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On the ropes, but far from out


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Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!


This calls for some senseless and meaningless gesture . . . . and we are JUST the guys to do it!!!

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I'll admit we're on the ropes if we lose to Baltimore. That would really hurt our case to win the divison, and at 4-4 it would be tough to get the wild-card. But at 4-3 at 2-0 inside the division, I'm not too worried.

This game is pretty huge. We can either be 2 games back, or be winning the division. That's a pretty big differential there. I hate to call any mid-season game a "must-win" but this is at least an "essential-win."

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I hate to call any mid-season game a "must-win" but this is at least an "essential-win."

What's the diff?

I don't know. Nothing? I guess I just thought it sounded less important.

Anyway... whatever you want to call it, the season isn't lost if we lose... but it is certainly in doubt. A must win is one that will eliminate you from the playoff race. 4-4 doesn't eliminate us... but it would hurt our cause.

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Was it over when the German's bomber Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

Source: http://www.bengalszone.com/article.php?sid=480

I think you're trying to ask "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?". You do realize it was the Japanese right? Are you joking? I can't tell.

Each time someone makes that joke, and it happens fairly often, someone always fails to get the joke...exposing his lack of familiarity with the movie 'Animal House"....thereby making the rest of us question his or her worth as a human being.

Drop and give me twenty.

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Was it over when the German's bomber Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

Source: http://www.bengalszone.com/article.php?sid=480

I think you're trying to ask "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?". You do realize it was the Japanese right? Are you joking? I can't tell.

Each time someone makes that joke, and it happens fairly often, someone always fails to get the joke...exposing his lack of familiarity with the movie 'Animal House"....thereby making the rest of us question his or her worth as a human being.

Drop and give me twenty.

The Coupe Day TaTa is clearly placed on BZ double secret probation.

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Each time someone makes that joke, and it happens fairly often, someone always fails to get the joke...exposing his lack of familiarity with the movie 'Animal House"....thereby making the rest of us question his or her worth as a human being.

Drop and give me twenty.

They're all worthless and weak.

As for the suggestion that the Bengals are "on the ropes" -- I'm not buying it. With a large degree of help from them, we've succesfully dropped Pitt. in the rear view mirror. They may not be done, but they would have to go on an incredible streak from here on out to get back into it -- and that streak would have to include beating the Rats, probably twice. The Rats are leading the division. As much as I hate to say it -- they still look pretty good. I keep waiting for them to fade and they haven't done so yet. But that doesn't mean they won't. They've played their best football and we have yet to put together a balanced game. Even so, we've still bested Carolina and played close with Atlanta (who looks to be at their absolute peak). I'm not happy about losing last week at home and it leaves us with a lot of work to do. But it's still too early to talk about "must" wins -- especially in a road game at Baltimore. We could certainly come back from a loss there and that would only put us at 2-1 in the division (perhaps the most important measure right now to me). They still have to come to Cincy and play Pitt twice. Yeah, Pitt is reeling, but they will get up for the Rats and for us you can be sure. More than a decade of only being spoilers should convince Bengals fans of the importance of division games. One more thing, we play pretty well in Baltimore in recent years. No, the Bengals are not "on the ropes" after week 8.

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This is a ROAD GAME! No DIVISIONAL ROAD GAME is a must win in week eight (unless you are 2-5 and Oh-fer in the Division already :lol: )

Yes it would be a huge win. But you must win at home in the Division and look to steal on the road.


Oh and as for on the ropes? Please. We are right in the thick for both the Division and the WC. Even with a loss on the road, we have them at home later in the year. That does not mean that I think we can just keep losing, and we definitely need to protect at home better and win one or two on the road down the stretch.

When we have six games remaining and still only 4 Ws and we need to win out to make the playoffs, then I will agree that we are on the ropes. But not till then.

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This is a ROAD GAME! No DIVISIONAL ROAD GAME is a must win in week eight

Yeah, it is. Game 8 is halfway to the finish line, and the point at which the playoff picture starts to sort itself out. This game has significant playoff implications, namely that if the bengals lose, they lose control of their own destiny regarding the division title.

Right now, if they were to go on a 9-0 run, it doesn't matter what Balti does, Cincy is the AFCN champ. Lose and Baltimore controls its own destiny. Even if we sweep the second half of the season, all they need is 7-1 or better to be the champs.

Had the Bengals beaten Tampa or Atlanta it would be a different story. But they didn't. So the playoff hunt begins Sunday.

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This is a ROAD GAME! No DIVISIONAL ROAD GAME is a must win in week eight

Yeah, it is. Game 8 is halfway to the finish line, and the point at which the playoff picture starts to sort itself out. This game has significant playoff implications, namely that if the bengals lose, they lose control of their own destiny regarding the division title.

Right now, if they were to go on a 9-0 run, it doesn't matter what Balti does, Cincy is the AFCN champ. Lose and Baltimore controls its own destiny. Even if we sweep the second half of the season, all they need is 7-1 or better to be the champs.

Had the Bengals beaten Tampa or Atlanta it would be a different story. But they didn't. So the playoff hunt begins Sunday.

Seems to me ALL the SAME PUNDITS said the SAME thing about the Steelers last year at 7-5: Done, OVER, Kaput...

