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You guys are gonna put up lots of points next season, but I don't know that your D is straightened out yet.

Considering Marvin Lewis was known for his defense before he was an HC are you relying on that to improve your D through coaching?

Partially, but coaching can only do so much.

I think our D has a chance to be decent this year for two reasons:

1) Less injuries...we had quite a few defensive starters out last season.

2) More experience for the young guys...we had quite a few defensive rookies who will come on much stronger this year with a season under their belts...

That said, we could have injury problems again and our rookies may not come through as expected. We'll have to wait and see.

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well i think the whole guru crap is overated.

look at brian billick he;s an offensive genius apperently.....lotts good that 31st rated o does him.

now look at tony dungy... he;s a defensive guru a lot of good that Colts D does......

It's al about talent either ya got a ton of it or ya don't.

Now I'll admit Marvin will be able to coach these players up and get em to play well, but we don;t have the talent in out front 7 or in 1 of our safetiesto be a top D.

as soon as we fix 2 of these DT, DE, LB or SS were set to be a top 10 D.

I'm just a little pissed we let Takeo Go, i think we had a top 10 D like ever year he was here... with crap hole corners.

Imagine our D with takeo in the middle....man.

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You guys are gonna put up lots of points next season, but I don't know that your D is straightened out yet.

Considering Marvin Lewis was known for his defense before he was an HC are you relying on that to improve your D through coaching?

Having Ray Lewis or Greg Lloyd in their prime will make anybody look like a genius. But I have faith in Marvin. I think the fact that Les Frazier is gone speaks volumes to what he has in mind.

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