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Everything posted by volcom69

  1. Wow that was fast
  2. Zac Taylor is not a head coach!!
  3. Well I would blame the defense they suck, but the offense has had plenty of time to extend the lead and they fail to do that! So tiring
  4. Piss poor
  5. What a freaking joke
  6. Awesome so glad that new DL they picked up at the trade deadline is getting some pressure……oh wait
  7. Freaking wide open and like last game the second half the bengals can’t stop nothing
  8. Dink and Dunk down the field it’s been working I don’t understand what Joe or Zac is seeing to throw it deep like that
  9. They had this freaking game, and there coaching sucks, there players fumble, and then can’t tackle. It there to win and they are letting it slip away
  10. Twice throw bombs on 4th and short why why why
  11. Why why why do they always have to make things so much harder then it has to freaking be!
  12. Figure this crap out and score!
  13. They lost all the momentum
  14. So embarrassing
  15. That was the most embarrassing defense I have ever seen
  16. Defense really needs to come up big, sack him pick him get some kind of a turnover
  17. Man almost to Chase
  18. Finish the damn game and win it now!!
  19. Could have taken the check down to Brown on that from what it looked like
  20. Take the easy check down Joe
  21. They wanna be a good team then they need to answer here
  22. Just dumb they need to score on this drive
  23. Unreal 20 bengals chasing him and nobody can bring him down how stupid
  24. You fumble and there goes your momentum unreal
  25. Need a turnover as well here can’t lose the momentum
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