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It wouldn't surprise me to see the Raiders at least interview Brat in the offseason. Al Davis loves pass heavy offenses and goes after coaches with that style. It just seems like Brat would be a perfect match for Davis and if that happens I wouldn't be surprised if he brought in Leslie Frazier to coach his defense. Though, I think Gregg Williams will be the most sought after head coaching prospect in the offseason.

If they do, it would be only to get even for us having Bresnahan come to Cincy from Oakland and be doing relatively well here! Al Davis hates that! :lol:

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I've been thinking that if the offense performs spectacularly we will probably lose Brat to an NFL HC position of a college HC position. In that case I think Zampeze would make an excellent OC and Kitna would make an excellent player/QB coach. I also think we'll lose Hunley sooner than later he was already a finalist for the Arizona job and he'll get a D-1A HC position eventually or possibly an NFL DC position.

You make a good point about Brat possibly generating interest in the collegiate ranks. I don't think he would be successful in that position, but that will be for any college to find out themselves. As far as Zampese taking over in such a possible event, it's tough to say. I have a feeling he already has a big influence on the way Brat runs the offense, and with conservative Marvin at the helm, would there really be a drastic change in the playcalling?

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If the Bengals go to the playoffs both coordinators are likely gone.

I would say the most important thing is hold onto Zampese.

Look at what he has done with Carson.

Look at what he did with Kurt Warner and how Warner has done with out him.

I think he has made the offence better since he has been here.

He would probably install some kind of hybrid between the St.Louis system and the present system.

There is a proven history of QB coaches turning into off. coordinators.

For deffense they likely go to a current LB or DB coach.

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I think Marv is planning on Zampese taking the job. I believe he refused to grant permission for another team to bring him in for an interview. Zampese and Palmer have a good working relationship. If you were in Zampese's shoes wouldn't you want to stick with Palmer? What's he going to do? Go to Detroit and work with Joey Harrington?

I'm sure Zampese wants to move up the ladder, either here or elsewhere. I would expect that he will be on the short list for teams looking to rebuild their offense around a young QB, such as Matt Leinart or Vince Young. Glancing at the current standings, I'd say Arizona, Green Bay, maybe even Tennessee and the Jets would be possibilities. (Not to blow my own horn, but I predicted the Steelers picking Ben Roethlisberger the December before he declared for the draft. So if I'm right about this, I'm going to start a psychic hotline.)

As for the Bengals' play calling...I absolutely love that play-action shovel pass to Chris Perry. I don't know who gets credit for it, but :sure: from me.

P.S. Love the chart, Big Orange. Very edumacationable.

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  • 1 month later...

For those of you that scoffed at me for mentioning Bratkowski might be considered for some head coaching jobs this offseason:

-- Bratkowski Mentioned as Lions HC Candidate --

Thu Dec 1, 2005 --from FFMastermind.com

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports Bengals OC Bob Bratkowski is being mentioned as a possible candidate for the Detroit Lions' head coaching position after the season. Interim Lions HC Dick Jauron is also a candidate to get the long-term opportunity to coach the team. Lions HC Steve Mariucci was fired by Detroit earlier this week.

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