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How's Chris Henry's knee rehab going?


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I don't think his knee is healed up at all. I mean he didn't even try to run away from that cop! Personally, I don't want a WR who can't outrun a cop.

I think he's still rehabbing it while opening his new chain of stores down in Florida. I'm guessing he didn't check in with Hue on this one either.


Let's face it, he may be an idiot, but he's certainly not your normal NFL player idiot. (C'mon Chris, at least take a tip from the Vikings. Drop the "9" and pick up a hooker instead. You know a little lovin' is always better than a little killin'!) He simply goes about it in the same way as anything else he likes. He takes it to the next level beyond where your typical idiot resides! More like a Rainman sort of "Idiot-Savant," except without any of that freaky savant side!

I think I'm just going to start calling him Chris "Fear Factor" Henry. You're always afraid of how he's going to top his last brain lapse. Add that to the fact that Marvin is yet to drop the hammer on Henry, and I'm beginning to expect Coach Lewis to start talking about this kid as talented young man who needs a strong "father figure," for a kid needing help and direction so he doesn't end up just where he seems to be headed in a big damn hurry. A federal correctional facility.

He's right if he does think that about Chris, but it just may not possible. Contrary to what Dr. Phil insinuates, not every persons problem is fixable. drphilsadvise9kj.jpg

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I love how you guys kick a man when he's down. It makes sense. Hopefully he'll comeback and be the next Reggie Rembert. All of this benefits the Bengals.

?? Yeah poor wittle Chrissy and his millions, what a tough situation to be in, someone must've forced him to pull out a GUN on a group of people and drive around with no plates or license and a bag of bud on him.

Sometimes these gun toting gang banger wannabes just need a little love, compassion and understanding eh?

We shouldn't criticize him - we should be supporting him! Obviously he's just going through a tough time in his life.

I can't imagine what it's like to be born 6'4" with a 4.3 forty, must suck man, I'd start shooting people up too I guess.

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"?? Yeah poor wittle Chrissy and his millions"

Chris Henry doesn't make millions (3rd round pick)

"Sometimes these gun toting gang banger wannabes just need a little love, compassion and understanding eh?"

LOL did I ever say that?

"We shouldn't criticize him - we should be supporting him! Obviously he's just going through a tough time in his life."

Criticism is due, but not to the level of some of these replies I have read.

As far as support....................yea what's wrong with hoping this kid turns his life around?

"can't imagine what it's like to be born 6'4" with a 4.3 forty, must suck man, I'd start shooting people up too I guess."

Your just jealous, sounds like you may have short man's complex.

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