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Grade the 2008 Draft  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What's the verdict?

    • A - Love it!
    • B - Couldn't they have moved up for Ellis...
    • C - ...and drafted fewer bums and underachievers?
    • D - They blew it.
    • E for Effort - Nice try but no.
    • F - Ugh. Can we hire a GM and some scouts please?

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I was fine with most of the picks, but Shirley? Why would we draft more trouble? I don't get it. We've been down that road and it didn't get us where we need to go. How stupid.

1 out of 10 with a 5th round pick,Maybe the guy works out but hard to knock the draft just because of his pick.

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Honestly I say B-/C+ I didn't give an F...but they didn't take a RB who they said they needed...and the Shirley pick did nothing to change how they are viewed around the league...other than that they touched almost every position of need...I wish they would have taken another LB in the draft because of God forbid something happens to Rivers, then they basically would have had a draft without a LB which was the largest position of need prior to the draft.

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I'm going to have to go with a C due to WR Jerome WHO? in the 2nd when DeSean Jackson, Early Doucet, Malcom Kelley and Limas Sweed were there. Plus the Shirley pick plus honestly wasn't wild about most of the pics from the 5th round on. Plus why not draft Tony Temple when you need a RB who can be an every down back instead of a TE you don't need.

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I'm going to have to go with a C due to WR Jerome WHO? in the 2nd when DeSean Jackson, Early Doucet, Malcom Kelley and Limas Sweed were there. Plus the Shirley pick plus honestly wasn't wild about most of the pics from the 5th round on. Plus why not draft Tony Temple when you need a RB who can be an every down back instead of a TE you don't need.

Dude, while Malcom "Lead Legs" has a DB all ove his a$$, Jerome is running past many in the game today. While Limas has legs of lime & sand mixed with some water, Jerome is catching the impossible.

At least I hope so. But most of the media darlings you mentioned aren't physically impressive given what works in the NFL.

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Round 1

Keith Rivers OLB USC

I like this pick. It's not Ellis, but with the two DTs they picked up it doesn't need to be. Their linebackers could be sick in a year or two if Brooks can stay healthy and Thurman can play at the form he did his rookie year. Imagine this as a starting trio:

Sam: Ahmad Brooks

Mike: Odell Thurman

Will: Keith Rivers


Grade: A

Round 2

Jerome Simpson WR Coastal Carolina

My initial reaction was, WHAT THE f**k?! I mean, with players like Sweed, Kelly, & Jackson still there and the low grade for this kid, I just didn't understand it. The picks of Caldwell and Urrita make it better, and I do like his skill set and hands, but I still think they reached here. It's going to take quite a bit of work to get him where they need him to be...especially if CJ doesn't play this year or is traded.

Grade: C

Round 3

Pat Sims DT Auburn

Loved this pick. He was one of the DTs I really wanted to see them get if they didn't land Ellis. I was actually saying "Sims or Bryant!!" when they went on the clock.

Grade: A

Andre Caldwell WR Florida

Another pick I loved. Caldwell was once thought of as a 1st or 2nd round pick and the Bengals got him with a comp. selection. He's fast as hell, he can catch, and his nickname is Bubba. I'm sold.

Grade: A

Round 4

Anthony Collins OT Kansas

I know nothing about him, but they needed some depth at o-line and he provides it. Not a sexy pick, but a necessary one.

Grade: B

Round 5

Jason Shirley NT Fresno St.

So this kid is 6-6, 330 and he runs a 5.0 40...BTG likes. He was also kicked off Fresno State's team for legal problems (including driving his car into a building when he was drunk), he's inconsistent on the field and he supposedly takes plays off. BTG does not like.

(I swear, the Bengals are like an abused woman who keeps dating a**h***s hoping she can change them, and then is surprised when her current boyfriend blacks her eye.)

Grade: B for potential and talent, F- for character...overall C-

Round 6

Corey Lynch DB Appalachian St.

