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Jeremy Johnson


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Looking over that post I noticed Jeremy Johnson appears to have a free agent year coming up. I hope he's not having a repeat of last offseason. If so he's probably dressed up in his Hamburglar outfit hiding behind a tree outside of a McDonalds somewhere...That ain't good! I hope he takes his career and diet a little more seriously this offseason, because I really think he's a solid player and a big contributor to this offense and it would be a shame to see him waste a chance at some free agent money because he can't keep his azz in check..literally. I really don't think Marv would be quite as forgiving as he was last year with Jeremy's conditioning.

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ya hes our 3rd weakness on offense after te and interior line. he did have some good blocking late in the season though. He needs to lose a tad of fat and add some muscle/strength. if he doesnt have a solid year, he can walk...

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Looking over that post I noticed Jeremy Johnson appears to have a free agent year coming up. I hope he's not having a repeat of last offseason. If so he's probably dressed up in his Hamburglar outfit hiding behind a tree outside of a McDonalds somewhere...That ain't good! I hope he takes his career and diet a little more seriously this offseason, because I really think he's a solid player and a big contributor to this offense and it would be a shame to see him waste a chance at some free agent money because he can't keep his azz in check..literally. I really don't think Marv would be quite as forgiving as he was last year with Jeremy's conditioning.

So whats wrong with Mickey D's? That's about all that Chad eats, (There no accounting for taste is there? Even when you got crazy amounts of $$$, and live in a luxury crib and driving some dope wheels, old habits are hard to break! :wacko: ) and Marvin don't seem concerned about him! They do sell salad ya' know. Not to mention DIET Coke, which reminds me...

The other day I was getting in line at McDonalds to grab lunch, and unexpectedly got pulled into the gravitational field of a "full sized," "waistline challenged," or also known as a "big boned woman"! (pick your fav PC term there) She proceeds to order like 2 "Big Macs," a large order of "McNuggets," a "Big-n-Tasty" (which I found quite amusing because it matched the slogan emblazoned across the back of her XXXXXX-tra large T-shirt!) as well as 2 large orders of fries, with the obligatory cherry pie. The kid taking her order asked if she'd like a drink with that, and she said yes, also a large one. The better part of $20, so you get my drift

The cashier read back her order to her, but made the error of finishing the readback by just saying "large coke." Suddenly I felt a low, but growing vibration in the orbit I had stabilized in around her. Then with much loud indignation in her voice, she straightened the poor dude right out in front of God and everybody..."That better be a DIET Coke young man!! Like she was insulted or something!! :lol:

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Looking over that post I noticed Jeremy Johnson appears to have a free agent year coming up. I hope he's not having a repeat of last offseason. If so he's probably dressed up in his Hamburglar outfit hiding behind a tree outside of a McDonalds somewhere...That ain't good! I hope he takes his career and diet a little more seriously this offseason, because I really think he's a solid player and a big contributor to this offense and it would be a shame to see him waste a chance at some free agent money because he can't keep his azz in check..literally. I really don't think Marv would be quite as forgiving as he was last year with Jeremy's conditioning.

So whats wrong with Mickey D's? That's about all that Chad eats, (There no accounting for taste is there? Even when you got crazy amounts of $$$, and live in a luxury crib and driving some dope wheels, old habits are hard to break! :wacko: ) and Marvin don't seem concerned about him! They do sell salad ya' know. Not to mention DIET Coke, which reminds me...

The other day I was getting in line at McDonalds to grab lunch, and unexpectedly got pulled into the gravitational field of a "full sized," "waistline challenged," or also known as a "big boned woman"! (pick your fav PC term there) She proceeds to order like 2 "Big Macs," a large order of "McNuggets," a "Big-n-Tasty" (which I found quite amusing because it matched the slogan emblazoned across the back of her XXXXXX-tra large T-shirt!) as well as 2 large orders of fries, with the obligatory cherry pie. The kid taking her order asked if she'd like a drink with that, and she said yes, also a large one. The better part of $20, so you get my drift

The cashier read back her order to her, but made the error of finishing the readback by just saying "large coke." Suddenly I felt a low, but growing vibration in the orbit I had stabilized in around her. Then with much loud indignation in her voice, she straightened the poor dude right out in front of God and everybody..."That better be a DIET Coke young man!! Like she was insulted or something!! :lol:

You gotta watch out for those empty calories and excess sugar in regular Coke, ya know. Especially when you are trying to maintain that girlish figure.

