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Was it just me or did you all feel we were behind the..


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Yes we need to be able to beat the BIG boys -- but we also need to take the fight to the big boys and NOT sit back and let them punch us silly.

We did NOT put pressure on Manning with any pass rush blitzs -- we sat back and let Peyton pick us apart.

Yeah, I know he could complete pass to his receivers if we blitzed --- so what he was doing that anyway -- so why not try to put a hit on him with a blitz.

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The Next Big thing has a little attitude tonight. What is wrong hunny?

Nothing's wrong. NBT is right on the money. Bitch moan complain all you want but the botom line is that two damn good teams played a hell of a game this afternoon and inthe end the guys wiith the "U"'s on their caps won. The Bengals have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed about tonight -- and if they really want a rematch it is theirs for the taking in the AFC championship game. :bengal:

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Last time I checked nobody puts pressure on Peyton Manning. Everyone continues to discount how important it is to win the games against the teams you are better than. The Bengals are 7-3, let one slip away in Jacksonville and lost to the best team in the NFL in Indy, the Pitt game was the only bad loss. Ask the Falcons how it felt to lose to Green Bay, heck Pittsburgh even lost to Baltimore.

I read a story this week and I believe it to be true. The Bengals are like the Colts when Tony Dungy first got there.

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I read a story this week and I believe it to be true. The Bengals are like the Colts when Tony Dungy first got there.

Right now there is a Colts team bus barreling down I-74 back to Indy with Dungy at the wheel, speedo buried, muttering "thanks you gawd thank you gawd thanks you gawd" under his breath while his coaching staff sits pouring over film in the back trying to figure out what to do if they have the play the bengals in January. Because he knows that in the film room at PBS Marvin Lewis is sitting there muttering "m*****f*****, m*****f*****, m*****f*****" looking at film for ways to gash him that same month.

I don't know if we have a rivalry but I do know we have two teams whose coaches are fervently hoping that someone else knocks the other team out of the playoffs before they have to do this again!

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I like our schedule to make the playoffs, but we HAVE to beat one or two of the "big games" to prove ourselves.

Why do we have to prove ourselves? If we win all the games we should win, we will have proven that we are no longer the "Bungles" and that every "good" team better show up if they expect to beat us. That's all I need for this year. Incremental improvement each year will result in eventual total NFL dominance.

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I like our schedule to make the playoffs, but we HAVE to beat one or two of the "big games" to prove ourselves.

Why do we have to prove ourselves?

I will be surprised if we hear the "bengals haven't beaten anyone" thing tomorrow. No, we didn't win, but we laid into the Colts' alleged improved defense for a crazy number of points. Yes, we gave up more, but then we weren't supposed to have a great D, right? That isn't meant as some sort of excuse or anything, just an observation that I think the "pundit meme" will be more about how "the bengals exposed the colts" vs. "the bengals haven't beat anyone."

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we still need to beat the big boys in order to prove ourselves. We do beat the teams that we are suppose to beat so i guess that is a good thing.

It's not just a good thing...It's the thing, my man. The road to the playoffs -- not just for us but for just aboout every team that gets there -- is paved with patsies. The big game at Pitt remains. And tonight one thing we can take away is that we held the Colts rushing game to 92 net yards. If we can do that in Pitt we will take the AFCN. :bengal:

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the Bengls were playing catchup all night long and doing a great job of keeping it close.....props of the Oline especially Levi Jones...

So true walshfan. I congratulate the offensive line for doing a hell of a job tonight. They truly have improved greatly this season! :sure:

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It was frustrating to see Indy walk all over the Bengals.

Bengals looked so out of their league in terms of defense (with the play fake doing a number on us) one wonders how they made it this far with so much success.

I guess you could say that about the Colts' defense as well but they got a few stops here and there and that was all the Colts needed.

And I dont care who thinks otherwise but I cant stand Ohalate. I miss Madieu... *sob*

At least OSU won. :)

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That was definantly THE GAME OF THE WEEK. The I-74 SHOOTOUT! I am proud of the team. We held our own but it just shows that a few mistakes can be costly. Interception and a couple of costly penatlies is all that made everyone of us talk about how it was a good game or how we cant beat good teams. Last I checked we beat Chicago that just Beat Carolina. Oh and we did that in Chicago. I say we take Pittsburgh in Heinz in Dec. But thats just me being opptimistic.

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And tonight one thing we can take away is that we held the Colts rushing game to 92 net yards. If we can do that in Pitt we will take the AFCN.

Actually, I think the Bengals showed that they can stop the run if that's ALL they want to do defensively. They have shown in the past that they can also stop the pass (often with interceptions) if that's all they want to do defensively. Unfortunately, if you have to contain both, the Bengals defense is clearly a long way from elite status. They CAN however, contain both the passing and running games against average teams (and, of course, below average teams). If Ben were not playing against the Bengals, they could probably just hold the Pittsburgh running game in check and win the game. With Ben, it's a lot more problematic, of course. The thing that makes Indy the number one offensive team in the NFL (and I maintain also makes Cincy the number two offensive team) is that the passing and running games cannot both be stopped by the same team (in some of our previous games, the Bengals offense has stopped itself or not played with quite the concentration, preparation, and intensity as yesterday, but yesterday they proved that a better defense than the Bengals have cannot really stop the Bengals either).

It was frustrating to see Indy walk all over the Bengals.

And I dont care who thinks otherwise but I cant stand Ohalate. I miss Madieu... *sob*

I agree with this wholeheartedly!

At least OSU won. :)

Still another part of a totally depressing weekend for me :(

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I really don't understand why the Bengals would try to let Peyton beat them. The Pat's just drop guys into coverage and let Edge do it. That seems like the better option. Hopefully there will be a next time and the Bengals will try that approach. Then they can go for strips, and force fumbles. Peyton's a beast. If they do meet again, I don't feel like the Dome is that much of an advantage. The Colts did not stop the Bengals. It's a toss-up in a Dome.

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