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Darnay Scott Indicted on Child Support Charges

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I think it's rediculous that the government finds it necessary for the children of these athletes to get $5,000 a month in order to live.

My wife grew up with her father providing a whopping $200 a month in child support, if he had the money.

Yep some truth to that certainly but had he and James Brooks and Francis acted like responsible fathers they wouldn't be shelling out $5k in the first place - something they should be able to pay easily if they managed their money correctly.

Francis and Brooks spent more $ on alcohol at bars every night than they ever did on their kids - if that isn't sad I don't know what is.

You'd think with these re-curring problems NFL players have that the league would come up with some sort of support program for ex-players to deal with the shock factor of no longer being in the game and having to adjust to the real world.

Just sad to see these guys reduced to this and their kids get nothing from a celebrity, millionaire father.

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well i wonder how much of a c*nt the ex's are. some guys just dont want their ex's to get money. who knows what all they got for the kids directly etc.

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well i wonder how much of a c*nt the ex's are. some guys just dont want their ex's to get money. who knows what all they got for the kids directly etc.

Nice language. I guess abiding by the law is too much to ask for some people.

Child support is based on a percentage of income, not necessarily how much someone's ex-wife asks for.

I can't believe people are so hard-up to look for an argument that they're defending deadbeat dads now.

If you can't pay your child support you are a LOSER and not much of a man at that, I don't care how "bitchy" someone's ex-wife is - it's your own fault for getting into that situation in the first place.

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I don't know much about Darnay's off-field life (and even less about his ex) but for things to go this far, they are certainly deserving of one another, and the kid(s) certainly deserve better.

And by the way, there are ways to make sure the money goes to the kid instead of the mother. Especially if you're actually involved in the kid's life. Don't want the school clothes money to go towards Mom's new hair-do? Take the kid shopping yourself. Pretend you're a parent.

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