GregCook Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Other teams have issues, but this debate on character vs upside should be settled by now.Chris Henry, Askew, Nicholson, Odell, Dillon, Chad, Brooks, Pickens, all had issues coming into the pros and all created more issues in the pros for the Bengals. Some of these guys had amazing careers in Cincinnati but all of them needed alot more supervision than the Bengals give their guys. Now they've added Shirley to the mix and based upon past history we can expect he'll soon be cuffed and driven around Cincy from the back of a squad car.What is common to Henry, Askew, Nicholson, Brooks, is they put their career's on the line for incredibly teenage dumb stuff. Like wanting to smash someone else's face. Or love of contraband and alcohol for Henry & Odell. Guys like Chad, Dillon and Pickens, they were different. They wanted out and made trouble so they could leave. Chad I'm sure if he went to a club with a history of winning, he'd not make a peep and just do what he does best. Dillon did and Pickens probably would have too.
rwalling Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Chad: "D@mn! Who stole all my media coverage?!"
TJJackson Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.
duus Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I agree. A steeler fan comes on here and says the exact words and gets banned. I agreed. Now these two jewel-less jacks feed their boyish power trips with the same words, and yet they hang around without even the smallest of warnings.
redsbengalsbucks Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I agree. A steeler fan comes on here and says the exact words and gets banned. I agreed. Now these two jewel-less jacks feed there boyish power trips with the same words, and yet they hang around without even the smallest of warnings.Ditto here, this woman is not guilty of anything until proven by the facts, just like Brooks.There is no call for this kind of treatment for either parties untill the facts are revealed.
volcom69 Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 I saw espn have something about it this morning, but Hobson still didnt write anything about so whats up with that lol.
HoosierCat Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 I saw espn have something about it this morning, but Hobson still didnt write anything about so whats up with that lol.Actually, he did, but he buried it in a story he posted at 4 this morning.
agreen_112 Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I agree. A steeler fan comes on here and says the exact words and gets banned. I agreed. Now these two jewel-less jacks feed their boyish power trips with the same words, and yet they hang around without even the smallest of warnings.the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I agree. A steeler fan comes on here and says the exact words and gets banned. I agreed. Now these two jewel-less jacks feed there boyish power trips with the same words, and yet they hang around without even the smallest of warnings.Ditto here, this woman is not guilty of anything until proven by the facts, just like Brooks.There is no call for this kind of treatment for either parties untill the facts are revealed.I must learn to use smileys better. I thought the winking eye one surely showed that I was being sarcastic... Your smarter than that TJ, can't you see a joke? And duus, your personal vendetta against Steeler fans is just weird.I've never broke the rules, that's why I don't get banned.
rwalling Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 The timing does seem strange since it apparently happened on May 9th and is just being reported now. I hopethis is nothing but BS, but if true then I would be in favor of showing Brooks the door. It is never appropriate to hit a woman.Thank goodness there are a few real men standing up to the BS spewing out of the minds and keyboards of some of these morons.I couldn't agree more. What part of NEVER are you struggling with?I would be tempted to ban this particular brand of stupidity as well, or at least warn the hell out of it.
blueridge Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Why does Mikey and Marvin continue to rely on people like this?GET RID OF HIM NOW! Dont wait.Why don't you grow a pair? Brooks has never caused any trouble while with the Bengals and the "Destiny" story stinks to high heaven. Bengals players have been falsely accused before. Askew, Thurman and Henry all had to deal with accusations that turned out to be unwarranted. I guess it doesn't matter to you what the truth is or may turn out to be. You see a newspaper story and immediately go to pieces. Like I said-Grow a pair.
duus Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 And duus, your personal vendetta against Steeler fans is just weird.Yes, it is. You must ask yourself what in the world could have occurred to make an otherwise sane and 'normal' man hate something so much? They collectively hate outsiders to an extent never imagined. The reasons have been detailed over and over on this board, and I surely will not hijack this thread for the such again. Vendetta? No doubt. Weird. Likely.
BengalszoneBilly Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 I must learn to use smileys better. I thought the winking eye one surely showed that I was being sarcastic... Your smarter than that TJ, can't you see a joke? And duus, your personal vendetta against Steeler fans is just weird.I've never broke the rules, that's why I don't get banned. I took the smiley as sarcasm. Maybe we need a better smiley to help people recognize this when it is used.
