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...yup, right at the bottom... :lol:


32. Mike Brown, Bengals

Boy, Brown has sure done a fantastic job of bringing the Bengals into the 21st Century. Once known merely as a pathetic football team whose on-field ineptitude mirrored management's cheap, clueless approach -- the Bungles -- Brown's team has now become a national punch line, his players the poster children for malfeasance. Welcome to Sin City, or Cinci for short.

Until very recently, Brown sat back and watched as clowns like Chris Henry did incomprehensibly stupid things like get arrested for handgun charges while wearing his own jersey and kept their roster spots. You'd think someone who employs so many miscreants (10 Bengals players have been arrested in the last 14 months) would be careful about invoking the names of certain notorious villains, but this is what Brown did in front of more than 50 of his peers at last March's owners' meetings. In the midst of a complaint about the current stadium-building plan that is part of the league's revenue-sharing arrangement, Brown was reminded by a fellow owner that he had taken advantage of the same plan (and a provision that allowed him to waive the club-seat premiums that normally go to visiting teams) upon opening Paul Brown Stadium several years earlier. According to a witness, Brown replied, "Look, it seemed like a good thing in the beginning. A lot of people think a lot of things are good in the beginning. A lot of people thought Hitler was good in the beginning."

And on that tasteful note, I respectfully sign off.

Mikie is a solid #31 in my book!

I think of him as #2 but that's not my point. Two issues:

You'd think someone who employs so many miscreants (10 Bengals players have been arrested in the last 14 months)...

Out of those 10, three are not Bengals any longer and two likely won't survive the first round of cuts in training camp. Will jackholes like this clown still use the "10 Bengals arrested" after most of them are gone?

...but this is what Brown did in front of more than 50 of his peers at last March's owners' meetings... According to a witness, Brown replied... "A lot of people thought Hitler was good in the beginning."

That sounds suspiciously like what Marge Schott said to Sports Illustrated to earn her a suspension back in the mid 90's. Could his "witness" be a Kentucky prosecutor, or a guys who Odell Thurman was dancing with at a house party?

Honestly I'd give the Arizona Cardinals' Bill Bidwell #32, but hey...that's just me. Mikie is a solid #31 in my book!

I wouldn't rate Mikey as the worst, either, tho were I to do the rankings I doubt he'd be all that far from the bottom.

For most of the '90s, yeah, I would easily have put Brown at the bottom. But since bringing Marvin aboard, his standing has improved, mostly because he stepped back and handed over a significant chunk of power to Marvin.

On the good side, he has stepped back from meddling in the team, and has ponied up to keep top-tier talent like Carson and Chad long-term. On the flip side, he's been the hand behind all the "character risk" picks, and his apparent inability to play nice with other owners, even other small market ones, means that however legit (or not) his concerns are, they aren't going to be addressed.


Mikey has deserved all the beatings he has gotten over the years (Especially for the 90's) !!! That being said, people have a strange way of giving all the credit for good things to Marvin and all the bad things to Mikey. Now I'm not defending old Mikey here, just throwing that out there. He's still bottom 5 EASY !!!



Wow! I'm back from vacation (temporarily), and BengalZone has turned into MikeBrownSucks.com !!! :wacko:


Predictable crap of the most worthless variety.

Almost the entire review of Mike Brown's ownership is based upon the number of minor arrests Bengal players have been involved in recently, so I opened up the link and immediately searched for what might have been said about the owner of the Chargers, a team that nearly matched the number of arrests...including several that were far more serious in nature.

Not a single word was said about the San Diego Criminal Chargers troubles with the law.

Predictable crap of the most worthless variety.

Almost the entire review of Mike Brown's ownership is based upon the number of minor arrests Bengal players have been involved in recently, so I opened up the link and immediately searched for what might have been said about the owner of the Chargers, a team that nearly matched the number of arrests...including several that were far more serious in nature.

Not a single word was said about the San Diego Criminal Chargers troubles with the law.

I know someone posted a very interesting article a while back about the Chargers troubles and the lack of media coverage. Hmmm, who was that?

Bad pub, not a big spender, or whatever you may look at for reasons are besides the point... Mike Brown is not a good owner...


Maybe I'm a homer, but since Marvin came on board I haven't had a reason to say that. No doubt, before that he deserved plenty of criticism for various reasons, but in the present I don't have any problem with how he's handling himself and his team.

Predictable crap of the most worthless variety.

Almost the entire review of Mike Brown's ownership is based upon the number of minor arrests Bengal players have been involved in recently, so I opened up the link and immediately searched for what might have been said about the owner of the Chargers, a team that nearly matched the number of arrests...including several that were far more serious in nature.

Not a single word was said about the San Diego Criminal Chargers troubles with the law.

I agree. It's no secret how I feel about MB, but using the arrest crap as your primary reason for rating him dead last, is just...well.....lazy journalism.

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