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Hey guys, honestly I'm a huge Georgia Bulldog and Atlanta Falcon fan.

But after watching Pollack play the last 3 season for the Dogs I think I am as much of a David Pollack fan as a fan of either team.

That being said, i purposed that whomever drafted Pollack would become my 2nd favorite NFL Franchise. Getting Thurman was icing on the cake.

Shortly after the draft I decided that I would do a little further investigation into these Cincinnati bengals to confirm my loyalties.

I must say, I am very impressed with the talent on the roster. Especially the offensive side. Barring injury, it looks like you guys are firmly established at the offensive skill posistions for the next 3-4 yrs. (I think they are all signed for the next few years also.)

Carson Palmer backed up by the more than capable Jon kitna.

Rudi Johnson (i thought he was a stud at Auburn, figured he might run Cory out of town if he got the chance), With hopefully Chris Perry turning out to be quality back.

Maybe he could play Full back since I hear the coaching staff wants a complete back in terms of blocking and catching the ball. I've never actually seen Perry play, so thats all speculaton.

What happened to Peter Warrick? when he came out of Florida St. I thought he was going to be stud for sure. If you can keep him as a slot reciever, he should provide some serious matchup problems for nickel backs.

You guys got some young centers in the draft to take over for the aging Braham. And I think your set at the rest of the Oline for a while.

Defensivley, I looks like the D-line is solid but no real studs. Justin Smith is quality but hasn't had a "break out" type year yet. Hopefully you will be able to resign him in a year or two.

Line backers should be the strength of the D. Simmons has been one of the better backers in the leaugue for several years now, I believe Pollack is a future HoF (but hey, I'm biased), and between Thurman and Landon Johnson you've got quality at the other spots.

Secondary could be a weakness. It looks like Will demps and Tory James are getting a bit old back there (i don't know how well they actually play since I haven't watched the bengals latley). Are you happy with your starters here?

Please let me know if my synopsis is fairly accurate, and what other players/factors should I be looking for in the Bengals this season.

Also, GO BENGALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome to the club. We are a hard lot as fans, having lived through many bad years, but the good years seem to be returning.

Nice synopsis, but we don't have Will Demps in the DB, Deltha O'Neal, and I don't worry about our secondary all that much. A lot of Cincy's success (and I am assuming success for 2005) will be determined by how fast the D-Line gels and the LBs gel with the new blood in the front 7 and how well Bresnahan gets them to the play from the get go.

I think the offense has a chance to be monstrous.

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I liked you analysis.

As pointed out, we don't have Will Demp. We do have a few young DBs that I believe will step up this coming year i.e. -- Keiwan Ratliff, Florida, and Greg Brooks, Southern Mississippi being among them.

I believe our unresolved weakness could be at SS -- we'll just have to wait to see.

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Nice to see you here, Backerman. Welcome to the fold.

Our DBs are going to be just fine. Keiwan Ratliff, Madieu Williams, Deltha, Tory, Greg Brooks, Rashad Bauman and Reggie Myles. I was going to say something, but after looking at the list I think that it speaks for itself. :player:

Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often.

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

Again, nice to see you here.

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Welcome, and keep sending us your dogs! As far as I'm concerned, you can call 'em the Cincinnati Bengal Dogs...

Don't forget we also have Robert Geathers and Jeremy Thomas on the roster. Geathers is a lock to stick with the team, and Thomas has a chance to beat of the other Jeremi if he comes in out of shape a second year in a row.

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Welcome, backerman. Thanks for your honest assessment of Pollack and Thurman. The folks that have seen them play every week are the ones that truly know what these guys are made of and what to expect. Not the Mel Kiper's of the world.

A few years back, a business contact in Columbus warned me that the Bengals (and their fans) would be gravely disappointed in Dan Wilkinson's play. I told him there was no way....but he was right.

Thanks again for your insight and enjoy our playroom!

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Welcome to the club. We are a hard lot as fans, having lived through many bad years, but the good years seem to be returning.

Nice synopsis, but we don't have Will Demps in the DB, Deltha O'Neal, and I don't worry about our secondary all that much. A lot of Cincy's success (and I am assuming success for 2005) will be determined by how fast the D-Line gels and the LBs gel with the new blood in the front 7 and how well Bresnahan gets them to the play from the get go.

I think the offense has a chance to be monstrous.

Sorry I confused Kim Herring with Will Demps. I guess its a Baltimore Ravens thing.

And I can sympathise with suffering through poor seasons. The Falcons have NEVER had back to back winning seasons.

Believe me I'm pro Bengal now and I hope to see a Falcons vs Bengals Superbowl in the near future..

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Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often.

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

I will actually probabley spend a lot of time here. For some reason I can't register at the Falcons website for thier message board. its really irritating.

As far as Palmer being better than Vick......

I don't doubt that. I'm one of the few Falcon fans that isn't stuck up vicks but. I was heavily against the trade that brough Vick to Atlanta at the time. Sure he does the spectacular, but he is consistently a bad Quarterback.