TJJackson Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 .....and so any kind of hate or violence speech is OK with you mods/admins as long as it is accompanied by a smiley?I like and respect all you guys, but really, you'd etter think long and hard on this one before even worse things are said and then 'made OK' by the inclusion of a smileyI actually look at a smiley accompanying a message condoning violence against women as worse than if not so accompanied - as if to suggest violence against women is not js ok, but something to smile about. Thats far worse, in my book.That said - JoePong said the same thing and used no smiley. Are you OK with this violence-condoning speech as well?
HoosierCat Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Y'know, it's funny. In this thread, we have a perfect example of any internet message board moderator's dream: a forum that polices itself. Pong makes an assinine comment (two, actually) and is universally slammed (and yes, agreen's sarcastic aside was part of that slamming). No need for us mods to do anything but sit back and watch the troll get driven back underneath the bridge. Props to all involved.
Pidge Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Do we all really have enough free time to bat this non issue back and forth? Hitting women = not cool, well hitting people in general is not normally necessary but that's by the by. Unless some random woman is charging at you with an axe screaming like a banshee or something. I think self-defence is prudent in those circumstances.I guess we'll know if there's anything to this Brooks situation from a Bengals perspective in a couple of days. If they've done nothing by then, I'm inclined to think they know it's a groundless accusation.
Kazkal Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 I don't think anyone....besides joepong is saying it's okay to hit the woman but just wait and get the facts strait before you sell ahmad out.
Spor_tees Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Y'know, it's funny. In this thread, we have a perfect example of any internet message board moderator's dream: a forum that polices itself. Pong makes an assinine comment (two, actually) and is universally slammed (and yes, agreen's sarcastic aside was part of that slamming). No need for us mods to do anything but sit back and watch the troll get driven back underneath the bridge. Props to all involved.Well even though agreen said it was sarcastic THIS time he did get slammed in the past when the Frostee Rucker issue was out there and he said "The bitch probably deserved it!" So no, he is not an innocent bystander to this that used sarcasm as a cover up.
DC_Bengals_Fan Posted May 2, 2008 Report Posted May 2, 2008 Joe Bong deserved it........**Da smileee makes it OK!!!Christ, I can't wait until the damned seasons starts.
ArmyBengal Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 I can't condone what Brooks has done whatsoever. No man should ever just pull back and punch a woman in the face. I don't know how big that woman was, but Brooks is a BIG DUDE and could've killed her had he hit her hard enough. For anyone to condone or make light of that action in any way goes to show your obvious lack of intelligence. If anyone has an issue with what I just said, please feel free to PM me as these threads are not the place to have these conversations.I suppose we need to have a sarcasm meter on the site now as well huh ?? WHODEY !!!
JoePong Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 I don't think anyone....besides joepong is saying it's okay to hit the woman but just wait and get the facts strait before you sell ahmad out.Calm down. I was being sarcastic. In all seriousnes though, it's atually my wife that always tells me some women deserve to be hit...
JoePong Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I have never condoned or advocated violence against women. Get over it and stop being so ultra-sensitive you p***y.
BengalszoneBilly Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 Can we just move on here? It's clear nobody endorses violence on women. We're not Steeler fans wearing wife beater T-shirts for crissakes.
TJJackson Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 I have never condoned or advocated violence against women.That is an absolute LIE on your partas follows:She probably deserved it.You disgust me. Others have said the same. The fact that the admins/mods here have decided not to ban you and agreen is absolutely astounding.
BengalszoneBilly Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 the BITCH probably deserved it! I don't know why the mods/admins here allow you and Pong to continually condone and advocate violence against women.Hopefully, they will ban you both sometime in the near future.I have never condoned or advocated violence against women. Get over it and stop being so ultra-sensitive you p***y.I have never condoned or advocated violence against women.That is an absolute LIE on your partas follows:She probably deserved it.You disgust me. Others have said the same. The fact that the admins/mods here have decided not to ban you and agreen is absolutely astounding.He admitted sarcasm. Thread closed. It's going where it wasn't intended.
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