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Just for the record. Was listening to Dayton sports radio on my way to work this morning and they were interviewing Munoz about Chad and he called it "pathetic" and a display of "individualism" in a team game. He said 1 guy didn't score, 11 guys scored. He admitted he was old school and that Chad was a huge talent, but he didn't get why he needs to self-promote.

I thought it was an interesting perspective. He also mentioned that many in the HOF will not be happy, it degraded the honor. Its all a matter of perspective of course, just the other side of the argument.

I'm okay with it, young fans like it (geez i sound old). I just want to win. I want a freakin' super bowl championship. If chad can have huge games when they matter, not like last year, I won't care about his antics. But if he shows more concern over self-promotion than his team in a dog fight for a win, I just can't approve no matter how entertaining. The only thing entertaining to me is a win.

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...they were interviewing Munoz about Chad and he called it "pathetic" and a display of "individualism" in a team game. He said 1 guy didn't score, 11 guys scored. He admitted he was old school and that Chad was a huge talent, but he didn't get why he needs to self-promote.

I'm with Munoz on this one, but I'm also torn. Whether I like it or not Chad is far more emotional than most players and might be one of the moodiest players you can find outside of the WNBA. The end result is a unique athlete whose focus and drive are overwhelmingly dependant on his ability to self-motivate in ways that most players wouldn't consider. And there's the rub because the self-promotion is a direct result of the self-motivation. So you take the good with the bad, and cross your fingers that the distracting clown act doesn't define the team OR overshadow some of the most remarkable route running I've ever seen.

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I *shudder* agree with Hair on that. I would've preferred a jacket that said "Arizona 2008" or something like that - but I guess the HOF jacket is for the HOF.

I also heard CJ on Rome say "he and Carson would have a fight on the sidelines" if he didn't get a TD pass last night - granted he's joking but his self-centered personality is a bit much at times - maybe he should be more public and vocal about supporting and picking up and leading his teammates.

The guy should be thanking God every day he has a QB as good as Carson throwing to him, not whining when he doesn't get the ball enough on the radio.

That said, just keep playing well and scoring TD's Chad - ecspecially in December against good teams this year.

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I dont know if anyone else saw this but after the TD I saw Carson run up to Chad on the sidelines to, i guess, talk about the TD. Chad totally shrugged Carson off to go get the jacket. It was just a split second that it happened but ya know what Chad that is the guy who threw that perfect ball to you give him some love. I think Carson is too poised to let this get to him so hopefully it won't turn into a bigger issue with every TD to 85.

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...they were interviewing Munoz about Chad and he called it "pathetic" and a display of "individualism" in a team game. He said 1 guy didn't score, 11 guys scored. He admitted he was old school and that Chad was a huge talent, but he didn't get why he needs to self-promote.

Whether I like it or not Chad is far more emotional than most players and might be one of the moodiest players you can find outside of the WNBA. The end result is a unique athlete whose focus and drive are overwhelmingly dependant on his ability to self-motivate in ways that most players wouldn't consider. And there's the rub because the self-promotion is a direct result of the self-motivation. So you take the good with the bad, and cross your fingers that the distracting clown act doesn't define the team


Talk about foreshadowing.....

I dunno about Chad sometimes............seriously.

It's all good if he's getting his, but I'm starting to wonder if he has the mental fortitude to dig deep and play when it matters most. i.e. those final TREE games last season.

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i really don't care much for stuff like that, just play ball and leave stuff like that out of it. when you make a play like that the play speaks for it self. but when you do something like that you can't go out in the 2nd half and catch nothing. i think if he put the effort he puts in to his show i guess you would call it. he maybe that much better.

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