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Trade one of our RB's NOW!


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The Bengals have said they will draft a RB on the first dray.

They have DeDe Dorsey, Rudi, Chris Perry,Kenny Irons,Kenny Watson on the roster.

They cannot keep all of them and draft a new RB- there is not enough room on the roster.

Which means they will end up cutting one or two of them at the begining of the season and getting nothing out of them.

Wouldnt it make sense to use Rudi,Perry,or Irons to either package with their pick to move up a few spots to make sure they get Sedric Ellis or Glenn Dorsey?

If they can find no takers they could always trade one of the RB's for a player or another draft choice.

If they do not trade one of them NOW they will not be able to trade one of them after the draft because,the teams that needed a RB will have drafted one.

Yes, I know I left out DeDe Dorsey for a trade I did so because--1)They would probably get little out of him 2) He is the best RB on the team 3) He has a chance,if he can stay healthy,to be a home run hitter -He reminds me of James Brooks.

These are the kind of things a GM would think of if we had one----Which is why we need one

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Rudi has low value. Perry has virtually no value and Irons is still injured.

Who in front of us wants any of our busted up, worn out RB's???

I am not against trying to get something for Rudi...but you need a taker. Perry just has to show he is healthy and could have much more upside that Rudi, either as a Bengal or in trade-value.

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You have no have a RB to trade one. We don't have any. Besides, it would be stupid to do it before the draft. Then you absolutely have to draft one high, and if there isn't one available, you are screwed. Or if a top player drops that they really want, and now thay can't take him because they are forced to draft a RB? Makes no sense.

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Who the hell would want any of our RB trash ??


Yeah, it's kinda like Atlanta trying to trade one of their QBs because they're going to draft a QB. 100% of s**t is still s**t.

Our problem, as I see it, is we have half a dozen RBs that are all much of a muchness. No real gem there right now. Hopefully one of them breaks loose or regains form. We don't need a LT, just a consistent guy.

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I think its funny that everyone seems to agree that our RB's are crap, but nobody thinks we should draft one in the first round.

I'm not opposed to it if all the better defensive options (Chris Long, Gholston, Ellis, Dorsey) are gone at 9. But be warned, first round RBs tend to be big-boom-or-big-bust. We could just as easily be selecting the next Ki-Jana or Mr. Glass as the next Adrian Peterson.

Personally, of the top backs, I lean toward Mendenhall. McFadden's popsicle stick legs and off-field troubles have to be a concern; this team has had enough of injured RBs and knucklehead players to last a lifetime. Stewart would probably be ahead of Rashard in my mind if he weren't hurt. Last thing this team needs to do is hand its (on) crack med staff a pre-injured first round pick (and Phillip Merling's off my list for the same reason).

Still, this is a deep draft at RB and we could get a quality guy in rounds 3-4.

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I think its funny that everyone seems to agree that our RB's are crap, but nobody thinks we should draft one in the first round.

I'm not opposed to it if all the better defensive options (Chris Long, Gholston, Ellis, Dorsey) are gone at 9. But be warned, first round RBs tend to be big-boom-or-big-bust. We could just as easily be selecting the next Ki-Jana or Mr. Glass as the next Adrian Peterson.

Personally, of the top backs, I lean toward Mendenhall. McFadden's popsicle stick legs and off-field troubles have to be a concern; this team has had enough of injured RBs and knucklehead players to last a lifetime. Stewart would probably be ahead of Rashard in my mind if he weren't hurt. Last thing this team needs to do is hand its (on) crack med staff a pre-injured first round pick (and Phillip Merling's off my list for the same reason).

Still, this is a deep draft at RB and we could get a quality guy in rounds 3-4.

You could agrue that all top ten picks are boom or bust picks simply due to their price tags. I don't think there is such a ting as a "safe" pick in the top ten. Remember how evryone thought Robert Gallery was the safe choice for the Raiders?

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You could agrue that all top ten picks are boom or bust picks simply due to their price tags. I don't think there is such a ting as a "safe" pick in the top ten. Remember how evryone thought Robert Gallery was the safe choice for the Raiders?

I wasn't arguing that we shouldn't take an RB because of the risk of a bust, just pointing out the obvious. And yeah, RB is a lot riskier than OT. At least Gallery can still play guard.

No, the argument against RB in the first is simply that we can get a good RB in later rounds, and the examples of Corey Dillon and Rudi Johnson demonstrate that this team doesn't need an elite back, just a decent one who can move the chains, in order to win. That's why I only consider an RB at 9 if all the usual defensive suspects are gone.

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Yeah, but it would be nice to have a game-breaking RB.

Agreed, but IMO with our defense the wreck that it is, we just can't afford the luxury of spending No. 9 on that guy if we can get a top-tier defensive prospect instead.

Right. I don't think anyone here or anywhere else in Bengaldom would disagree with you that if an elite defensive player is available at #9 they would trump any offensive pick.

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