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I hope you have a great 36th, Mr. "Still Younger Than Me!" I don't have any recommendation for a Chaplins Birthday other than go ahead and have an extra glass of wine, enjoy being with your real family there, and your Bengalszone family here awaits your return from "camping."



Happy b-day, big guy! In your honor, tonight I will be performing the miracle of turning beer into water. OK, slighly yellow water. OK, I would have probably been doing that anyhow. OK, so it isn't much of a miracle. But have a happy anyhow! :lol:


B) Happy birthday Rev.

I'm not as gifted as Joisey ..... I can only make it disappear .... the old fashioned way at that. And wouldn't you know it ????? couple of hours later and There it is Again !!!

chorus in the background

" In heaven there is no beer

That's why we drink it here ...." :lol:


You have been nice to me so far, happy birthday mista!


I came back from camp (Broom you'll be happy to know my one atheist in my youth group didn't cave) and couldn't get connected ay home (internet)...so I come into church this morning and I see all these birthday wishes, and second to my wife proving to me that a fat man can still get nicely laid...mmmmmmm...this was my second favorite surprise.

Thanks, guys...and whatever else is out there...I love you much

In celebration of all my cyber friends slautations, I'm gonna finish my bottle of Port in my bottom drawer and go to the service sauced...I seem to enjoy sermons that way better anyway...everything's funny... and I crack myself up by trying to prononce Biblical surnames to myself quietly.

Least favorite gift...diet meal recipe ideas from my mom...how many different ways can you cook celery? Damnit, Mom, someguys were born to be fat...I'm a lineman, for Pete's sake...it's the way God likes us...or at least that's what i keep telling myself.

I came back from camp (Broome you'll be happy to know my one atheist in my youth group didn't cave)

My first comment is really more of a question. If this kid professes publicly to be an atheist, why was he at a church camp in the first place? :blink: Is his goal to become atheisms equivelent of what a Martyr is in the church? :rolleyes:

and couldn't get connected ay home (internet)...

If you're using a Cable or DSL modem, try rebooting it (disconnect power cable from the back for 5 seconds, and then reconnect power cable) and the computer simutaneously. If it's dial-up, check your phone cords and possibly even your checkbook register. Did you pay them?

Least favorite gift...diet meal recipe ideas from my mom...how many different ways can you cook celery?  Damnit, Mom, someguys were born to be fat...I'm a lineman, for Pete's sake...it's the way God likes us...or at least that's what i keep telling myself.

This is true no matter who you are: It matters not how old you become. In your mothers eyes, you'll always be her little boy!

So as you have seen deterioration in the “Rookie of the Year”, so shall the world soon see the remainder of our division in comparison to the Bengal beauty. To you I say, young redsfan2, well done good and faithful poster…

Redsfan2 (His real name is Pat) will be tickled with your comment refering to him as "young redsfan2." This member, as I am, is a former U.S. Marine. He served active duty as his company's "flashlight and a .45 toting Tunnel Rat" during the Vietnam War. He's one of the few Bengalszone forum members who is older than myself! :D

So as you have seen deterioration in the “Rookie of the Year”, so shall the world soon see the remainder of our division in comparison to the Bengal beauty. To you I say, young redsfan2, well done good and faithful poster…

Redsfan2 (His real name is Pat) will be tickled with your comment refering to him as "young redsfan2." This member, as I am, is a former U.S. Marine. He served active duty as his company's "flashlight and a .45 toting Tunnel Rat" during the Vietnam War. He's one of the few Bengalszone forum members who is older than myself! :D

B) Thanks for " outing " me there Billy. I'd hit you with my cane ... but I need the dam thing to stand up.

" For a tree I would be very young. For a butterfly I would be very old indeed. For a man however ... I am just right. "

And Billys' right Rev. Moms always give the worst presents. Most likely because they know they can get away with it. :lol:

B) Thanks for  " outing " me there Billy. I'd hit you with my cane ... but I need the dam thing to stand up.

Oh!! I see how it is Pat. You claim it was I who dropped a dime on you about your actual age!?! I think the "Old Timers" is kickin' in early on your noggin'! You've completely forgotten about your evil twin (redsfan2.5) who posted this informative little gem which "outted" you a long time ago!

And Billys' right Rev. Moms always give the worst presents. Most likely because they know they can get away with it. :lol:

The way I see it is they figure they brought you into this world by giving birth to you, so their reality is that deep down, they really believe they don't owe you a thing after that! :lol:

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