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Once a NFL player, now broke!

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So he was suspended and released from his team for a misdemeanor assualt charge?

No. He was released from "his" team for a long string of violent and immoral acts. Including, but not limited to, giving alcohol to teenage girls in a hotel room, pointing a loaded gun at an adversary (and dropping said gun only because a police officer drew his gun and ordered him to do so, getting hammered with our promising middle linebacker when the middle linebacker only had to stay sober another week or two to get reinstated, getting into a violent confrontation with a parking attendant over nothing, and probably about fifty other things you and I never heard about.

Even if he gets acquited, and someone like Dan Snyder is dumb enough to pick him up, Chris Henry has no chance. He's lost.

Full-time gangster.

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Not even reading the link to the original story, I'm guessing you guys are talking Chris Henry.

My apologies. I assumed Henry because I heard the story on his house getting foreclosed. Sorry.

They are talking Henry, and i find this situation more sad then funny. The guy needs more help then Odell did.

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Alright...still don't know who this is talking about because I haven't read the link. Probably should do that before I chime in. Anywho, whether it is Henry or Vick, or whomever, any story of a guy getting the chance to play in the NFL and make good money to play the greatest sport on the planet, only to blow the chance and the dough, is pathetic. And ultimately, who do they have to blame? Themselves.

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Alright...still don't know who this is talking about because I haven't read the link. Probably should do that before I chime in. Anywho, whether it is Henry or Vick, or whomever, any story of a guy getting the chance to play in the NFL and make good money to play the greatest sport on the planet, only to blow the chance and the dough, is pathetic. And ultimately, who do they have to blame? Themselves.

This has me thinking.....has anyone seen a study about the financial health of retired veterans? With the average 'career' being about three years, I would bet that being broke is a common occurence.


googling .....60% of nba players are broke within five years of retirement.


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Alright...still don't know who this is talking about because I haven't read the link. Probably should do that before I chime in. Anywho, whether it is Henry or Vick, or whomever, any story of a guy getting the chance to play in the NFL and make good money to play the greatest sport on the planet, only to blow the chance and the dough, is pathetic. And ultimately, who do they have to blame? Themselves.

This has me thinking.....has anyone seen a study about the financial health of retired veterans? With the average 'career' being about three years, I would bet that being broke is a common occurence.


googling .....60% of nba players are broke within five years of retirement.


Piss poor planning and stupidity on their part. As much money as professional athletes make, there is no reason for any of them to ever be broke.

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Alright...still don't know who this is talking about because I haven't read the link. Probably should do that before I chime in. Anywho, whether it is Henry or Vick, or whomever, any story of a guy getting the chance to play in the NFL and make good money to play the greatest sport on the planet, only to blow the chance and the dough, is pathetic. And ultimately, who do they have to blame? Themselves.

This has me thinking.....has anyone seen a study about the financial health of retired veterans? With the average 'career' being about three years, I would bet that being broke is a common occurence.


googling .....60% of nba players are broke within five years of retirement.


That's a good question. Would have to factor how that study would impact the current controversy over retired players' benefits from the NFLPA, etc. Where would you draw the line? We know the guys from the 60's and 70's are largely broke because they didn't make squat. Would be interesting.

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Full-time gangster.

LMFAO He's no gangster, he's a Wannabe. The guys is a funking pus$y. He's as soft of a player as you can find. He was NEVER willing to take a hit, and tries to beat up 18 year old KIDS.

You can call him many things....Idiot, Moron, Dipsh!t, Dumbass, etc. but 1 thing he is not, is a gangster...he's too much of a pus$y.

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Full-time gangster.

LMFAO He's no gangster, he's a Wannabe. The guys is a funking pus$y. He's as soft of a player as you can find. He was NEVER willing to take a hit, and tries to beat up 18 year old KIDS.

You can call him many things....Idiot, Moron, Dipsh!t, Dumbass, etc. but 1 thing he is not, is a gangster...he's too much of a pus$y.

Aren't those the same things as gangster ??


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