He's got arm strength and accuracy that rank with any quarteback on the planet.

Problem is he can't read a defense and make good QB decesions. Teams have no fear of blitzing him because he can't make them pay to find the mismatch. Mentally he's behind. Of course it is his first year in the west coast offense and even steve yound said it takes 4 yrs to completley master, so I expect him to catch up. If his mind ever catches up with his body, he' be a real monster.

But the real reason I think we came out on the bottom end of that trade was injuries. He was hurt at Vtech and he's always going to be hurt as a Falcon. I expect him to have short career.

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Welcome, backerman. Thanks for your honest assessment of Pollack and Thurman. The folks that have seen them play every week are the ones that truly know what these guys are made of and what to expect. Not the Mel Kiper's of the world.

A few years back, a business contact in Columbus warned me that the Bengals (and their fans) would be gravely disappointed in Dan Wilkinson's play. I told him there was no way....but he was right.

Thanks again for your insight and enjoy our playroom!

On that note. i may post a topic with a very detailed analysis of Pollack with some thoughts on Thurman at a later time.

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Welcome backerman! Your lead-off post puts you ahead of a lot of Bengals fans (the Will Demps slip up aside :angry: ). Pretty good take -- especially noting that we do not, as yet, have a single face on defense that is the personality of the unit. Simmons has been my favorite Bengal for several years, but he's not the firey leader personality. Justin Smith has a pretty good fire burning, but has not performed up to his ability -- either because of lack of opportunity or just not getting it all together yet. I think Pollack and Thurman can bring in some of that toughness that we are lacking and I'm juiced up to see them getting after it in camp soon. As you note, the offense is solid and will be for the next 3 years. If CP can take the next step (or just play like the second half of last season) he's going to be getting Pro Bowl looks this year.

Anyway, always room on the wagon.

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Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often. 

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

I will actually probabley spend a lot of time here. For some reason I can't register at the Falcons website for thier message board. its really irritating.

As far as Palmer being better than Vick......

I don't doubt that. I'm one of the few Falcon fans that isn't stuck up vicks but. I was heavily against the trade that brough Vick to Atlanta at the time. Sure he does the spectacular, but he is consistently a bad Quarterback.

He's got arm strength and accuracy that rank with any quarteback on the planet.

Problem is he can't read a defense and make good QB decesions. Teams have no fear of blitzing him because he can't make them pay to find the mismatch. Mentally he's behind. Of course it is his first year in the west coast offense and even steve yound said it takes 4 yrs to completley master, so I expect him to catch up. If his mind ever catches up with his body, he' be a real monster.

But the real reason I think we came out on the bottom end of that trade was injuries. He was hurt at Vtech and he's always going to be hurt as a Falcon. I expect him to have short career.

Wow...you usually won't find a Falcons fan who would admit that CP will be better than Vick. I think that Vick definitely does amazing things, but CP is already a better passer at this point than Vick is...if Vick could get better as a passer, he would be unstoppable. Maybe that will come with learning the WCO and becoming more comfortable in that system.

And on top of liking Robert Geathers because he was a UGA Bulldog, you should also like him because his uncle was the last Wichita State football player to play in the NFL. I am from Wichita and attended WSU for a little while, so I am a freak for the Shockers. oh, and like him because he is one of our future defensive stars...not that I needed to add that :player:

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Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often. 

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

I will actually probabley spend a lot of time here. For some reason I can't register at the Falcons website for thier message board. its really irritating.

As far as Palmer being better than Vick......

I don't doubt that. I'm one of the few Falcon fans that isn't stuck up vicks but. I was heavily against the trade that brough Vick to Atlanta at the time. Sure he does the spectacular, but he is consistently a bad Quarterback.

He's got arm strength and accuracy that rank with any quarteback on the planet.

Problem is he can't read a defense and make good QB decesions. Teams have no fear of blitzing him because he can't make them pay to find the mismatch. Mentally he's behind. Of course it is his first year in the west coast offense and even steve yound said it takes 4 yrs to completley master, so I expect him to catch up. If his mind ever catches up with his body, he' be a real monster.

But the real reason I think we came out on the bottom end of that trade was injuries. He was hurt at Vtech and he's always going to be hurt as a Falcon. I expect him to have short career.

well i agree on your assessment except for one thing. vick is not accurate at all. i dont know how many times i saw him overthrow a receiver or underthrow them etc etc. he has great speed, athletic ability, strong arm, great tools...but his accuracy is very poor.

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Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often. 

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

I will actually probabley spend a lot of time here. For some reason I can't register at the Falcons website for thier message board. its really irritating.

As far as Palmer being better than Vick......

I don't doubt that. I'm one of the few Falcon fans that isn't stuck up vicks but. I was heavily against the trade that brough Vick to Atlanta at the time. Sure he does the spectacular, but he is consistently a bad Quarterback.

