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The Bengals will be lucky to get 1 MNF games next year regardless of how they finish. Why only one? The decision makers are not sold on them unless they win a couple of Super Bowls. Oh, plus they are hipocrites any way. Several 6-10 teams from last year got at least one MNF game this season and the Bengals got none. What does that tell you. The Bengals definition of NFL is "No Friggin Lights". :blink:

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Monday Night Football goes first to the teams in large markets. If the Cleveland Browns or the Arizona Cardinals were in Dallas or New York instead, I'd be they'd be on MNF. It's nice to have a game on MNF, but I really don't think that it's all its cracked up to be. One MNF game per season is enough for me. There's something to be said for a nice consistent schedule where every game is at 12:00 (my time) and you have the same number of days rest, days of practice, review, etc.

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Maybe, but the Bengals are America's favorite team. We're the NFL's sweetheart. The Cinderella of the AFC! Everyone's happy we're winning, minus the AFCN. And everyone loves CJ and Palmer's name is being thrown around with the word "elite". Besides, the Bengals' offense is fun to watch. It's a feelgood story... that means lots of money for the networks. I think it's silly, but more prime time for my team always makes me happy. ^.^

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With the way Indy is playing, as well as our defense, that may not be the 80 point shoot-out it has been billed to be.

With the new Monday night football, the League only decides the first 8 games. NBC decides the last 8. If the Bengals start well they'll play on MFN more. It sucks though because Bob Costas will now have the only highlight show until Monday morning. Disney (owners of ABC and ESPN) lost the rights.

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Monday Night Football goes first to the teams in large markets. If the Cleveland Browns or the Arizona Cardinals were in Dallas or New York instead, I'd be they'd be on MNF. It's nice to have a game on MNF, but I really don't think that it's all its cracked up to be. One MNF game per season is enough for me. There's something to be said for a nice consistent schedule where every game is at 12:00 (my time) and you have the same number of days rest, days of practice, review, etc.

Dead on. Tho I think there's less to the "big market = big ratings" argument than there used to be (IIRC last year's Denver-Cincy tilt did very well), but network programmers aren't exactly risk-taking types. And most coaches agree with you about Monday nights, at least from comments I read. Marvin has certainly said more than once that 16 straight 1 p.m. games would be fine by him.

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Monday Night Football goes first to the teams in large markets. If the Cleveland Browns or the Arizona Cardinals were in Dallas or New York instead, I'd be they'd be on MNF. It's nice to have a game on MNF, but I really don't think that it's all its cracked up to be. One MNF game per season is enough for me. There's something to be said for a nice consistent schedule where every game is at 12:00 (my time) and you have the same number of days rest, days of practice, review, etc.

Exactly. Thanks a hell of a lot ABC for that Dallas/Washington crapfest. And that game is on MNF every year I think, no matter how awful the teams are.

And don't get me started with the Lions on Thanksgiving. Between the Lions on TV and the tryptophan in the turkey, I'm in a coma by the 2nd quarter.

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I think EVERY team should get a crack at MNF each year.

16 weeks - 32 teams. You get your turn, have a seat.

It is beyond annoying seeing all the Pit, GB, NE etc games on MNF each year. I bet you wouldn't get much complaints from the teams either. All the short weeks those teams have to deal with, factor in injuries and that is a big pain in the Azz.

I think it is a major snub to not get on MNF. All teams should get thier crack. THe league would actually benefit, the TV ratings woud probably go up and there is just as much chance for us to see bad teams as there is now.

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Who cares? As long as they keep winning, who cares when the game is? Personally, I have nothing else but to recover from the night before on Sunday afternoons, and what's a better cure than a Bengals game? Why wait til Monday night? Just gives the team less time to practice anyway.

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I think EVERY team should get a crack at MNF each year.

16 weeks - 32 teams. You get your turn, have a seat.

It is beyond annoying seeing all the Pit, GB, NE etc games on MNF each year. I bet you wouldn't get much complaints from the teams either. All the short weeks those teams have to deal with, factor in injuries and that is a big pain in the Azz.

I think it is a major snub to not get on MNF. All teams should get thier crack. THe league would actually benefit, the TV ratings woud probably go up and there is just as much chance for us to see bad teams as there is now.

No way. This is entertainment, not equal rights, and the national stage is for teams to deserve it. You can keep your Cardinals-Lions game, thanks. And the season's longer than 16 weeks, btw, remember the bye, so the system wouldn't work anyway.

In fact, I think they should do MNF in blocks - first half of season, you had to go 8-8 the year before to get on. Second half, you have to be above .500 during the first half to get on.

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Actually, the league is very "Equal rights". Revenue sharing takes care of that. That's why everytime someone buys a Moss ot TO jersey, Mike Brown makes money.

The business case to have only big draw/market teams or teams with winning records makes sense, since the heart of the matter is ratings which leads to $. My point is that getting everyone on does serve a specific purpose: continuing to build the league followship for markets that need the help, not just to line the pockets of the owners in AZ, Cin, or Buf. This is about the fans, the league makes so much money it is crazy.

