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Fearless (or Ludicrous) Predictions

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There are always major surprises on draft day - a '2nd day' guy is nabbed early, or a January 'can't miss' prospect slides to round 3 or later. My fearless predictions:

1) Rod Wright (DT - TEXAS) will flop at the combine and slide to the 2nd day. This guy was projected top ten if he came out last year!

2) Matt Leinhart (QB - USC) will be the 3rd QB taken - he seems to be regressing daily.

3) The Bengals will pick 2 offensive players in the 1st 3 rounds - there are fewer sleepers on offense than defense this year.

4) All TE's and Safeties will slide out of the top half of round 1 - teams hate to use top, expensive picks on these two positions - this includes Davis, Pope, & Huff.

5) There will be at least 8 offensive backs (QB & RB) taken in Round 1.

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I could see all of those things happening. If the Bengals go 2/3 for offense on the first day as you predict, I'll be angry. Then again, if Huff falls to us it won't matter as much. Here are some more bold Bengals related predictions...

The Bengals will not draft a tight end before the 6th round.

They will not draft a defensive tackle in either of the first two rounds.

They will draft three defensive backs.

They will draft a WR in the first four rounds (thanks Henry <_< ).

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There will not be a WR chosen in the first round.

Wow - I don't think so, Joisey - that would be the 1st time since the forward pass was invented! Also, lots of clubs need one (or two) more on the outside, and there aren't alot of FA's out there.

I agree 100% about Vince Young - he seems to be the flavor of the month. It's too bad he won't fall to the Ravens!

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some comments...

1) quite possibly. but that does not mean he will be an NFL bust. big difference

2) Uhh..not so sure about that. The combine will re-pop him back to the #1 QB, if he's not there right now. Cutler looked bad at Senior bowl. Whitehurst, and Omar jacobs, to me, are the ones to climb up, not cutler.

3) Possibly. but those will be TE and OL, not a WR, RB, QB. first pick will be D.

4) I see V. Davis, Huff, Jimmy Williams, and Marcedes going in the top 20.

5) Bush, Young, Leinhart, Cutler, D. Williams, L.White are the only ones I see going in the 1st...

The Bengals will not draft a tight end before the 6th round.

That would be a big mistake. The TE's at the fore are better TE's than has been around for many seasons.

Of the, say, top 5 TE's available (ones that make most sense for the bengals), all will be gone by the middle of round 3.

They will not draft a defensive tackle in either of the first two rounds.

They will draft three defensive backs.

They will draft a WR in the first four rounds (thanks Henry ).

DE, S and TE make most sense first, so DT may be a rnd 4-7 look.

I agree about the DB's....2 S's and a CB or vice-versa.

I also agree about the WR. How many of us would be happy (and mad!) if they, now, grab a S. Holmes in the first???????????????

So, it could go:

Day 1- DE/LB, WR, TE and S

Day 2- CB, DT, S, OT

There will not be a WR chosen in the first round.

I think possibly there may be 2...Holmes and Moss. The combine will get everyone's offensive geek on.

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