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PFT article on Chris Henry


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Perhaps Chris Henry just finally got tired of getting into trouble.

After years of serious off-field turmoil and self-destructive behavior that endangered his NFL career, the Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver sounds determined to change.

At least for now, Henry's self-inflicted legal problems and NFL discipline are behind him.

Once arrested four times in a six-month period, including DUI, possession of marijuana and brandishing a gun charges, Henry isn't dealing with any distractions at this point.

He sounded like a man who has learned a hard lesson, and is focused on football during an ESPN Radio interview with John Clayton and Freddie Coleman this weekend.

"Oh man, it's been big," said Henry, who's engaged to be married and is the father of two sons and a daughter. "It taught me a lot. It kind of almost took my career away from me. I regret those things. I'm going to keep on moving on and not let anything like that happen again."

"I keep it on my mind so I won't get sidetracked again. As long as I keep that in the back of my head, I think I'm going to be fine. I want to be playing and let my kids see me out there. My family, that's what counts the most."

Last season, Henry caught just 19 passes for two touchdowns. In four NFL seasons and a dozen starts, Henry has caught 107 career passes for 1,590 yards and 19 touchdowns.

According to teammates, including quarterback Carson Palmer, Henry has been a standout during offseason workouts. He's operating as the third receiver behind Chad Ochocinco and Laveranues Coles.

"Not trying to brag but, when I'm at my best, I consider myself one of the best in the game at wide receiver," Henry said. "That's what I'm trying to get back to. It's going good so far and I'm staying positive and staying focused. I could see myself as a Pro Bowl receiver this year and going to the Super Bowl."

While those might be lofty ambitions, Henry does have the physical ability to boost the Bengals' offensive fortunes.

If his attitude is genuinely better and he truly has changed, Henry should be an asset this season.

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Hey, I give the guy credit for "getting it". His attitude seems to be a complete 180. Considering he scores about 1 in 6 times he touches the ball, I'm looking forward to having him eligible all year.

With Chris Henry getting his head on straight and a 6'6" Chase Coffman on the roster, we might have a couple of great redzone threats.

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Hey, I give the guy credit for "getting it". His attitude seems to be a complete 180. Considering he scores about 1 in 6 times he touches the ball, I'm looking forward to having him eligible all year.

With Chris Henry getting his head on straight and a 6'6" Chase Coffman on the roster, we might have a couple of great redzone threats.

I can only picture carsons face when he's in the redzone.

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I truly hope that he "gets it" now. I'll be the first to admit that I was pissed when they resigned him last year. But if he can stay out of trouble he's a great athlete and an asset to this team. I just hope he's learned his lesson and keeps his head on straight.

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I truly hope that he "gets it" now. I'll be the first to admit that I was pissed when they resigned him last year. But if he can stay out of trouble he's a great athlete and an asset to this team. I just hope he's learned his lesson and keeps his head on straight.

Same was pissed but he truly seems to have gotten his shet together,Which I support him 100 % Because can't hate on a guy that gets 1 TD out of every 7 passes ;)

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Do you guys know what he "gets" ? He "gets" that if he stays out of trouble (possible), and puts up good numbers (also possible) he will get a FAT contract from some team after this season.....He's here now, so I support him, and would like to see a BIG season, but I also pitty the fool (Likely Al Davis) who signs him to a big money contract....

I know, I know, too soon to make predictions.

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All I have to say in regards to Chris Henry and his (lack of) problems since his return is "So Far, So Good". From a human standpoint I'd really like to see him get his life together, if for nothing more than the sake of his family. If the Bengals find some benefits on the field as well, that's all gravy.

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Do you guys know what he "gets" ? He "gets" that if he stays out of trouble (possible), and puts up good numbers (also possible) he will get a FAT contract from some team after this season.

I've no doubt that's part of it, but money's never been enough on its own to motivate him. I've long been a detractor of his, but I think what he's said is genuine - mainly because I don't think he's clever enough to fake it.

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Do you guys know what he "gets" ? He "gets" that if he stays out of trouble (possible), and puts up good numbers (also possible) he will get a FAT contract from some team after this season.....He's here now, so I support him, and would like to see a BIG season, but I also pitty the fool (Likely Al Davis) who signs him to a big money contract....

Well look for Mike Brown to be the guy looking to sign him since him & Carson have always had a hard on for Chris,I remember Henry Implying that he'd give hometown discount because all the team has done for him but I guess we'll see in march...

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I find it highly amusing that people like to simply label the guy as a criminal or all this is because he smokes weed or some horsesh*t like that.

While I will be the first to admit he has been one of, if not THE, dumbest players from a decision making standpoint, there is still no denying that he does in fact have talent. Will he be a pro bowl WR ?? Hard to tell at this point, but he has that ability from what I've seen. He can still improve his game, but it's there.

I was reading some of the comments at the end of the article and just don't get people giving him sh*t about his criminal record because he smokes weed. They must have no idea, because the only crime he probably committed while actually HIGH was killing a a bag of Doritos or Funyons.

Here's to hoping he has a big year and yeah, if his head is on straight, bring him back at a decent price.

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I find it highly amusing that people like to simply label the guy as a criminal or all this is because he smokes weed or some horsesh*t like that.