The Bengals need a guy like this on their team. Special teams ace, overachiever...he's like a younger, more athletic Kevin Kaseviharn.

Grade: A

Matt Sherry TE Villanova

Apparently he's fast and can catch, but he's smaller for a TE and doesn't block. In the sixth round I'm ok with that. He provides more depth behind Utecht and Kelly.

Grade: B

Round 7

Angelo Craig DE Cincinnati

Another player I know nothing about, but they needed depth at DE and he might provide it. He can't be any worse than Frostee the Slowman.

Grade: B

Mario Urrutia WR Louisville

Again, I love this pick. Urrita reminds me of Marques Colston in a way, and he gives Carson a HUGE target (6-5, 230) in the red zone. He's a bit slow, but with Simpson and Caldwell already drafted they didn't need a burner.

Grade: B


I would have liked to have seen running back addressed. Rudi wasn't himself last year and Kenny Watson is not a long term answer. There's no way of knowing if Kenny Irons is going to be 100% when the season starts and The Glass Running Back (sometimes referred to as Chris Perry)is a sneeze away from breaking a bone or tearing a ligament. I was really hoping for Parmele, Washington, or Hart, but the Bengals didn't seem to even consider them. It's possible they're working a deal for the Prodigal Running Back (Alexander), but at this point is he even worth anything? Who knows?

I do like that they added two massive DTs with tons of potential. If Shirley can get his s**t together, the Bengals might have really stumbled onto a gem. I also think Sims is excellent.

They also added another young talented player at linebacker, upgraded their special teams, got depth for their o-line and tight end, and added three receivers -- all of whom have different skill sets.

Honestly, this is the first year where I have been happy with the Bengals after the draft since the year they took Carson. All in all I think it could turn out to be an excellent draft for them...if everything goes according to plan. They have renewed my faith, and basically gave Ocho Stinko a big middle finger.


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Gotta love how people picking F don't own up to it : P

As for not taking A running back eh it would be nice but it wasn't required to draft one

Rudi Johnson -Are the bengals rdy to call it quits or give him a chance?

Chris Perry - Injury Prone but still looks like he'll get another chance because of 2005

Kenny Irons-Injured his first season, will he be Perry x2

Dede Dorsey-Was a favorite to be given a shot,with us not taking a RB he'll get it

Kenny Watson-Mr 3rd down not the fastest not the hardest runner but he's a solid backup

So a ton of question marks but we have hope in enough of these guys I can see why they will just go the FA route.

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Keith Rivers at 9 is basically a replacement for Landon Johnson. I don't see how he makes us much better than we were last year.

Jerome Simpson seems like a reach but that's only because I'm not a scout and know virtually nothing about the guy. Interesting how we (football nerds) will go on and on about how the guys 10" hands will help his catching ability but when I mention his freakish assets to my wife her eyebrows go up she gets this funny look on her face.... <_<

Pat Sims seems like a good value in the 3rd and it's a relief (and a minor miracle) to finally have a player at a huge area of need drop to us.

Bubba Caldwell. Don't know much about him either. I'm frustrated that we weren't able to get a guy with better return abilities.

Glad we got a versatile, well thought-of lineman.

Ticked off about the Shirley pick. This knocks the draft down a letter grade.

Glad we got a FS/special teams guy. Kilmer may never be back and even if he is, this guy probably has more chance of getting playing time on defense.

The other guys... meh. Maybe Urrutia will be the next Marques Colston like someone mentioned. I'm not gonna hold my breath on that.

Overall impressions: Didn't address needs in the running game (where was this "renewed committment to the running game" that Marvin speaks of?). Didn't address the pathetic pass rush. In a draft supposedly deep at RB and weak at WR it's curious that we should ignore the former and draw so heavily from the latter. But I do like the guys we got (exception of Shirley) and think we can expect to see some improvement this year on D if Odell/Ahmad show up and Pat Sims plays as well as I think he can. On offense.... well, I'm not so optimistic. Seems like we can expect little improvement on that side. Special teams should show some improvement on coverage esp if Kilmer comes back, but the cupboard is still pretty bare w/ returners.

