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How many wins this season and how far??


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So what do you think how many wins do we get this 06-07 season, and do you see a Lombardi in our near future??

Im gonna be BOLD!!! I think that we can go 12-4(11-5 probrably)!!!!!!.....even with this schedule. i think that we are that damn good this year. Our Offense will be tops in the league( ahead of Indy, loss of EJ will hurt them) Our Defense is really improving and will be forcing turnovers.

I think that we will be in the AFC Championship game..... and then the rest will take its course.

Crazy maybe.......but I dont think so!!!!!!!!

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If this team plays as well as it should, I'll give them 13-3. I don't care about the schedule, the Bengals are better than all those teams.

I'm a homer, but I really believe it.

thank you I thought that I was one of the few that felt that. I personally think that us as Bengals fans have to look at our Schedules in a whole new light, instead of us circling other teams on their calendar, they gotta circle us, we are a damn good team and other teams gotta respect us. Im not saying to get all cocky and think that we are unbeatable.....but in plain english..................WHO DEY think gonna beat them Bengals..........NOOOOOOBOOOOOOOODYYY!!

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With that schedule in full mind, give me 10-6 on the predictions front, and a playoff berth.

Ditto. 10-6 wins the division and gains us a playoff spot. None of the pretenders with comparatively weak schedules want to play Cincy. We lose in the AFC Championship at Indy...just because Manning is bound to have a decent playoff game at some point in his career. But the window is open and remains open for another 3-4 seasons.

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Schedule is tough, but so is the rest of the AFC North... and no one wants to play us either. I say we win the division with a 10-6 record. The problem will be going on the road in the 2nd round of the playoffs... but by that point we will have overcome the toughest schedule in the NFL. We'll be tested, and no one will want any part of us. Super Bowl baby!!!

(yeah... I'm a homer)

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I put my convoluted logic in the SI Predictions thread, but I concurr with the 10-6 pick. Which would probably be good for a wild card spot.

And secretly, I'm hoping we get the #6 seed so we can wipe out all that talk about the Steelers' "great run" in 2005-6.

But in all seriousness, as long as we can get in the playoffs, I don't think there's any reason to think we won't go all the way. Give credit for the Steelers showing it can be done.

And they didn't even have Carson Palmer.

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Not to shoot down anyone's predictions... they are just speculation after all... but I just hate the 10-6's! This team has only gotten better than its 11-5 performance last season.

Sure, there's a huge difference between last season's schedule and this one, but if this team is as good as we all think it is (to even be mentioned in Superbowl discussion) I wouldn't think that should matter.

Difficult schedule or not, 10-6 is mediocre. Just my opinion.

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I say we go 11-5 this year.

Have to figure in the split with Pittsburgh. A possible split with the Ravens, and a sweep over the Browns.

That's 4- 2

Wins over the Panthers, Bucs, Falcons, and Saints or possibly 3-1 out of this.

7 - 3

Wins over the Raiders, Chargers, Patriots, and the K.C. game is looking better for us really really quick. We'll say 3-1 out of these games.


Last two deciding games Colts, and Broncos. Both on the Road, Broncos in Mile High on Christmas Eve is a very difficult game. So I'll say Colts win, Broncos, Loss.


11- 5. Winners of the AFC NORTH, First round bye.

Superbowl Champs over the Eagles.



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Stands up .... adjusts sporran....prepares to be shot down!

Sept: 1-2

Loses at Kansas & Pittsburgh sandwich the home field destruction of Cleveland

Oct: 3-1

Blow past New England, Tampa and Atlanta with Carolina being a bananaskin

Nov: 4-1

Split matches with Baltimore and beat San Diego, New Orleans and Cleveland

Dec: 2-2

Beat Oakland and Pittsburgh but lose away at Indy and Denver

Pans out at a 10-6 season and a possible wild card

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I say we go 11-5 this year.

Have to figure in the split with Pittsburgh. A possible split with the Ravens, and a sweep over the Browns.

That's 4- 2

Wins over the Panthers, Bucs, Falcons, and Saints or possibly 3-1 out of this.

7 - 3

Wins over the Raiders, Chargers, Patriots, and the K.C. game is looking better for us really really quick. We'll say 3-1 out of these games.