While I will be the first to admit he has been one of, if not THE, dumbest players from a decision making standpoint, there is still no denying that he does in fact have talent. Will he be a pro bowl WR ?? Hard to tell at this point, but he has that ability from what I've seen. He can still improve his game, but it's there.

I was reading some of the comments at the end of the article and just don't get people giving him sh*t about his criminal record because he smokes weed. They must have no idea, because the only crime he probably committed while actually HIGH was killing a a bag of Doritos or Funyons.

Here's to hoping he has a big year and yeah, if his head is on straight, bring him back at a decent price.

Well, I label him a criminal for waving a gun around in public (in his own jersy, no less), but all the other stuff is just regular stupid crap that people do when their that young. That doesn't excuse it, but's it's not that big of a deal in my book. My problem was after being arrested time after time he wasn't doing anything to change his lifestyle. He seems to have finally turned that corner and I hope that he keeps it going for his sake and the Bengals' sake.

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Once again, I've NEVER been the one to dismiss his idiotic behavior that anyone else would have already probably been in jail for or claim that he was just a misunderstood individual. He's made HUGE mistakes. My point is, to claim it's because he smokes weed, as mentioned in the comments section of the article, is just stupid in my opinion. Here's an example:

Bob Nelson says:

Another marijuanna using criminal.

The criminal penalties for marijuanna possesion must be increased.

We as a society must step up the War on Drugs and druggies.

Blaine, I put the direct link to the article in your post if you were wondering...

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I wasn't for his fourth chance, I thought Mike B cut Marvin's legs out from under him last August with that, and that whole situation contributed to the disaster that was 2008.

That said, if Henry has finally gotten his head screwed on straight, he still has a world of talent, talent enough to carry a team from time to time. It would be nice if he would reward the francise's rather stout loyalty with a breakout season...

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It would be nice if he would reward the francise's rather stout loyalty with a breakout season...

Followed by understanding if it weren't for the Bengals he wouldn't be in a position to have an opportunity to be looking at a new contract.

Followed by him not trying to be more of an idiot by proposing some outlandish figure if a contract is offered.

THAT will cetainly piss me off even more.

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Baby steps army.

Let's not worry about that which is unlikely to come to pass.

If he as a breakout season, the contract will be dealt with at that time. One way or another. I am not sure that Mr. Henry will ever be in a stout negotiating posture with any team, given that he is one Goodell hiccup from a banishment from the league.

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One of my brother-in-laws, a Cincinnati-area cop, maintains to this day based on talking to the cops in Florida that Cheech was very lucky not to have developed a very severe case of lead poisoning when he waved a pistol around at the local cops there.

The funny thing, if one can find something funny in it, is that the charge was plea bargained down to concealed weapon....when in fact the weapon was the diametric opposite of concealed

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Baby steps army.

Let's not worry about that which is unlikely to come to pass.

If he as a breakout season, the contract will be dealt with at that time. One way or another. I am not sure that Mr. Henry will ever be in a stout negotiating posture with any team, given that he is one Goodell hiccup from a banishment from the league.

Indeed, just speculating...

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I just get sooooo tired of always assuming the worst outcome.

How about this? He has a breakout year, the Bengals make the playoffs, win the AFC, and win the Super Bowl. Then he walks.

I would be okay with that, frankly.

No need to worry over that which is not here.

It's why I find the latest Shayne Graham panty-wringing so eye-roll worthy...

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How about this? He has a breakout year, the Bengals make the playoffs, win the AFC, and win the Super Bowl. Then he walks.

That's quite a reach, but I wouldn't have a problem with that either.

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How about this? He has a breakout year, the Bengals make the playoffs, win the AFC, and win the Super Bowl. Then he walks. I would be okay with that, frankly.

But how would you feel if Henry turned his life around yet never developed into a top WR? Seriously, under that scenario do we give soP props for actually being a redeemer OR do most continue to mock his strange interest in Henry if the player doesn't justify his patience on the field?

It's why I find the latest Shayne Graham panty-wringing so eye-roll worthy...

My panties remain unwrung as I've openly mocked the suggestion Opie is out of here after this season. That said, I have to admit I rolled my eyes a little when I read a blurb about how Grahams acts of charity are the very things that make him more deserving of a large payday.

Since when does an act of charity qualify as a reason for greater compensation? :rolleyes:

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How about this? He has a breakout year, the Bengals make the playoffs, win the AFC, and win the Super Bowl. Then he walks.

That's quite a reach, but I wouldn't have a problem with that either.

Of course it's a reach, but since army is busy worrying about future events that are not certain to come to pass, I figure let's worry about something good that won't come to pass before we jump to panty-bunching over theoretical future bad...

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If's he's turned his life around, Hair, but progressed not as a WR, I guess "good on Mikey" from the do a good deed school, but "bad on Mikey" from the GM school. For this to work, and for Mikey to substantiate what he did to his coach last year in August, Henry needs to channel his inner-Cris Carter.

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How about this? He has a breakout year, the Bengals make the playoffs, win the AFC, and win the Super Bowl. Then he walks.

That's quite a reach, but I wouldn't have a problem with that either.

Of course it's a reach, but since army is busy worrying about future events that are not certain to come to pass, I figure let's worry about something good that won't come to pass before we jump to panty-bunching over theoretical future bad...

Well in THAT case....I'm gonna worry about all the money I'm gonna win in the lottery...

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