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glasgowbengal last won the day on December 29 2024

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    Glasgow, Scotland

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  1. Scherff is, apparently, in no rush to sign anywhere and is taking his time to weigh up multiple options. I think that we sometimes forget that this is a 2 way street.
  2. Watched a rerun of the divisional round @Buffalo the other night and, man, the Bengals absolutely manhandled the Bills everywhere. Both lines especially, took them to the cleaners. Changed days indeed.
  3. As rumoured, our very own Joey B will be one of the 3 protagonists (along with Goff and Cousins - again) in Netflix new series, airing in July.
  4. What a great roster Philly have put together. Take note Tobin
  5. In other news, Erick All set to miss entire 2025 season as requires a double surgery to fix his burst ACL
  6. Lions gonna Lion Incidentally, spotted Reader being blown off the ball on numerous occasions. Also, Mahomes is one cheating pussy of a player - fuck him and KC. Great to see Ryans etc slate the officiating
  7. Irv Smith levelling guys in the run game
  8. So is Fairbairn
  9. This game would get football stopped. It’s been an absolute shitfest of mistake after mistake. Makes some of our playoff exits under Marvin look competent
  10. Chargers are an absolute riot. Surely one of the worst playoff performances ever.
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