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Ticked off about the Shirley pick. This knocks the draft down a letter grade.

I've been reading up on Shirley, and from what I can tell his "character issues" have been blown way out of proportion. He doesn't appear to have caused any trouble until a pair of incidents early in his senior year, which amount (at worst) to a DUI and a couple traffic tickets. Shirley claims, and has medical documentation backing him up, that he wasn't drunk but suffering from a concussion at the time of the DUI; the cops claim he blew an 0.1 (versus the limit of 0.08). Prosecutors just asked for more time, so the resolution of this has been delayed. But frankly, I'd rather it be a DUI than a concussion. Injuries concern me more with Shirley, who has also missed time due to a high ankle sprain and neck cramps.

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A - LOVE IT!!!

Marv's a draft expert. He's had bad luck with the character issues and injuries. For the most part, he and his staff (Bratkowski oddly enough) know how to find talent.

Rivers was my man after Dorsey and Ellis, happy to get a stud LB'r. Replacement for Landon Johnson my ass, Walrus. Rivers will be an impact. Pair him with Odell, OMG. Curtains.

Simpson was the sleeper and one of the most valuable picks in the second round. He'll be a stud.

Sims addresses a need and we were able to get a top DT in the third. A+ pickup. Thorton's job is gone.

Overall this draft was great because not only did we address the defense, we took very good care of Carson. We got him a Tackle and very talented WR's.

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Ticked off about the Shirley pick. This knocks the draft down a letter grade.

I've been reading up on Shirley, and from what I can tell his "character issues" have been blown way out of proportion. He doesn't appear to have caused any trouble until a pair of incidents early in his senior year, which amount (at worst) to a DUI and a couple traffic tickets. Shirley claims, and has medical documentation backing him up, that he wasn't drunk but suffering from a concussion at the time of the DUI; the cops claim he blew an 0.1 (versus the limit of 0.08). Prosecutors just asked for more time, so the resolution of this has been delayed. But frankly, I'd rather it be a DUI than a concussion. Injuries concern me more with Shirley, who has also missed time due to a high ankle sprain and neck cramps.

He had a hit and and run with an apartment building while drunk... :lol: That is a minor accident and citation? I mean for one I want to know when it says hit and run, did he hit the building with his car then drive off hoping no one saw him or no one would notice? Or did he hit the building and leave his car thinking the cops would not run the plates and find out who he was...either way he would be an idiot. There is no way to blow something like this type of action out of proportion.

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He had a hit and and run with an apartment building while drunk... :lol: That is a minor accident and citation?

Actually, yes, all the charges springing from that are misdemeanors. And there's no history of problems before, and nothing more than a couple traffic tickets since.

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Here is the grade from Yahoo Sports:

Cincinnati Bengals

Picks: LB Keith Rivers, WR Jerome Simpson, DT Pat Sims, WR Andre Caldwell, OT Anthony Collins, DT Jason Shirley, S Corey Lynch, TE Matt Sherry, DE Angelo Craig and WR Mario Urritia

Positives: Rivers, Sims and Caldwell

Negatives: Simpson and Shirley

Bottom line: D-. Rivers and Sims are immediate starters, but that’s almost by default. The Bengals wanted to get USC DT Sedrick Ellis in the first round, but got jumped by the Saints, who telegraphed their move for four days. The Bengals should have done something to counter New Orleans, but as is typical with Cincy, the Bengals let someone else determine their fate. Calling Simpson a “negative” is a little strong, but he’s just a reminder of how bad the situation is there between the dismissal of Chris Henry and the mouthing off by Chad Johnson. Where the grade really takes a hit is with Shirley, a guy who was in and out of trouble last season. The Bengals never learn.

Wow he gives them a D- without even mentioning Shirley and his character issues....

