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Bengals season prediction


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I was looking at there schedule yesterday and could easily see them going 12-4 or 4-12. The teams they are going to be playing this year seem like with the exception of a few are going to be unpredictable on how good they're going to be. What do u think the Bengals record will be at the end of the regular season. I'm going to go with 10-6. Though they're probably going to have to fire the O-coordinator after the first 2 games in order to do this. :)

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CP is the only reason for optimism.

OLine is inconsistant. Cannot create a dominant running game.

Backfield is fragile physically.

WRs are fragile mentally.

Dline will be thankful to ave 1 sack per game.

LB corp with Dhani Jones starting? Come on.

Our safeties would not start for most teams.

CBs will produce if given a chance.

NO way we go better than .500

Sad to say it but i say 7 wins.

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Right now I am cautiously going to say 9-7. And realistically, I don't see us getting far if we do make the playoffs. What I want, and expect, to see is the Bengals playing hard and aggresively in all the games like they did in 2003. If they play hard and to their ability I will have no problems with this team no matter what their record is.

Of course I want to see us sweep the Ravens and at least split with the Browns and Steelers and finally beat the Steelers at home this year. It's been way too long since we have seen that.

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I'll go with the minority: 9 or 10 wins, possibly more. Cleveland will prove to be a flash in the pan and there's no way that the six playoff teams from the afc south and nfc east will be that good again (out on a limb---the giants will not make the playoffs). Success is fleeting except to a few franchises that seem to have it figured out.

If you cannot be optimistic before the season starts......when can you be?


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Hall is way too inconsistent to be our MVP and he doesn't have near the athletic ability as Joseph. If it was a defensive back, it would have to be Joseph but our defensive MVP looks like it will be Rivers as a rookie. He will lead the team in tackles and be in the top 3 for defensive rookie of the year. I also see Perry getting just as many carries as Rudi and Carson throwing 30 TD's and 12 Int.'s on his way to the pro bowl. Carson will be our offensive MVP and he'll lead this team to 9 or 10 wins and we'll be sniffing the playoffs when it is all said and done.

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"We can't tackle, can't cover WR's, can't stay healthy"

Your judging this on the basis of one preseason game?

I have great optimism for our DBs but they are learning a completely new scheme, so if they get torched a little in the preseason I am ok with that as long as they get it fixed by week one vs. Baltimore. Rivers has been in camp less than a week, doncha think he might improve a little before the season and at that he still made 7 tackles. Sims is looking good in camp and that is great for our D-Line rotation.

Our O-Line might be dominent this year with a healthy Levi, a healthy Giachiuc, and another year of seasoning for Whitworth and Andrews. We have Willie freaking Anderson as a backup RT!

We have three viable RB options with Watson, Johnson, and Perry and I am excited to see our Running game.

We have one of the most potent Passing Attacks in the NFL. TJ and Chad have monetary reasons to suceed this year. Utecht and a healthy Perry bring a bunch of flexibility to our passing game. We should be much less predictable based upon the variety of our passing game options. I think the Bengals will return to having a top 4 offense this year.

I am predicting 10-6. I think it is completely reasonable to predict a split with Cleveland and Pittsburgh and a sweep of the Ravens. The Redskins and Chiefs at home should be a good opportunity to win because both teams are struggling with their offense. I think the Bengals can beat the Titans and Eagles at home as well. If we can do our business at home and in our division we will be at 8-8. That leaves games at home against the Jaguars and on the road vs. the Colts, Cowboys, Texans, Giants, and Jets. I think the Jets will stink because I don't believe Favre will pick up a completely new system with 1/2 training camp gone and when Favre starts to think interceptions happen. The Texans and Giants are also opportunities to pick up a win on the road. I actually think the Bengals matchup better against the Giants than the Texans. So I have us losing to the Texans and beating the Giants which give us a 10-6 record.

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at this point, 6 wins is what i would have to say...

there's plenty of room for optimism (cperry, rudi, utecht, rivers, bjohnson, experience for young guys, etc), but as of now, none of that has shown to be counted on.

until we see these guys fulfill these training camp daydreams, we still can't tackle, rudi still can't run, aodom is still injured, cperry still can't stay healthy, and our defensive stars are still very young.

plenty of room for hope, but combined with our brutal schedule and history of plain sucking, we are still a sub-par team.

i see anywhere from 4 to 10 wins at this point.

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7-9 ..........

........... and marvin gone by january. :eek:

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"We can't tackle, can't cover WR's, can't stay healthy"

I'm not making this thought by just one preseason game. We had an entire season last year with those results. Now we're starting a new preseon wiht the same results. The def is learning a new scheme? Tackling and covering WR's are pop warner skills. How do you go from pop warner to JR high to varsity, to college without knowing how to tackle? I'm jumping tha band wagon and going with the 19-0 concept!

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at this point, 6 wins is what i would have to say...

there's plenty of room for optimism (cperry, rudi, utecht, rivers, bjohnson, experience for young guys, etc), but as of now, none of that has shown to be counted on.

That's likely because you and others weren't patient enough to wait until AFTER pre-season to make a season record prediction based on all the facts you could possibly have. Many members are going with old stats, and a SINGLE practice game against Green Bay. It's often referred to as going off half cocked. B)

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As a newbie on this board, I predict a 10-6 season. I think most teams have figured out the simplistic Browns offense (uh, didn't we keep them out of the playoffs last season - KARMA). Their record at the end of the season reflects this fact. This will be enough to win the division as the Stoolers have one of the toughest schedules (about time) in the league. Browns are over-rated (how many MNF games? Cripes) and Baltimore is just OLD. On both sides of the ball. Of course, I've always been an optimistic, glass is almost full, kinda fan. We had key injuries last season. Utecht was one of the best pick-ups, as I always thought Palmer needed a receiving TE. And, IF Perry stays healthy, our defense is at least respectable, the AFC North is OURS!!

And, hopefully, my heart will not be broken in half come November.

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