Oh wait, didn't they WIN the Super Bowl? :huh:

So, we are ONE game back with NINE games to play? If we lose we are 2 games back with EIGHT to play? Not done, not on ropes, not even close. Now, if we go 0-2 vs Balti, then our Division hopes are pretty much done al la us vs Steelers last year, but that is a long way off yet...

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Seems to me ALL the SAME PUNDITS said the SAME thing about the Steelers last year at 7-5: Done, OVER, Kaput...

Where did I say they were done or over or kaput? Oh, thats right, no where. I guess that explains why you keep SHOUTING. I find people do that when THEY'RE WRONG.

Your example of the Steelers only emphasizes my point. Their loss to us in Pittsburgh put Cincy in the driver's seat for the division title. They won out -- but despite 11 wins only came in as a wild card. Had they lost even one of those games it would have come down to tiebreakers with KC; two and they would have sat home.

This game will determine who has control of winning the division. Therefore, must-win.

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No one is shouting, just STRESSING! :lol:

I did not put anything in quotes, either, just paraphrasing and encapsulating the general sentiment of the thread... which I disagree with. Not to mention that the pundits that I was referring to are the SI, ESPN and other National Media that had the Steelers toasted at 7-5. (Which they obviously weren't, yes they had to win out) We are not and if we win out we are 13-3. that would be closer to a #1 seed than a WC, in my opinion.

You did say "Yeah, it is" to my (Not a) must win statement. Which implies that it is OVER if they lose (which I used synonyms such as kaput and done for added emphasis). :P

To your point about my point on the Steelers only reinforces my original point that this is not a must win. Steelers had to win out. We do not. :cheers: Thank goodness. (However, if we keep playing like this, we will quickly be at that point.) :sure:

You said "This game will determine who has control of winning the division. Therefore, must-win." which it is not, since the Bengals are 2-0 currently and the Ravens are only 1-0, it only makes the Ravens 2-0 and us 2-1. My point was that if the Ravens beat us, then the division will come down to the home game in cincy vs the Ravens same as it did last year with Pitt.

So still not a must win. :D

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You did say "Yeah, it is" to my (Not a) must win statement. Which implies that it is OVER if they lose

No, it doesn't. You confuse a must-win with an elimination game. All elimination games are must-wins, but not all must-wins are elimination games.

Take, for example, the recent unpleasantness in Detroit and St. Louis. All of the games played were must-wins for each team. Only one, the final one, was an elimination game.

Sunday's game is a must win because it will determine who controls their destiny in the division for the second half of the season. That's not a pundit's opinion or a general sentiment, it's a brute fact.

You said "This game will determine who has control of winning the division. Therefore, must-win." which it is not, since the Bengals are 2-0 currently and the Ravens are only 1-0, it only makes the Ravens 2-0 and us 2-1.

2-0 (1.000) beats 2-1 (.667).

My point was that if the Ravens beat us, then the division will come down to the home game in cincy vs the Ravens same as it did last year with Pitt.

If the Ravens win Sunday they will be 2 games up. Even if we win the next game against Baltimore, that only makes up *1* game. In order to win the division we would need "help" from Baltimore in the form of (at least) one other loss by the Ravens.

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You did say "Yeah, it is" to my (Not a) must win statement. Which implies that it is OVER if they lose

No, it doesn't. You confuse a must-win with an elimination game. All elimination games are must-wins, but not all must-wins are elimination games.

Take, for example, the recent unpleasantness in Detroit and St. Louis. All of the games played were must-wins for each team. Only one, the final one, was an elimination game.

Sunday's game is a must win because it will determine who controls their destiny in the division for the second half of the season. That's not a pundit's opinion or a general sentiment, it's a brute fact.

You said "This game will determine who has control of winning the division. Therefore, must-win." which it is not, since the Bengals are 2-0 currently and the Ravens are only 1-0, it only makes the Ravens 2-0 and us 2-1.

2-0 (1.000) beats 2-1 (.667).

My point was that if the Ravens beat us, then the division will come down to the home game in cincy vs the Ravens same as it did last year with Pitt.

If the Ravens win Sunday they will be 2 games up. Even if we win the next game against Baltimore, that only makes up *1* game. In order to win the division we would need "help" from Baltimore in the form of (at least) one other loss by the Ravens.

Interesting that you think that the Ravens will go 14-2 against the schedule that the AFC North has.

Last time I checked they determined playoffs and Division winners after 16 games not 8, so 2-1 or 2-0 just don't matter.

With 8 to go Cincinnati still controls its OWN destiny. Just like when Pit was 7-5. IF they won out they controled their own destiny. We are still not at the point where we must win out, so it cannot be, by definition, a must win game.

Like TBD said, the winner is in a favorable position.


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Any way you spin it, this Sunday's game means a hell of a lot. Things get a whole lot easier if/when the Bengals get this win under the belt. 3-0 and tied overall record wise with the Rats means the second half becomes less stressful, especially with the horses we have on the horizen.

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Hoosier! UNCLE :P

Bengals lose the remaining 9, end the season 4-12, pick up great draft picks that they promptly revert to form spending them in the same manner as they have between 1992 and 2001. Marv quits in disgust after an 0-8 start to the 2007 season and becomes a reclusive, mumbling hermit never to utter a cohesive sentence again, forever repeating something uninteligible about 10 men 12 men and a timeout question...


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