To your point abut the teams that deserve it, that is hardly the case this year. Carolina, Dallas, New Orleans, Washington, KC, NYG all have games this year. Do they "Deserve" it? Not from their records last year...a combined 40-56 and no playoffs. And they have hardly provided the entertainment value, though i did like seeing Parcells get his hat handed to him by Gibbs on those bombs.

Bottom line is that i think the NFL could do a better job mixing it up. I don't want to watch AZ get hammered by Indy but the AZ market could stand to have a boost and in todays NFL you never know about the results. The NFL does itself a disservice by having PHI, GB or PIT on like 3x each a year. The redundancy is the problem. There is more to the league than McNabb and Favre.

Your idea about breaking it up so that the most competitive teams get the exposure is good. I'd go for that, at least we'd get good games that mean something.

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From the way I've heard players talk about it, they hate Monday night games. It gives them less time to prepare for the next week. It's great for the fans, but it gives the team they play next an advantage.

Being an out-of-towner, I'd like to see the Bengals make MNF, just because I'd be sure to get to watch the game... but if them playing on Monday night makes them more vulnerable the next week, I'd be happy if they never played a Monday nighter.

Well... maybe they could play the Monday night before their bye.

I just checked it out... and we play @Pittsburgh and @Baltimore the week after they play a tough Monday nighter. I hope it gives us an advantage. It would be nice to beat those guys in their house.

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I just checked it out... and we play @Pittsburgh and @Baltimore the week after they play a tough Monday nighter. I hope it gives us an advantage. It would be nice to beat those guys in their house.

Assuming we take care of business at home, and somehow manage to knock both of them of on the road....I think we'd be looking at a 16-0 season. You do bring up a good point, our chances of winning those games does look better with the Monday Night factor thrown into the mix. Hell, I'll take any advantage we can get.

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Monday Night Football goes first to the teams in large markets. If the Cleveland Browns or the Arizona Cardinals were in Dallas or New York instead, I'd be they'd be on MNF. It's nice to have a game on MNF, but I really don't think that it's all its cracked up to be. One MNF game per season is enough for me. There's something to be said for a nice consistent schedule where every game is at 12:00 (my time) and you have the same number of days rest, days of practice, review, etc.

Exactly. Thanks a hell of a lot ABC for that Dallas/Washington crapfest. And that game is on MNF every year I think, no matter how awful the teams are.

And don't get me started with the Lions on Thanksgiving. Between the Lions on TV and the tryptophan in the turkey, I'm in a coma by the 2nd quarter.

MNF is supposed to provide a reward to the teams that had a successful season the prior year. A chance for the teams to have the national spot light for a night instead of being shown regionally to a limited audience (unless you have NFL Ticket) on Sunday. But certain people who have strong influences with the league (Jerry Jones) lobbied to have his lame, pathetic team on MNF when a team deserving (The Cincinnati Bengals) got none and should have gotten at least one MNF. The Cowboys, Redskins, Giants and any other big market losing team from last season does not deserve to be on prime time, period. :angry:

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Actually, the league is very "Equal rights". Revenue sharing takes care of that. That's why everytime someone buys a Moss ot TO jersey, Mike Brown makes money.

The business case to have only big draw/market teams or teams with winning records makes sense, since the heart of the matter is ratings which leads to $. My point is that getting everyone on does serve a specific purpose: continuing to build the league followship for markets that need the help, not just to line the pockets of the owners in AZ, Cin, or Buf. This is about the fans, the league makes so much money it is crazy.

To your point abut the teams that deserve it, that is hardly the case this year. Carolina, Dallas, New Orleans, Washington, KC, NYG all have games this year. Do they "Deserve" it? Not from their records last year...a combined 40-56 and no playoffs. And they have hardly provided the entertainment value, though i did like seeing Parcells get his hat handed to him by Gibbs on those bombs.

Bottom line is that i think the NFL could do a better job mixing it up. I don't want to watch AZ get hammered by Indy but the AZ market could stand to have a boost and in todays NFL you never know about the results. The NFL does itself a disservice by having PHI, GB or PIT on like 3x each a year. The redundancy is the problem. There is more to the league than McNabb and Favre.

Your idea about breaking it up so that the most competitive teams get the exposure is good. I'd go for that, at least we'd get good games that mean something.

Yeah, the MNF schedule looks extra craptastic this year. I just can't wait until the Skins lose - the fans around here are insufferable in claiming that their team is one of the "undefeateds." That could be the worst 2-0 I can remember...at least since 2001 anyway. ;)

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I just checked it out... and we play @Pittsburgh and @Baltimore the week after they play a tough Monday nighter. I hope it gives us an advantage. It would be nice to beat those guys in their house.

Assuming we take care of business at home, and somehow manage to knock both of them of on the road....I think we'd be looking at a 16-0 season. You do bring up a good point, our chances of winning those games does look better with the Monday Night factor thrown into the mix. Hell, I'll take any advantage we can get.

I think we should have had at least 1 monday night. I figured the colts would be a good matchup. Im also surprised that we didnt get a steelers game. I think next season we will have 3 2at home and 1 away. just my thoughts though.


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