Last two deciding games Colts, and Broncos. Both on the Road, Broncos in Mile High on Christmas Eve is a very difficult game. So I'll say Colts win, Broncos, Loss.


11- 5. Winners of the AFC NORTH, First round bye.

Superbowl Champs over the Eagles.



I like how you think...I think they will finish with 10-6 maybe even 11-5, and all the way to the AFC Championship Game...then on to Miami to meet Philly! That would be a dream year!

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I say 12-4 or better. Everyone talks about the offense, but it was year 4 of Marvin's defense that the Ravens made the huge leap. My friend isn't a Bengal fan and he said the Bengal's offense looked like it was swarming. They are fast and versatile, and of course ball-hawking. It's impossible to say they will win the Superbowl, but they will definitely win the division, and I expect homefield advantage. The other great thing is they are not the sheik pick. Everyone says Panther, Dolphins, Patriots, and of course the Colts. Good. That way the Bengals sneak in. On a side note I love that no one is saying Pittsburgh. They are crying their eyes out about not getting any respect. Hhahahahahaahahah

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So what do you think how many wins do we get this 06-07 season, and do you see a Lombardi in our near future??

Im gonna be BOLD!!! I think that we can go 12-4(11-5 probrably)!!!!!!.....even with this schedule. i think that we are that damn good this year. Our Offense will be tops in the league( ahead of Indy, loss of EJ will hurt them) Our Defense is really improving and will be forcing turnovers.

I think that we will be in the AFC Championship game..... and then the rest will take its course.

Crazy maybe.......but I dont think so!!!!!!!!

Of course injuries will be key in the season and this is way I see it...

1. @ KC 1-0

2. Brown 2-0

3. Steelers 2-1

4. Pats 3-1

5. @ TB 4-1

6. Panthers 4-2

7. Falcons 5-2

8. @ Ravens 6-2

9. Chargers 7-2

10. @ Saints 8-2

11. @ Browns 9-2

12. Ravens 10-2

13. Raiders 11-2

14. @ Colts 11-3...could be for home field advantage.

15 @ Broncos 11-4...could be again for the home field.

16. Steelers 12-4

Bengals and Steelers will probably be maybe 1 or 2 games apart and the winner of the afcn...I think it will come down to the big games against the nfc south and afc south teams...Also those last 3 games will be difference makers...

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Of course injuries will be key in the season and this is way I see it...

1. @ KC 1-0

2. Brown 2-0

3. Steelers 2-1

4. Pats 3-1

5. @ TB 4-1

6. Panthers 4-2

7. Falcons 5-2

8. @ Ravens 6-2

9. Chargers 7-2

10. @ Saints 8-2

11. @ Browns 9-2

12. Ravens 10-2

13. Raiders 11-2

14. @ Colts 11-3...could be for home field advantage.

15 @ Broncos 11-4...could be again for the home field.

16. Steelers 12-4

Bengals and Steelers will probably be maybe 1 or 2 games apart and the winner of the afcn...I think it will come down to the big games against the nfc south and afc south teams...Also those last 3 games will be difference makers...

Legends, you continue to make my universal statement about the stupidity of Steeler fans look flawed. You are surely an exception I never expected to find. 12-4? I would love that, but I am thinking more like 10-6 (like most), but a fair analysis by you. Ugh ... just look to the stupidity of senseless comments by Mr. Steelers-Own-U. I read those and I go back to my universal statement. Hmmm ... you are way too smart to be a Steeler fan. I think you are simply a misplaced soul. :D

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Of course injuries will be key in the season and this is way I see it...

1. @ KC 1-0

2. Brown 2-0

3. Steelers 2-1

4. Pats 3-1

5. @ TB 4-1

6. Panthers 4-2

7. Falcons 5-2

8. @ Ravens 6-2

9. Chargers 7-2

10. @ Saints 8-2

11. @ Browns 9-2

12. Ravens 10-2

13. Raiders 11-2

14. @ Colts 11-3...could be for home field advantage.

15 @ Broncos 11-4...could be again for the home field.

16. Steelers 12-4

Bengals and Steelers will probably be maybe 1 or 2 games apart and the winner of the afcn...I think it will come down to the big games against the nfc south and afc south teams...Also those last 3 games will be difference makers...

