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Everything posted by volcom69

  1. Geez already moving the ball lol
  2. Lou terrible prevent defense comes out to play now lol
  3. Scored to soon lol
  4. Lol to funny
  5. This freaking team the defense has a decent night and the offense blows, what a complete joke of a team
  6. Penalty after penalty lol joke
  7. Catch the ball oh PI ok
  8. Ok nice a stop
  9. This is where the defense loses the game again
  10. Geez they always miss face masks
  11. Expect anything else?
  12. Forgot about him lol
  13. Finally Pratt makes a play in a game
  14. Defense strategy just make one stop lol lol so pathetic
  15. This literally has to be the most pathetic thing ever, those stats are incredible, and they lose all these games because defense can’t even make one freaking stop. I still can’t believe nobody will take the fall for this crap, what a joke, huge joke!!!
  16. I for one would love to know what kind of Virus Rankins had that is keeping him from playing the last few weeks. Man does the guy have the plague or something geez. I do hope it’s nothing serious for his sake though.
  17. I think they have improved from the Bungles, there are a lot of good pieces here, so I wouldn’t call them that, I would call them a waste of my time though! If they had coaches who knew what they were doing maybe they would be ok.
  18. If this does not get people fired then i guess nothing will
  19. Ok now it’s done lol
  20. Well season gone Goodnight nothing else to see, time to watch something that’s more interesting. What a freaking waste of a year, next year will only be worse, guys won’t want to be here a lot of crap going to be said, and hopefully some firings.
  21. Only thing that will make me happy is if Lou is fired after this game, that’s all I ask for please
  22. I don’t think Stone wants to tackle
  23. Burrow just holds the ball sometimes so long
  24. Oh wow a first down
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