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Hang on there guys, there could be medical reasonings for her need to reduce her sugar intake. Like Diabetes, or the fact that too much sugar may crystalise in her groinal region causing her clunge to become welded tightly shut and then impervious to the entry attempts of someone like our Mr.Broome after several too many pints on the weekend (C'mon Billy, admit it, you wanted her! You had been "reading" her T-shirt after all!)

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Hang on there guys, there could be medical reasonings for her need to reduce her sugar intake. Like Diabetes, or the fact that too much sugar may crystalise in her groinal region causing her clunge to become welded tightly shut and then impervious to the entry attempts of someone like our Mr.Broome after several too many pints on the weekend (C'mon Billy, admit it, you wanted her! You had been "reading" her T-shirt after all!)

Reading her T-shirt was the equivelent of standing at the base of a billboard, and trying to look directly up and see the whole thing without head movement. Ain't gonna happen! And about anaylizing the slogan on that shirt...I had no doubts there was truth in the advertisement of "Big". Tasty...I really think someone was streaching the truth to some degree on this! :rolleyes:

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Wow, you guys are rude...

...not every female is a sexy cat like me.  :lol: I love mcdonalds, but im too poor to afford it.

Damn, if you can't afford McDonald's, what the hell are you eating?

Top Ramen dude! Endorsed by nine out of ten "almost broke and still hungry students' in campuses nationwide! You can score 10 bags for a buck at the "Holla-Holla for a Dolla" stores. :rolleyes:

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Wow, you guys are rude...

...not every female is a sexy cat like me.  :lol: I love mcdonalds, but im too poor to afford it.

Damn, if you can't afford McDonald's, what the hell are you eating?

Top Ramen dude! Endorsed by nine out of ten "almost broke and still hungry students' in campuses nationwide! You can score 10 bags for a buck at the "Holla-Holla for a Dolla" stores. :rolleyes:

:lol: Youse a fool Billy.

Well, I take it back, man, has it been such a long time ago (hell no) that I graduated and can't remember those good ol days? :rolleyes:

But, I think yall missed my point.

McDonald's is cheap and convienant for a reason.

Its for people who are busy and don't have time to prepare meals, which in today's hectic world, is probably about 90% of us.

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:lol: Youse a fool Billy.

So I see you've too read my post in the other forum

2005 Super Bowl Matchup

about the upcoming 2005 Super Bowl game between the NFC's Arizona Cardinals going up against the AFC representative in our own Cincinnati Bengals! :rolleyes:

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Wow, you guys are rude...

...not every female is a sexy cat like me. :lol: I love mcdonalds, but im too poor to afford it.

Hey Not-Another, how can you tell what clan a Scotsman is from? Put you're hand up his kilt and if you feel a quarter-pounder then he's a MacDonald!

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Fat people like that really disgust me! I mean it's one thing to be fat if you have a medical condition or because of genetics..But if you're some fat sloth pounding down 20 dollars worth of McDonalds for lunch....Then you're a freagin disgrace! Get some freagin self respect and eat a salad fat azz! I have no pity for these individuals. If you're a fat azz because you gorge yourself like Jabba the Hut then don't give me you sob stories about you weight and come looking for pity...


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Oh you know I had to tap some of that "Monumentus Blubbious Gluetius!" It was the challenge of going "Where No Man Had Gone Before!"

BTW, she treated me just like she treated the first McRib sandwich she ever saw...slobber was all over everything! :lol:

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