I do think he hit the nail on the head as far as most have stated the Bengals lack of creativity in getting the player they really need, and instead "settling" for what is available. At some point SOP needs to get over the Ki-jana Carter snakebite and start dictating the Bengal's draft instead of letting other teams dictate it for him.

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Overall D

Rivers C-

We took what was available instead of paying the small price to move ahead and get what we really needed. Did you know who he will compete for in terms of playing time? Arguably, your best defender - Dhani Jones. C for getting par value at 9, minus for blowing the easy opportunity to do better inexpensively and for selecting at a position of lesser need

Simpson C

A solid player, athlete, and citizen by all accounts at a need position, albeit not the PRIMARY need position

Sims C+

Had to have a DT here. Had to. Sims seems like a better player after reflection than I originally believed. I will be watching his level of effort closely

Caldwell C-

Having already taken Simpson, the "need" for a WR dropped tremendously. Florida WRs do not tend to make good NFL starters, go look up the history since Collinsworth. The fact that does not bring PR\KR value also hurts. I Like his speed, like his toughness, like his willingness to block (a Bengal WR blocking! wow!). Should have taken a defender or a RB.

Collins C-

The foot speed is scary bad, but everything else looks OK. Still, he projects as a G or RT, not the LT tackle type where we have the greater need . Versatility is a plus.

Shirley F

He may well physically be the next Warren Sapp. Mentally, he's not there. He makes terrible decisions off the field and has concentration and effort lapses on the field. I've heard it over and over again in talking with others - he makes hris Henry look like a choir boy". He faces possible prison time - can't help the team from behind bars. All that said, if he manages to avoid prison time and gets his head out of his posterior, he could be Warren Sapp - no doubt - but I see this as a very, very dim possibility.

Lynch B

My favorite pick of this draft, but then again I have an admitted fondness for special teams stars (look to the left, eh?). Yeah, we have a GLUT and a half of safeties on the roster, but I am pulling for this guy to take the 5th safety spot. As others have said, he reminds one strongly of a younger, more athletic K Kaesviharn. He's got enough big-play ability to possibly even start at FS. I downgrade the pick to a B because safety is not a need position this year.

Sherry D-

I don't like taking players with the intent of converting them. Yeah, I read what Marvin said. If he wanted a blocker, he should have taken a blocker. I also think Coats came on nicely last year, and with Utecht signed, this also was not a position of need. Should have taken a RB or defender here.

Craig D-

Did I say something about not converting players? This guy's size and etc say SOLB. But he played DE.

Urrutia F

Yes, he's big. Yes, he was productive - more than a year ago. He's not fast, not a special teamer, has a lot of mental lapses, lacks speed, etc etc etc. And we'd already taken 2 receivers. I think he has zero chance to make the team, ergo from my point of view this is a wasted pick.

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I do think he hit the nail on the head as far as most have stated the Bengals lack of creativity in getting the player they really need, and instead "settling" for what is available. At some point SOP needs to get over the Ki-jana Carter snakebite and start dictating the Bengal's draft instead of letting other teams dictate it for him.

I was disappointed the Bengals didn't move up to select Ellis, but you have to wonder if they really wanted him as badly as most believed. Seriously, it's all fair and good to point out how little the Saints paid to move up, but it's just as true to point out how little the Patriots received in return for moving down. Simply put, there wasn't as much interest in that slot as most assumed and if reports are accurate the Bengals were given an opportunity to better the Saints offer. Instead, they were said to be "content" to stay put and select Rivers, a player numerous pre-draft reports claimed they would be very happy to take at #9.

Knowing how many pre-draft mocks had the Bengals selecting Ellis at #9 it's only natural the post-draft reaction is focused on them not getting their man. But that conveniently ignores the consensus opinion, formed months ago, that Ellis wouldn't be on the board at #9. So the Saints knew what they had to do to get their man, and the Bengals knew what they had to do to prevent it from occuring. And there's the rub because they weren't interested.

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