He's got arm strength and accuracy that rank with any quarteback on the planet.

Problem is he can't read a defense and make good QB decesions. Teams have no fear of blitzing him because he can't make them pay to find the mismatch. Mentally he's behind. Of course it is his first year in the west coast offense and even steve yound said it takes 4 yrs to completley master, so I expect him to catch up. If his mind ever catches up with his body, he' be a real monster.

But the real reason I think we came out on the bottom end of that trade was injuries. He was hurt at Vtech and he's always going to be hurt as a Falcon. I expect him to have short career.

well i agree on your assessment except for one thing. vick is not accurate at all. i dont know how many times i saw him overthrow a receiver or underthrow them etc etc. he has great speed, athletic ability, strong arm, great tools...but his accuracy is very poor.

Well, it may have more to do with arm strength than accuracy. But I have seen him fit a lot of balls into really tight spots.

I think its a combination of arm strength and accuracy that lets him do this. Scary thing is, I don't think he throws it to the right guy in those circumstances.

I'll compromise the point and say that his accuracy is inconsistent. Sometimes he'll stick it in a tight spot and make a great pass, other times he may over throw it. (usually earlier in games before he calms down. Like Farve used to do. I guess that happens to guys with rockets for arms).

I can't really assess Palmer because I have only seen highlights on sportscenter and what not. So I really can't argue either way which one will be better. I only think its safe to assume that Vick is a bigger running threat than Palmer.

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Pollack, Thurman, and Geathers all look to be big defensive producers for us, and they all happen to come from your favorite college team, so I hope that you come around to check on us often. 

Besides, CP will be better than Michael Vick :D

I will actually probabley spend a lot of time here. For some reason I can't register at the Falcons website for thier message board. its really irritating.

As far as Palmer being better than Vick......

I don't doubt that. I'm one of the few Falcon fans that isn't stuck up vicks but. I was heavily against the trade that brough Vick to Atlanta at the time. Sure he does the spectacular, but he is consistently a bad Quarterback.

He's got arm strength and accuracy that rank with any quarteback on the planet.

Problem is he can't read a defense and make good QB decesions. Teams have no fear of blitzing him because he can't make them pay to find the mismatch. Mentally he's behind. Of course it is his first year in the west coast offense and even steve yound said it takes 4 yrs to completley master, so I expect him to catch up. If his mind ever catches up with his body, he' be a real monster.

But the real reason I think we came out on the bottom end of that trade was injuries. He was hurt at Vtech and he's always going to be hurt as a Falcon. I expect him to have short career.

well i agree on your assessment except for one thing. vick is not accurate at all. i dont know how many times i saw him overthrow a receiver or underthrow them etc etc. he has great speed, athletic ability, strong arm, great tools...but his accuracy is very poor.

Well, it may have more to do with arm strength than accuracy. But I have seen him fit a lot of balls into really tight spots.

I think its a combination of arm strength and accuracy that lets him do this. Scary thing is, I don't think he throws it to the right guy in those circumstances.

I'll compromise the point and say that his accuracy is inconsistent. Sometimes he'll stick it in a tight spot and make a great pass, other times he may over throw it. (usually earlier in games before he calms down. Like Farve used to do. I guess that happens to guys with rockets for arms).

I can't really assess Palmer because I have only seen highlights on sportscenter and what not. So I really can't argue either way which one will be better. I only think its safe to assume that Vick is a bigger running threat than Palmer.

vick is the biggest running threat since cunningham, and even moreso than him.

i just dont like vick as a QB. i like him as an athlete, but running a team and reading a defense and making plays consistently he isnt there yet and i dont know if he will ever be well rounded as a QB - but i do agree he needs the ball in his hands.

ya even with a year under his belt we cant assess anything besides palmer has better touch on deep balls than vick. vick only usually completes passes less than 15 yards.

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Ron Mexico runs fast, because he has warts on his pecker. :P Just kidding. Vick isn't accurate, but is a fast runner. It really don't balance out, but I guess if that is what works for his team than it works.

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Scrambling QB's worked in the 80's and the early 90's some, but now they just get hurt. Vick just thinks he can do anything and needs to learn to use his scrambling abilities judicially and become a more effective passer, if nothing else so he doesn't continue to get hurt all the time. He isn't 6'5" and 250 pounds like Culpepper.

Palmer's really quiet and subdued, but there's nothing wrong with being level-headed and being professional - it'll get him far and already has. But he doesn't get the attention much like David Carr doesn't, although I think Palmer's going to be better than Carr easily.

If the Bengals have a healthy Warrick and Perry next season, their offense will be unstoppable - literally - and with some breaks anything can happen. Re-signing folks was key to building confidence that's been lacking here - best off-season moves the Bengals made were re-signing Rudi and TJ.

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He ran at the perfect time last year in Baltimore. I swear he heard me yelling at the TV to tuck that bad boy and take off.

His best run by far, was the 10 yard scamper against the Jets.

I was really impressed by that one.

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