still Fredo to me. I wrote an article before opening game for him to just shut his yap and play. This past game, he showed me something in terms of being a productive Bengal once again. He gutted it out, made a couple of key plays and even scored. I couldn't care less about his Lambeau Leap, but he produced.

So, with Army and COB, I'm backing off. Don't like the guy and I'll never see him like I did prior to the playoff game, but when he produces, I shut up.

So, Tim, if Army, COB and I can back off, and you'd have to review our post histories to see that your Ocho complaints just don't rank with those of us who have creatively re-named Fredo in the past, let the man rack up a hundred on Pittsburgh, hopefully six or so on top of that, and...


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So, with Army and COB, I'm backing off. Don't like the guy and I'll never see him like I did prior to the playoff game, but when he produces, I shut up.

That almost describes my own feelings. Where you guys start losing me is the idea that Chad is being so productive right now that it trumps all other issues, including past transgressions. Granted, he's not sucking now, but is that the standard we're prepared to accept?

Again, 1800 yards and 12 TD's. That's what the Bengals once said Chad was capable of producing for THIS team as it's primary recieving option within THIS offensive scheme. So if I don't like the guys circus act, and I very clearly don't, then why should I accept less than those standards?

f**k Chad. :huh:

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So, with Army and COB, I'm backing off. Don't like the guy and I'll never see him like I did prior to the playoff game, but when he produces, I shut up.

That almost describes my own feelings. Where you guys start losing me is the idea that Chad is being so productive right now that it trumps all other issues, including past transgressions. Granted, he's not sucking now, but is that the standard we're prepared to accept?

Again, 1800 yards and 12 TD's. That's what the Bengals once said Chad was capable of producing for THIS team as it's primary recieving option within THIS offensive scheme. So if I don't like the guys circus act, and I very clearly don't, then why should I accept less than those standards?

f**k Chad. :huh:

Basically, I'm just happy I don't have to hear all the bullsh*t we have had to deal with over the past few seasons from Chad. I'm not about to forgive his ass for how he completely spit in the faces of the fans begging for his way out. I think it's more than just his own stats though and I look at what he does for the younger WR's we currently have and their development. Caldwell is a perfect example. He's getting his chances at catching balls because (I think) Chad is more focused and teams once again have to focus more on him.

If this continues and Chad keeps his mouth shut, all I'm willing to do is back off of him. Forgive or at least forget?? Yeah, F*CK YOU CHAD !!!

Do your job and thank you...

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