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Bengals, most boring team so far?

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Ok, I know we have talked about this before, but I just can't believe how boring this off-season has been already. The Bengal's have to be the quietest team on the market making only minor moves. I know we are tight on money, but there are teams out there who are also tight on cash but they are making some moves. Everytime I go to the Bengals website i see they are after someone, but they are really old, or you never heard of them. It is sad to see that the Cardinals and the Clowns have more FA moves, and they are both terrible!!!No one wants to play for either one of those teams! IT is just sad to see Marvin Lewis, who is suppose to attract all of the big defensive guys, except he hasn't attracted any(except Carl Powell :wacko: ). Big name guys come here but we offer them like the league minimum contract. I swear if we don't get Jamie Sharper i will go insane. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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On the other hand we've managed to keep the team together, and with Marvins philosphy of building through the draft I wasn't expecting too much activity on the FA market.

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It is sad to see that the Cardinals and the Clowns have more FA moves, and they are both terrible!!!

Well, that's just it -- both are terrible. The Bengals have a number of weak points, but the only gaping hole is the run defense, and with Ferguson and Williams both snapped up, there's not much left we can do about it.

And that means we will likely come out the FA no better than we went in...and yeah, that does take some of the air out of my hopes for the kind of 10-12 win season we'll need to make the playoffs... <_<

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No team that overspends in free agency does well. Williams was too old to get big money, and Ferguson got over paid. We have depth at linebacker, so you can bet on Hardy getting release along with a couple of other guys. When other teams that have depth at the DT position makes their cuts we can add a DT or 2. Have faith in Marvin. This draft will add more defense and the young guys will start stepping up. Keeping this offense together will prove to be huge. 100% guarantee playoffs this year.

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No team that overspends in free agency does well.

I never said they had to over spend (and Williams did not get big coin; Ferguson was going to dallas or back to the jets so I'm not complaining about him). But if you look at the last two years, working the FA and trade markets has brought key players in, mostly notably James in 2003 and O'Neal in 2004. It takes a mix of strategies: in-house player improvement, the draft, and FA/trading to build a team, and the last two years have demonstrated that.

That said, it's still early. There are still a few players out there who could bring something to the team, one or two more possibilities could shake loose as other teams sign guys, and trades can always happen. So I'm not going apes**t yet.

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Look, I don't think the Raiders were smart for dumping $26 million at Lamont Jordon. Nor do I think the Cowboys are smart for spending like drunken sailors. However, how can anyone believe the team is "fine"? Last year our defense got b*tch slapped by every running back they faced. Tight ends pushed Justin "DUI" Smith off the ball, and our d-line in general had to be among the worst in football.

I HOPE that Askew or Geathers can step in this year and be a run stopper. But I also don't think the team can count on that happening.

If we sign no DT through free agency, then we are banking on the fact that a rookie like Cody or Johnson can plug the right side of the line. That is a hell of a gamble...it also prevents us from picking a guy like Mike Williams should he slide that far.

The Bengals are completely stagnant in the FA market and I believe it goes back to the "family"...not Marvin Lewis.

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I think it is because of the salary cap. We can all assume that Marvin knows defense (although this team hasn't showed it yet). Marvin said all last year that they have the talent, but guys weren't in the right spots and not just doing their job. That is why Les has been fired. Marvin believes that Chuck will light a fire under these guys ass's and with the young guys that are there and that will be added in the draft will be what is needed to shut down the run. Would you rather have Ferguson, but no Rudi and TJ?

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Relax guys, do you remember all the injuries we had. By halfway through the season the D we had on the field was not near the starting D during the preseason. With all the guys we lost there was a lot of young guys filling in. One of two awequate FA pickups, and a new draft is all it will take! Guys like Williams, Ratliff, L Johnnson, and Geathers recieved important experience and look for at least some of them to up their game to the next level this year. I can still remember when marvin was first hired and all I talked about was year three. Two years to build "his" team and now the pressure is on Marvin and co. to shine. This is the team he wanted and this is the team to end our longstanding playoff drought.

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Before Freeagency started they Bengals layed out their agenda. I think they are doing a good job so far. They said they wanted Rudi and TJ back and they did that. They are bringing in DT's and talking to Rich Bram's agent. They are looking at other players to improve the team. You can't fault them for not signing any big name guys because they never had a ton of money to do that anyway. Things are working out fine. By the end of freeagency I bet we get Rich Bram back and a medium priced DT.

And if your worried about the Cards and Clowns getting more players than the Bengals its cause they got the cash to do it.


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OK, let's see if we can get this straight . . .

BORING IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look, there were only three areas to address in free agency:

1) Resign TJ and Rudi.

Check . . . TJ signed a nice cap friendly deal according to the numbers on another thread. The Jordan contract screwed up a long term deal for Rudi around here, but at least employee 32 will be toting the rock for us in 2005.

2) Look into defensive line help especially at tackle.

There were only three linemen who are difference makers . . . Carter, Ferguson, and, oh hell, one more. Anyway they all signed for way too much money as is the case in early free agency.

3) Look into linebackers.

This is due to the number of injuries we suffered here last year. Hopefully we have waited out the big signings and a quality man can be had for a reasonable price. By this I mean Hartwell or Sharper. We have plenty of backups and special teamers. We could use a run stuffing starter to play strong side. I believe Hartwell is the guy and I'd love to see him in stripes. But not at the cost of cutting our depth at other positions.

This team is getting deeper as shown last year with having some continuity in the face of some devistating injuries. We simply don't have as many holes to fill and . .

THIS IS A GOOD THING!!!!!! (boring as it may seem :P )

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Ack . . . now we're following each other from thread to thread!!

Yes, we need a center, but I feel that should be reserved for the draft. There are a number that will be available in rounds two and three and I will be disappointed if we don't take one then.

The problem with free agency is that everyone is overpriced, so I think it's best to only go after the difference makers. Leave the rest of the team building to the draft.

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There are a lot more teams than you think that haven't done too much in fre agency. IMO, free agency is overrated. Look at the Skins, for crying out loud. Teams that make splashes early end up overpaying i.e. Ferguson, P. Williams, Kareem Mackenxzie (hugely overpaid), Henry. I actually don't think Jordan was that overpaid but that is another issue. IMO, the Bengals have a good enough nucleus that they can get by with some selective free agents later on and the draft.

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