Legends, you continue to make my universal statement about the stupidity of Steeler fans look flawed. You are surely an exception I never expected to find. 12-4? I would love that, but I am thinking more like 10-6 (like most), but a fair analysis by you. Ugh ... just look to the stupidity of senseless comments by Mr. Steelers-Own-U. I read those and I go back to my universal statement. Hmmm ... you are way too smart to be a Steeler fan. I think you are simply a misplaced soul. :D

and you are simply an arrogant bungleoid that lives in your own self contained world that believes the bungles are going to the super bowl.....better control your criminal cast and make it farther into the playoffs than one 1st round loss in 15 years before you start thinking so far ahead of yourself...boy

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and you are simply an arrogant bungleoid that lives in your own self contained world that believes the bungles are going to the super bowl.....better control your criminal cast and make it farther into the playoffs than one 1st round loss in 15 years before you start thinking so far ahead of yourself...boy

:blink: Huh? You seriously need to find something better to do with your life. Pittsburghers. You guys never cease to amaze me with the same old arguments. Have you ever had a new or original thought? Didn't think so. You know, the world outside of Pissburgh does expect folks to have more than a 6th grade education. You should try it. It'll help to feed your family a better meal than McD's once a week. Pissburghers. All the same. Just like my neighbors ... makes me always feel very, very smart. Gotta love 'em.

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Of course injuries will be key in the season and this is way I see it...

1. @ KC 1-0

2. Brown 2-0

3. Steelers 2-1

4. Pats 3-1

5. @ TB 4-1

6. Panthers 4-2

7. Falcons 5-2

8. @ Ravens 6-2

9. Chargers 7-2

10. @ Saints 8-2

11. @ Browns 9-2

12. Ravens 10-2

13. Raiders 11-2

14. @ Colts 11-3...could be for home field advantage.

15 @ Broncos 11-4...could be again for the home field.

16. Steelers 12-4

Bengals and Steelers will probably be maybe 1 or 2 games apart and the winner of the afcn...I think it will come down to the big games against the nfc south and afc south teams...Also those last 3 games will be difference makers...

Legends, you continue to make my universal statement about the stupidity of Steeler fans look flawed. You are surely an exception I never expected to find. 12-4? I would love that, but I am thinking more like 10-6 (like most), but a fair analysis by you. Ugh ... just look to the stupidity of senseless comments by Mr. Steelers-Own-U. I read those and I go back to my universal statement. Hmmm ... you are way too smart to be a Steeler fan. I think you are simply a misplaced soul. :D

and you are simply an arrogant bungleoid that lives in your own self contained world that believes the bungles are going to the super bowl.....better control your criminal cast and make it farther into the playoffs than one 1st round loss in 15 years before you start thinking so far ahead of yourself...boy

BOY!!!!!!!!!!! HA! What an ass clown....


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and you are simply an arrogant bungleoid that lives in your own self contained world that believes the bungles are going to the super bowl.....better control your criminal cast and make it farther into the playoffs than one 1st round loss in 15 years before you start thinking so far ahead of yourself...boy

BOY!!!!!!!!!!! HA! What an ass clown....


Notice the over-usage of this word (albeit 3 letters ... which is fairly impressive for a Pissburgher) in so many of his replies? Hmmm ... Mr. Own-U seems to have a rather peculiar boy-fixation. Now that IS a good reason to fear a Steeler's fan.

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And back to the topic, i repeat, WHY NOT US?

Our depth is what has impressed me the most this preseason. Of course, you need as many starters to stay healthy, but if a couple of guys do go down, I think we have better replacements this year. I'm reaching for the stars here! B)

I agree with ya. :cheers:

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And back to the topic, i repeat, WHY NOT US?

Our depth is what has impressed me the most this preseason. Of course, you need as many starters to stay healthy, but if a couple of guys do go down, I think we have better replacements this year. I'm reaching for the stars here! B)

I agree with ya. :cheers:

I just fear the Bengals more than any team in the afc...They have a big gun QB and he can just throw one of the best deep balls in the nfl and when a QB does that he can leave the DB out on that island...Factor in CJ, TJ, Rudi and big offensive line this team is scary...Palmer is a difference maker...What if Peyton Manning got hurt where would Colts be?!? What if Ben got hurt?!? Batch can't do it... :wacko:

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