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I like the bootleg myself, Dallas was clueless when Carson did it the first time. And if you give him an option dragging across the endzone with him he could use the pump fake to get even more seperation should there be a footrace.

It's fun to play playbook genius. What would you folks call? :player: :player: :player:

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Who's the Defense? Home or Away? What sequence of plays was run prior to this? Is the 'D' in a nickel? Dime?

For 3 yards, I'd spread the foeld w/ 4 WRs - TE, and single up Rudi in the backfield. Check out the 'D' and let Carson audible.

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NEVER run Rudi on short yardage must-gain situations. Let me rephrase that. Just don't run in clutch situations. Rudi is a good back, probably the key to helping us win for the next 5 years; but his season last year with clutch 3rd and inches, 4th and inches was my biggest problem with him. He got stuffed more times than I can remember. JMO.

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You're playing @ Pittsburgh with the AFC North title on the line...

Definitely spread the field. Pittsburg's strength in the 3 - 4 will always be LB's and up the middle (NT, SS, FS). Attack the edges - Henry fade, CJ double-move corner,

TJ & PDub settle in holes, keep JJ in to block. If they've been getting pressure, move the pocket, because Cow-pie WILL blitz.

End result - 6 points and the Title

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NEVER run Rudi on short yardage must-gain situations. Let me rephrase that. Just don't run in clutch situations. Rudi is a good back, probably the key to helping us win for the next 5 years; but his season last year with clutch 3rd and inches, 4th and inches was my biggest problem with him. He got stuffed more times than I can remember. JMO.

Rudi's oline wasn't healthy last year, and I do believe you are having flashbacks of Corey Dildo...

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Hmmm...let's see. I'm Brat, right? Well, in that case, I don't run the ball (that one's for billy! ;) ).

I don't do anything that involves a tight end. I'm not even sure what a tight end is, except that he's involved in run-blocking and I don't run the ball (see above).

No, it'll be a pass. Slant to CJ? No, that'll get picked off and run back for a TD. TJ? No, he's on the bench because we're only in a two wideout set. Henry? HENRY? :wacko: Where the hell is Peter?

Carson takes a two-step drop, fires it over the middle, through traffic, to Warrick for the game. :P

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NEVER run Rudi on short yardage must-gain situations.  Let me rephrase that.  Just don't run in clutch situations.  Rudi is a good back, probably the key to helping us win for the next 5 years; but his season last year with clutch 3rd and inches, 4th and inches was my biggest problem with him.  He got stuffed more times than I can remember.  JMO.

Rudi's oline wasn't healthy last year, and I do believe you are having flashbacks of Corey Dildo...

Doesn't matter. If he's supposed to be the RB everyone thinks he's going to be, shouldn't he get a single yard on a critical third/fourth down? That's what stars do. That's what we need to expect out of Rudi if our team is to get better.

I'm a homer of the O-line, probably the biggest one, but I also understand to get to that next level, we need our guys to go far and beyond the status quo (8-8). Which means Rudi needs to be more productive on clutch situations.

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I also like the bootleg myself, just because with all the other plays you only have one option. A bootleg gives Carson a chance to run it in, throw it quick to the open Schoebel, or buy hinself some time. I like the idea of forcing the defense to cover a lot of options(I would also use the spread formation in this) and then giving Carson the proper time to make the best decision. And that my friends, is why I'm one hell of a Madden coach :P

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I like the bootleg option as well, but I voted for CJ, because in big situations, you gotta get the ball to whoever "the man" is on your team, and right now Chad is "the man". I say in clutch situations, CP will throw the ball to whoever the open receiver is... but for a poll question, live by the Chad, die by the Chad.

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I went with the bootleg myself as Chad will still be an option. You have to think with Carson being able to run (thank God) and the receivers at his disposal, this should be the way to go. If not, Chad on the slant would be my next option. One would also have to think teams would be really keying in on our FIERCE receivers and overlook Rudi running it in. My vote was the bootleg though.


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I can't go for the field goal?

But seriously, it would depend on what happened on 1st and 2nd down. I know I'm not following the rules, but I would run Rudi and/or Jeremi on the first 2 downs, then call a roll out pass --- Carson pump fakes to TJ in the corner and jogs in for 6.

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Stacy Andrews off of Willie's hip...get him airborn at the line of scrimage and let him land on an undesized safety...the trainers will have ti scrape him up with a spatula :D

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We go 4- Wide with Chris Perry as the back. Chad and Henry on the left. Peter in the slot on the right with Kelley Washington on the edge right.

- Motion to a JOKERS Left, Trips right with Peter Warrick remaining in the slot, and Henry moving to mid trips. Chad Becomes the Tight end on the JOkers Left.

* At hike Palmer slides right(play action) to hand off to Perry but inside pitches it to Warrick who comes motion left just before the hike.

Levi and Steinbach cut and post the right end and tackle or nose, while Bobbie Williams pulls left in front of Warrick.

Warrick now has a Reverse/ Wide receiver Option.

Chad runs the (IN-Out) to the flat of the endzone, while Kelley Washington and Chris Henry runs the slant to the middle of the endzone with Kelley Washington running underneath trailing Henry ( Inside Pick )

Peter should have the run option with Bobbie Williams pulling in front or the pass option to either Chad or Kelley Washington.

Either Way, 6 points. :player:

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What I like is that we have so many options!!!! :player:

I voted for the pass to Henry -- because I like the way Chris is able to go up and get passes against defenses-- even double teams.

BUT, again what I really like is that we have so many GOOD options. Imagine what that does to the other team when they have to defend against us. :rolleyes::P

Give Carson the ball and let him pick what he wants to use to kill the defenses.

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fake field goal and let kyle larson run it in

Jon -

Why in the world would you fake a field goal down 5 points? Please READ the problem BEFORE suggesting a SOLUTION.

BTW - Great post

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How bout a field goal? :P

I actually like the bootleg, as long as it wasn't used earlier in the drive/quarter, and because Carson has slimmed down and is much quicker and hopefully more Vick-ish.

Sorry, I just compared Carson to Ronny Mexico. My bad.

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