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Ox was right on the 'Perspective' thread. We need to regroup as a fanbase and quit smacking each other so hard. Let's start fresh. We have a big game coming up. Without getting too personal on each other, what is everyone's feelings on the team's strengths and weaknesses going in, compared to the Jets?

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To be honest greg i was just thinking that if this team right now could learn how to finish they would have won probably 3 games. Almost beat the giants,cowboys,and the browns without Carson Palmer. So with that said if they learned how to finish instead of hurting themselves maybe they would be better off then where there are now. So if this team goes into jets stadium the way they have played against the giants and the cowboys then i would say there chances of a win are pretty good. I really havent even started to think of the Jets yet so not really sure about strengths and weeknesses yet, but i wanna see the defense get better week in and week out. I would also like to see some Pat Sims play some DT, and the defense work on stoping the run better and work on a pass rush. With all this said i really think they have a good chance this week, and im not really sure this team is as bad as im making them out to be sometimes, a play here or a play there the team would have at least 3 wins, but the balls arent bouncing the teams way and thats the way it goes

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To be honest greg i was just thinking that if this team right now could learn how to finish they would have won probably 3 games. Almost beat the giants,cowboys,and the browns without Carson Palmer. So with that said if they learned how to finish instead of hurting themselves maybe they would be better off then where there are now. So if this team goes into jets stadium the way they have played against the giants and the cowboys then i would say there chances of a win are pretty good. I really havent even started to think of the Jets yet so not really sure about strengths and weeknesses yet, but i wanna see the defense get better week in and week out. I would also like to see some Pat Sims play some DT, and the defense work on stoping the run better and work on a pass rush. With all this said i really think they have a good chance this week, and im not really sure this team is as bad as im making them out to be sometimes, a play here or a play there the team would have at least 3 wins, but the balls arent bouncing the teams way and thats the way it goes

I, too, would like to see some things shaken up on the defense. The unit has actually been improving in pieces and, I think, doing better than expected this season--overall.

On the offensive side of the ball, Benson has to get to speed sooner than later because we can't keep letting Perry fumble away opportunities. The o-line didn't totally suck this weekend, and that is something for them to build on (beats nothing). I still get the feeling the offense is handcuffed by the play calling. You have the 'big three' receivers reunited, more options at TE and it's still the same playset. We need to open it up.

And whose bright idea was it for the Bengals to play at the Meadowlands twice this year?

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I get that Benson would get Carson killed if he was in during passing plays, but the guy has got to get up to speed soon.

Oh, and if Marvin White wasn't trash in coverage we get a chance to win the game in the final 2 minutes.

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Agreed Benson needs more playin time and Marvin said Kenny Watson will return this week so i would like to see him get more carries if he is healthy. I would like to see more Chris Henry deep balls i really dont think they threw many deep balls at all this year and i think they should start seeing what they got and get Henry involved.

As for defense like i said i want Pat Sims to play for Harris or at least get him in the rotation. The defense has been good enough for this team to win or at least for the Offense to score more points

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